Sentences with phrase «post talked about me feeling»

My last post talked about me feeling creatively drained.

Not exact matches

There are two types of Athiests; Scientist athiests who shed no emotions talking about rational concepts or lack of proof; and Angry Athiests, whio consistently feel the need to mock other faiths, and post incessantly any time someone mentions the word God or Jesus.
I did however experience two weeks ago at our worship gathering (what I call it cause we do very little serving so doesn't justify the name worship service I feel) and I talked about that church you posted about once — the one where the biker is involved and the pastor leading the church out into their community — and turned it on our congregation asking, what can we do in our community?
Hell to me is eternally without the fellowship of God - imagine being next to someone who constantly talks about themselves and does nothing except things that benefit themself (sort of like the person who does good to make himself feel better in your previous post), with no cognizance of my existance - I would hate to be next to that guy for eternity, that would be hell!
Wow — your post really moved me because I can sense that there is something brewing within you and that is exciting.You are the second person this Lenten season to talk about feeling unsettled as if there is something else / more / different you should be doing.
For those of you feeling a bit bombarded by all my 3,000 - word blog posts for Mutuality Week, check out this fantastic, 5 - minute video of N.T. Wright talking about women in ministry.
Okay, this is like the 400th post in this series (sorry) but we're talking about what spiritual maturity looks like and why people say, «I'm not getting fed» and how if you're not feeling close to God or where you need to be spiritually, there's no way my 30 minute sermon can help you.
I think and talk about this subject a lot and I hope reading this post makes you guys feel happier and more comfortable with the concept of healthy eating and living.
(Feel free to delete this post after you read it) Because your posts talk in the third person, it's less personal and sounds as if an outsider watched you make things and then wrote a blog about it.
It brings out those feels I was talking about in this post — all the forest faerie adventures I crave.
I feel like I should be making all the pumpkin spice things right now and pumping out the fall vibes, but instead I'm talking about the strawberry almond biscotti that I was supposed to post about 2 months ago....
That being said I still wish I wasn't feeling a bit miffy today... Miss Polkadot recently posted... Food Talk Wednesday # 6: Out and about
This feels like a random combination of content for a post, but I'm pretty sure if I don't just talk about it all in one post, something will get neglected later... Yogi Clothing I was sent some great stuff by the company to try out and wear... and I want to show it to you!
This feels like a random combination of content for a post, but I'm pretty sure if I don't just talk about it all in one post, something will get neglected later...
as for a comment on the last post someone mentioned about josh kronke supposedly talking with wenger after everton (could have been spelling out what he / daddy demands for this season and beyond) i have got a funny feeling that the young fella is getting more involved in the footballing side of things than his dad as he more invoked in that side of thing in the american teams they own.
I feel super strongly about EC, and how amazing it has been for building trust in my relationship with our daughter... but I have never posted about it on social media or even talked about it with many of my friends.
SUNNY GAULT: And I should mention too, and at the bottom of the article it does talk about this, but they do have a GoFundMe site, so if this is, is really kind of tugging on your heartstrings and, and you want, you feel compelled to do something about it, you know, we'll post this link to our Facebook page, but you can also just google it.
Having a good old rant about Leo's bad behaviour, talking about things that are stressing me out or reading posts from happier days really makes me feel more positive.
I talked about how we don't want to overuse «no» in my last post because I don't want it to become a knee - jerk response when I'm feeling frustrated or angry.
This kind of inconsistency, is a sure sign that she is trying to «tell» me about these feelings, because I am the parent that uses the Hand in Hand parenting tools the most to build emotional safety (as I talked about in this post here.)
I don't make a public deal of it because a) it's no one's business and b) I do feel like people would give the side - eye for being weird — so I have read this post with interest since I feel like people don't talk about post-baby feeding but it has been a real stability for # 3 in a bonkers chaotic existence of being the third child.
As this great post explains, Roses and Thorns not only helps families connect, it encourages the proper expression of emotion — so that we talk about our feelings rather than eat them away...
And it might be easier to get that kind of support online: Posting about your weight loss journey on social media may feel less intimidating than talking about it IRL, points out Sherry Pagoto, PhD, co-founder of the UMass Center for Health and Social Media.
