Sentences with phrase «potential advances»

Even though potential advances are great, the decision to use animals is something that no researcher takes lightly.
«I'm excited by potential advances in pharmaceuticals that microgravity could lead to,» he told Space News in June.
The innovative nanotechnology uses non-biodegradable plastic grocery bags to make «carbon nanotube membranes» — highly sophisticated and expensive materials with a variety of potential advanced applications including filtration, sensing, energy storage and a range of biomedical innovations.
There are huge opportunities to be had for authors to both increase readerships and make money from potential advances and on - going royalties in foreign territories (not to mention publishing in different formats, TV and Film, media rights, permissions and so on).
By enshrining in law the anti-GMO arguments of environmentalists about Bt eggplant, and rejecting science and reason in the process, the Phillipine Court of Appeals has placed in real jeopardy one of the most important potential advances in agriculture and human health since the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 70s.
These findings suggest that preschool children with high levels of disruptive behavior may show abnormal brain activity during certain self - regulation sub-processes, informing potential advances in conceptualizing and treating early disruptive behavior.
A change of Minister to Sussan Ley brought hope for potential advances in health policy.
This represents a potential advance in cancer immunotherapy, which has so far found the greatest success in treating «liquid» tumors associated with blood cancers.
It's a very exciting time because of the potential advances to target cancers other than leukemia.
It's true, moreover, that these potential advances aren't yet close to routine clinical use — and some might not get there at all.
Another potential advance for women's health is underway in Padbury's COBRE for Perinatal Biology, where Surendra Sharma, professor (research) of pathology and laboratory medicine, and the research team have helped to identify an apparent role for clumps of misfolded proteins in the disease preeclampsia.
Chronicling a potential advance by a team of Canadian scientists, one newspaper account warned readers: «Hold your nose and don't spit out your coffee.»
For non-fiction, a super idea on its own could be enough to get a deal even with a small platform, but the chances (and potential advance) go up along with the size of your platform... (lots of authors hope to trad publish because they DO N'T have a platform, but you actually need to build one yourself.)
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