Sentences with phrase «postdocs move into positions»

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Only a minority of the postdocs working in university labs have opportunities to receive high - quality training from eminent senior researchers, develop their own research ideas, gain experience in lab management and grant writing, acquire contacts and a publication record and, ultimately, move into a tenure - track position at a research institution.
For those postdocs with positions in industry or at national laboratories, the experience often provides a sound basis for moving into a permanent career.
Does this move postdocs into nontenure track positions?
Luckily, the facility where I am currently a postdoc has a non-tenure-track staff scientist position that my PI has agreed to move me into later this year.
Employment History: At some future date, you will move postdoc positions into your Education section, but most Science Careers readers will want to include them in the employment section so that their work history seems more substantial.
As I wrote in my first Next Wave article, I was deciding between continuing along the academic path — doing a postdoc and applying for faculty positions — and moving over into industry and accepting a research or management position there.
Inferring that faculty appointments in the biomedical sciences would be subject to the same trends, it is likely that UCSF postdocs move into faculty positions at a rate higher than the national average, and maybe far higher than some individual institutions.
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