Sentences with phrase «posts about this book»

We created one right away for my newest book, «The No B.S. Guide to Direct Response Social Media Marketing,» #NoBSsm and included it on all of our social media posts about the book and throughout the month of the book launch.
I recently wrote a post about a book I really liked called America's Bank, by Roger Lowenstein.
Some of the contributors have written posts about this book as well.
You know better than to read blog posts about your book.
Post about the book release or quotes from the book on Facebook or Twitter.
Post about the book release or share quotes from the book on Facebook or Twitter.
I promise not to make every post about the book.
Then, on a particular date, we will all start writing posts about the book, linking to each other's blogs, and interacting with each other about the content of the book.
We will begin to write posts about this book near the end of October.
No, this is not another post about the book of Job, but instead about a place of employment.
I posted about your book on my blog ( I'm actually giving away 2 copies
I'll keep you posted about that book as I learn more.
As I've thought about what to say about this book, I've decided I'm going to write up an entirely separate post about this book, so I won't say too much at this point.
Thank for posting about this book!
I mentioned it in this week's post about the books I've read recently, but I was seriously inspired by Hal Elrod's book The Miracle Morning to become a morning person once and for all.
However, in a recent blog post about his book at the Washington Post, Willingham pointed out that, by all available evidence, «most study time in elementary grades is devoted to English Language Arts and math, with other subjects (science, civics, geography et al.) accounting for perhaps ten or fifteen percent of instructional time.»
Therefore, as an author, creating a social media fan page, your own posts about your books, and other content related to your work, is one of the best things you can do online, when trying to promote the book.
These can be valuable for finding new readers and getting people to spend a lot of effort in creating a post about your book, but the traffic you earn from something like this is proportional to how good the blogs are that you are signing on with.
(Read our earlier post about this book.)
I emailed my launch team to prod them along, and posted about the book on a few facebook groups.
You can piggyback on those that do by paying book promotion sites to tweet and post about your book for you.
So we interrupt those boring posts about books and publishing and pricing and stuff to bring you what really matters....
I Love This Post about Book Printing!
Remember to post about your book's release on your blog and throughout your social media platform.
They range in topics from the technical details a self - publisher faces to questions about formats and pricing your book, and then posts about book marketing and book distribution.
: Once your book is available to order, you can start to include posts about your book.
We will write 1 post about your book with purchase link on our Each Facebook channel to increase your Facebook presence.
This group is hosted by Body and Soul Publishing but Christian authors and readers are free to post about books that are free either via a promotion or giveaway, etc..
3) DO N'T post about your book on message boards or in Goodreads groups until you've read and understood the group rules.
There's another big bump after my friend Marteeka Karland posted about the book in her reader newsletter, which is about five times the size of mine, subscription-wise.
So if you go into it thinking «I'll just boost my post about my book for $ 100 and see if it sells something», you're bound to be disappointed.
I just wrote a pretty long post about book cover design on my blog and figured some things out.
In my post about book pirates and plagiarism, I mentioned that book bloggers and reviewers are now more wary of debut authors, especially those who are self - published.
I'm also making a point to share promotional posts about my book a few times a week.
His worst experience was a response from a post about his book.
Having a small group of people all posting about your book in the lead - up to the launch helps to generate a wave of social proof and anticipation.
So here we have a promotional post about a book launch.
-LSB-...] my post about book pirates and plagiarism, I mentioned that book bloggers and reviewers are now more wary of debut authors, especially those -LSB-...]
Being a book blogger means you work with authors, posting about their books, interviewing them, reviewing their books - the whole nine yards.
1) authors that have the same target audience as you and 2) book reviewers / bloggers / bookstagramers that post about books within your genre.
We will create and send out a series of tweets / posts about your book through our established channels.
Don't make the post about your book but about a problem readers might have and how to solve it.
In a recent blog post about his book trailer, Steven Johnson wrote: «I have to admit when the good folks at Riverhead mentioned that they were working on an animated video promoting Where Good Ideas Come From, I wasn't fully convinced it was going to be worth the effort.»
So yesterday, I was happy to see a long and thoughtful post about the book at You've GOT TA read this!
I use them when I post about my books, especially on Google +.
We've previously written about how partnerships can lower your publishing costs, but after having interviewed bestselling author Tom Morkes for our podcast, we knew that a blog post about book crowdfunding would be of benefit to first - time or veteran authors hoping to find additional income sources, too.
Please ensure all your information is correct, this info will be used as is to create the post about your book.
I'm busily extending my author platform on a daily basis, signing up to forums and groups here, posting about my books there.
While you should undoubtedly post about your book, request reviews, etc., you need to be more creative than writing what amounts to a boring ad.
Please note at the time I post about a book on the blog being free, it is free for everyone.
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