Sentences with phrase «posted on another thread on»

Chris O'Neill, I've recently posted on another thread on this site the conclusions of a Workshop supported by the Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Greenhouse Office on «Pan Evaporation: an example of the detection and attribution of trends in climate variables» (22 - 23 November 2004).

Not exact matches

You post discussions to see how many people like and comment on the thread.
Athiests posting on this thread are about as relevant as PETA supporters posting on a «how to bake a roast» thread.
Lauren: I read the blog you refer to when you posted it on the other thread, about asking questions and not being satisfied with the answers.
Christians who are posting on this thread should choose their words just as wisely as if you were talking to someone in person.
Veritas tried to claim I was using the bible to prove the truth, however it is trivially easy to see that I never once on this thread quoted the bible on anything he probably did nt even read my post, it is just a stock response.
I will be posting a reply shortly... in fact... I challenge you to a duel... I agree that if I lose I will cease to post on this thread.
Actually, JD, your formula applies to almost every thread on any site; whatever the subject, the posts come in from all directions, with little to no concern for sticking to the point of the original article...
I pointed this out on the other thread and it is worth repeating here in line with your excellent post today.
I posted a script for Notepad + + on a different thread.
While you're at it, can you figure out why it is that, even when a post IS accepted, the system ends up returning the person to (i) the post itself, (ii) the top of the page on which s / he posted, (iii) the top of the next page, or (iv) the top of the last page of the thread.
I see your posts on the Gay American Conservativce ~ GAC threads.
I want you to know none of this was sarcastic, I'm very curious as to your toughts on this particular matter, because maybe, being as against the original post of this thread as you were, YOU could be the one making a slight shift in your perspective when all's said and done.
Often done by posting replies as new threads, thus eliminating context or be focusing on on a tangeant.
Look back through your posts on this thread, Chad..
I can make longer posts but I just love your ravings and railings thats y I'm on your thread.
But Donna if you have more information that you feel I should look at, please email it or just post it below, I am sure David has more space on this long thread which is proving to be a safe place for so many to tell their stories.
Anyway, of the first 574 comments on this thread, Julie posted 85 of them — 15 %.
I realize there has been an awful lot of justified anger and expression on this thread; still, I'll risk hitting the «post comment» button in any case.
Although by word volume this will seem more negative than my heart truly is, but as so many others more eloquently share, encourage and minister to Julie better than I ever could, I will leave the great 500 posts on this thread supporting Julie to speak for themselves.
I read through all the postings on this thread and checked back as the list grew.
If you read through the comment thread on this post you will get a taste of the length with which people have gone to protect the Emergent brand and do harm to Julie.
I've also been keeping up on this thread as best I can, and I just last night posted an article about some issues I see with Emergent.
I posted this link on another thread some time back, but I'll post it again, because it's relevant::
(I'll stop posting on this thread, now.)
I'll leave a comment on this thread with a link to my post on my blog.
I did post some articles on the Mormon threads I think but it wasnt from the New York Times.
Over the past couple days on this thread, dozens and dozens of posters have made essentiaally the same post — often word - for - word identicle — that Obama is a Muslim and wears a ring inscribed in Arabic that says «There is no god but allah».
Would love to continue this into the evening but, no way in heck am I going to respond / post to this thread on my PDA late into the night.
All this brings us back to some of the earlier posts on this thread: Instead of memorizing biblical verses and studying theological arguments, shut off the noise in your mind, and just listen.
«And if I have chosen the wrong God, even though there is only one then its my eternity not yours» You are quite right but remember you started this post thread, not us, you were the first to make a comment on how the godless would spend eternity.
There were days of hating of Christians post on that thread.
This crazy posts was suppose to be on another thread but it got put here when I hit the post button.
Allow me to pick out one common thread among the various posts today on this topic: Dr. Moore isn't much interested in whether he's actually an evangelical or not, pointing out that its meaning is largely contextualized.
Here's my latest list — this seems like a good spot to set this down, as nobody's posting much on this thread... ---- bad letter combinations / words to avoid if you want to post that wonderful argument: Many, if not most are buried within other words, but I am not shooting for the perfect list, so use your imagination and add any words I have missed as a comment (no one has done this yet)-- I found some but forgot to write them down.
Your need to hijack the point of this post and talk over everyone on the thread is why the point continues to be relevant.
I'm an engineer, I design and build things that help you live well enough to post on internet threads.
We have a picture of crazed hitler in the middle of the page and much of the posting on this comment thread are extremely hat.e.ful so actually the comment section is a very accurate portrayal of an ugly divisiveness that is part of our culture..
I'm officially done here with this posting on this thread.
Here's a comment from the thread below on my post on the last FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS.
I'm not going to fill my posts with sweetness and light when I can sure as hell bet that my views would be dismissed (and have been dismissed, see the recent debacle on the «toasted gay» thread) as prejudiced and ordered out of court, a priori, in an instant.
There was a post on one of these threads that went into the US Economy and world markets.
Going back to what started this most recent topic on this thread, the opinion on Proposition 8 from the shameless conservative which Daniel posted, I have to say that I think this guy is playing word games.
To answer your question, I disagree with some of what you wrote here, but rather than express that, in this instance I felt it better to share Paul's thoughts on some of the topics in your post and in the comments / thread as I thought that would be more helpful and more fruitful than my thoughts.
If the answer's already been posted, then you'll have no trouble posting it again, or cutting and pasting it, or giving the page number and thread on which that was done.
Funny how those who consider themselves of superior intelligence to me on this thread seem to only be able to post ad hom.
Take look at the time stamps on posts in this thread.
From what I understand, when a OP post is deleted, the answering replies on that thread all drop down to the last page of the article.
Possibly the most disingenuous and illogical post ever — and that's saying something, on these threads.
I think I have posted on this thread enough myself.
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