Sentences with phrase «potential anxiety»

Effective transition support and planning can enhance the educational experience of the child and help reduce potential anxiety.
If your cat is healthy, then we have to analyze his environment, your lifestyle and potential anxiety issues, which may all be factors that motivate your cat not to use his litter box.
Specify five potential anxiety treatment pitfalls and learn evidence based approaches to avoid or correct them.
Even if she's already had an evaluation, it sounds like it would be appropriate to do an assessment to see if she has a potential anxiety disorder.
... A decrease in the frequency of laboratory monitoring for some patients could help to decrease health care spending and potential anxiety - provoking blood sampling,» the study concludes.
And that «patient burden» — caused by tests carried out, stress, and the potential anxiety associated with being diagnosed before symptoms appear — should also be taken into account.
Having lived on a reservation himself, this leader was aware of the potential anxiety or fear that families often feel when a family member travels far from the reservation.
Fabric and stitches do not cede to painted elements, and the overall effect is one of materials acting out and asserting themselves, yet the final work gives a sense of holistic embodiment, wrangled from the potential anxiety of fragmentation.
Yet the final work gives a sense of holistic embodiment, wrangled from the potential anxiety of fragmentation.
Factors include, the length of time the child used a certain surname, the identification of the child as a member of a family unit, the potential anxiety, embarrassment, or uneasiness the child might experience if the child bears a last name dissimilar from his or her custodial parent, and, if applicable, the child's expressed preference for a particular parental surname.
Potential anxiety, embarrassment, or discomfort that may result from having a different surname from that of the custodial parent;
As play therapists, we can work with parents to help them find a clear explanation that helps soothe their child's potential anxiety and helps minimize apprehension.
Large crowds of people, overwhelming amounts of information, small spaces, and public speaking are just some potential anxiety triggers.
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