Sentences with phrase «postmenopausal hormone»

Women who used postmenopausal hormone therapy showed 81 percent increased odds, while aging raised the odds of developing breast cancer by 2 percent per year.
Dr Leander and her colleagues have now analysed data on postmenopausal hormone therapy from five Swedish cohort studies covering a total of 88,914 women, combined with data from national registries on diagnoses and causes of death during a follow - up period.
Women who use postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may be at increased risk of acute pancreatitis, found a new study in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).
â $ Hormone replacement therapy, also known as postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT), definitely increases your [breast cancer] risk,» says Julie R. Gralow, MD, the director of breast medical oncology at the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
Increased awareness was also associated with women with higher household incomes, women with higher education, women who had received a diagnostic evaluation after a mammogram and women who received postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Recall the large experiment on the female population known as the «Women's Health Initiative Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Trials».
You Don't have to have Periods to Have Postmenopausal Hormone Balance It is very true that postmenopausal women do not want to be mimicking pregnancy by using high doses of bioidentical hormones continuously, without a break, and Somers and Schwarzbein make a good case for this in The Sexy Years.
Researchers warn that women using postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy could have an increased risk of severe asthma attacks needing hospitalisation.
Interactions of coffee consumption and postmenopausal hormone use in relation to breast cancer risk in UK Biobank, Cancer Causes and Control, published online.
This is the first study to directly examine the hypothesis that the cardiovascular effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy vary with the timing of hormone therapy initiation.
This association was similar across subgroups of women, including by age, smoking status, hypertension, postmenopausal hormone therapy, and oral contraceptive use.
The article, «Menopause and postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of hearing loss,» details the largest study to date that examines the independent relations between menopause and postmenopause use of HT and risk of self - reported hearing loss.
«Early use of postmenopausal hormone therapy may prevent heart disease: Findings suggest that after decades of research regarding effectiveness of hormone therapy on heart disease, timing may be everything.»
Postmenopausal hormone therapy is not associated with increased risk of stroke, provided that it is started early, according to a report from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the journal PLOS Medicine.
There was no statistically significant association between endometrial cancer and age at first and last live birth, age at menopause, and postmenopausal hormone use.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy with conjugated equine estrogens (CEEs) was not associated with overall sustained benefit or risk to cognitive function when given to women ages 50 to 55 years, according to a new study from Wake Forest Baptist medical Center.
Further adjustment for smoking status, alcohol use, exercise, total calorie intake, and postmenopausal hormone therapy did not materially attenuate these associations between magnesium intake and CRP and E-selectin.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy and risk of idiopathic venous thromboembolism: results from the E3N cohort study.
In women, risk estimates were also adjusted for use or nonuse of postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Model adjusted for age, race, baseline BMI, randomized treatment, nonalcohol energy intake, physical activity level, smoking status, postmenopausal status, postmenopausal hormone use, multivitamin use, history of hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, and intake of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, refined grains, red meats and poultry, low - fat dairy products, high - fat dairy products, energy - adjusted total fat, carbohydrates, and fiber.
This current article is subject to the statistical errors as eloquently enumerated & discussed most recently by S Shapiro PhD (U of Capetown) regarding the UK «Million Women's Study»; about the use of postmenopausal hormones, the subsequent development of breast cancer, and the correct statistical approach.
Canonico M, Fournier A, Carcaillon L, «Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy and Risk of Idiopathic Venous Thromboembolism: Results From the E3N Cohort Study,» Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology.
Compared with women who did not use multivitamins, multivitamin users were more likely to have a postsecondary education, have a history of benign breast disease, be nulliparous, and to have used oral contraceptives and postmenopausal hormones, but they were less likely to smoke (Table 1).
Mammographic breast density and breast cancer risk by menopausal status, postmenopausal hormone use and a family history of breast cancer
Adjusted for age, education, family history of breast cancer, history of benign breast disease, parity, age at first birth, age at menarche, age at menopause, oral contraceptive use, postmenopausal hormone use, BMI, physical activity, smoking, calcium supplement use, and alcohol intake.
Depo - Provera is the only contraceptive in this country that contains Prempro, the same progestin as the postmenopausal hormone therapy bill.

Phrases with «postmenopausal hormone»

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