Sentences with phrase «postsecondary credit»

Students who meet or exceed established exam cut scores earn postsecondary credit.
The district must offer at least one such course in the next academic period and must continue to offer at least one accelerated or advanced academic course for postsecondary credit in later academic periods.
Offer the opportunity, where appropriate, for secondary students to acquire postsecondary credits.
Originally targeted toward high - achieving students looking to challenge themselves with college courses and earn postsecondary credits while still in high school, dual enrollment has come to be seen as a transition strategy that can help keep all students engaged in school, save them money on college tuition and fees, and ultimately shorten their time to degree.
But securing any sort of postsecondary credit for academic work done in high school means that the College Board (and anyone else devising «early college» strategies) must produce courses that resemble those that the students would otherwise take in college.
Dual enrollment opportunities allow high school students to earn postsecondary credit by enrolling in and successfully completing a postsecondary course either on the college or high school campus or virtually.
A district must offer an accelerated or advanced academic course for postsecondary credit if one or more pupils requests such a course under this subdivision.
By collecting both in - state and national data, convening working groups, and engaging a broad group of stakeholders and subject matter experts, Parthenon find that a minimal additional per - pupil investment could yield vast returns by reducing the cost of higher education and enabling students to earn postsecondary credit before completing high school.
Past NRCCTE - affiliated research (Karp et al., 2007; Kotamraju, 2005) has found positive effects for the impact of dual enrollment programs on student outcomes, including higher rates of postsecondary enrollment, higher grade point averages at the postsecondary level, higher rates of persistence in postsecondary education, and more postsecondary credits earned.
The International Baccalaureate diploma Programme provides high schools students the opportunity to receive postsecondary credit while still in high school through course completion exams.
Students enrolled in these courses receive postsecondary credit.
College and career preparation programs and opportunities for postsecondary credit.
The program links CTE programs with TCAT instruction, creating more opportunities for high school students to earn postsecondary credit while in high school, better aligning TCAT curriculum with instruction, and identifying options for transitioning the programs fully to postsecondary.
Students dually enrolled earn both high school and postsecondary credit.
Three years after high school graduation, students who had participated in dual enrollment courses in high school had earned higher college GPAs and more postsecondary credits than their peers.
Educators often label students «college» or «career» bound based upon their academic performance and interests, which limits some students» access to postsecondary credit for coursework.
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