I'm talking about the more subtle comments on day - to - day posts, the number of «likes» (or lack thereof) and the more passive aggressive feedback that makes many of us feel the need to constantly showcase our good parenting moments online.
Back in December, she talked about another moment when she almost felt too insecure to post.
Ellie - you may have misunderstood that post, the writer talked of feeling the pinging, itchy sensation AFTER applying the magnesium, for about a month or so.
Since I talk a lot about focusing on lifestyle habits and eating habits that make you feel your best, is this something that you would want me to address in greater detail in future posts (or maybe videos?!)
I talked a little bit about this on a Facebook post yesterday, but I felt that it deserved its own blog post because it's pretty much my new favorite thing in the world.
Lately when I've been catching up on everyone's blog posts it feels as if the whole world is talking about the Nordstrom sale.
I mentioned it in this post last week, but I feel the need to talk about it again.
And you know what, I was honest about it, I shared my highs and lows with you, I started talking about my feelings more, I really ramped up my tips posts features which I had started in 2014, but now were something I really wanted to write about, to help and guide myself as much as to help and guide you.
I know I have been talking a lot about spring in the past few weeks in my inspiration posts, but I feel like I can almost justify it now: the high tomorrow here in D.C. is going to be in the 70s!
The posts on thin privilege, talking about snobbery, and why you should never feel guilty about food were also great reads.
In my 2 Months With A Capsule Wardrobe Post last month, I talked about feeling restricted by the rules and as a rebellious act going shopping way too much.
this post is not about that and i'll probably talk a lot about it later, but if you're interested in more information you can certainly ask me, or if you are feeling generous and want to donate — we listed information on our wedding registry on how to do that.
That, coupled with the fact that I also have a few clothing related posts I will be publishing later in the week if all goes as planned (including a set of reviews going up tomorrow), means I don't really feel much like talking about clothes today.
Whenever I put a beauty post together, I always feel like I need to talk about the past and my previous skin issues, so I'll just do a quick recap then link the other posts so you can read more about my experiences and treatments with acne and the scarring it has left behind!
What happened to the time?I felt like we were talking about the holidays for forevers, then once Thanksgiving hit, its been mad.I guess going to NY to visit the in - laws twice, a quickie NYC Anniversary trip and preparing my house for 13 people here for... View the Post
I feel as if making wishlists which you talked about in an earlier post does alleviate this in some way as it forces you to truly pare down what you want and why.
Reading your first words I felt as if you were talking about me... I post so few desserts, especially baked ones (but in my case, not only in the summer) and whenever I bake, it's usually nothing new, so nothing to post about.
Again, please feel free to post questions about this survey on the «Money Talk» page and I'll do my best to answer without compromising respondents anonymity.
The more I thought about this post, the more strongly I felt that bloggers should have an easy option for getting the «fresh eyes» I was talking about, even if they don't happen to have a ready connection with a fellow - blogger or a professional editor.
I've talked about health apps for travelers in a recent post; but I have stumbled upon a new app I feel is worth a mention.
If you have any questions or recommendations about specific topics to talk about please feel free to either email me or post in the comments section.
At a photo shoot with Post photographer Marvin Joseph, Washington museum directors talk together about their careers in the arts and how they feel about the term «women's leadership.»
Looking back at my post, I see I am talking about why people feel compelled to engage in civil disobedience, but not the effectiveness of those actions.
You're probably not following this thread anymore, but I wanted to say that I felt I was able to understand what you're talking about all the way through (which is a common experience with your posts).
And although it might feel good to get it all out at the time you write it, you never know when the person you're talking about will discover your site or have your post or tweet forwarded to them.
What is quite clear in the post, however, is that when people like Allison and myself are talking about «service» we are thinking in terms of hospitality: treatment... experience... how the customer FEELS dealing with you.
We can't help feeling that Samsung's recent blog posts are preparing us for the future: it recently talked about the progressive developments in smartphone cameras, most likely laying the ground for the next Galaxy.
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