Sentences with phrase «potential appeal»

As a company that essentially sells people digital access to movies and TV shows, it has huge potential appeal worldwide since just about everyone watches movies or TV shows.
For a very niche book, the media we contact may be limited, but for books with extensive and general potential appeal, we contact many, many contacts and outlets.
You mention renewable portfolio standards but don't mention a «clean energy standard» — which appears to have wider potential appeal given that it includes nuclear power and natural gas.
«This is a way that would respect the concerns of all people and it is much more efficient than what would happen otherwise which is British Columbia having to go to a court in British Columbia, then potential appeals, then potentially to the Supreme Court,» Singh told a news conference in Ottawa.
A credit - card reader to compete with Square could help Amazon bridge the gap between online and local retail, but from a consumer perspective, the item in the project pipeline with the most potential appeal is a new Kindle Paperwhite.
But the failures of the ordinances have certainly causing a few places to take a closer look at their BSL and consider potential appeals — just like Oak Harbor, WA did.
State agrees that augmented reality games have huge potential appeal.
This involves searching for available content of potential appeal, interpreting and synthesizing it and presenting it in a desired format for consumers.
Pawlenty's potential appeal was that he was more authentic than Romney on policy, and a more realistic alternative than the other right - of - Romney candidates.
However, I believe this overstates his chances and underestimates the potential appeal of Goldsmith
No word yet from the Democrats about a potential appeal.
A Cuomo spokesman said the Executive Chamber was still examining its options regarding a potential appeal.
There might still be work to be done in fleshing out the ideas behind Dauntless, as it shifts through various alpha stages on PC, aiming for a fuller release later this year and with an eye on consoles in future, yet the potential appeal is clear to see.
But it's not hard to fathom the potential appeal of such an approach in an affluent community, where the vast majority of children read at grade level, graduate, and attend college.
A spokesman for Students Matter said the organization is reviewing its options with its lawyers regarding a potential appeal.
We're able to consider a book's potential appeal to readers from many different angles — subject, genre, setting, theme, style — and find links that cover a range of titles that are both broad - reaching and specifically targeted to readers» interests.»
Selected on the basis of each book's proven or potential appeal and value to teens, the 84 titles, published from late 2002 through 2003, span a variety of subjects as well as a broad range of reading levels.
Designed to aid Young Adult librarians with graphic novel collections, the list presents graphic novels published in the past 16 months, selected for proven or potential appeal to the personal reading tastes of teens.
Selected on the basis of each book's proven or potential appeal and value to young adults, the titles, published from late 1997 through 1998, span a variety of subjects as well as a broad range of reading levels.
I would have voted for The Contender, but I suspect the winner would have been The Outsiders, the award committee doubtless citing a requirement stipulated in the award's definition that the book must have «proven or potential appeal to a wide range of teen readers.»
It signifies that a disinterested party (i.e., not your mom or spouse) believes enough in the book's potential appeal that it is willing to put its own money into the project.
The work cited illuminates the teen experience and enriches the lives of its readers through its excellence, demonstrated by compelling, high - quality writing and / or illustration, the integrity of the work as a whole, and its proven or potential appeal to a wide range of teen readers.
LULU TITLESCORER — A great little tool to get some insight on the potential appeal of titles you may be considering for your next book.
Despite Viking's sold - out itineraries, Don Baasch, owner of Las Vegas - based LastCallCruises, seemed less certain about the potential appeal of combined ocean / river sailings.
Even at that early stage, they saw the potential appeal that art direction could add to the game, they identified that publishers would probably want to port to other platforms, and they hired an agent to represent them in their business deals.
In so doing, it broadens the scope of the music of Monaco and widens its potential appeal.
«I predict that it will become one of the iconic pieces in the garden,» Viso said, comparing the bird's potential appeal to that of «Spoonbridge,» the site's centerpiece by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen.
A lead engineer from the Department of Energy whose team is testing fuel cell cars said in 2011 that the potential appeal is that «these are full - function vehicles with no limitations on range or refueling rate so they are a direct replacement for any vehicle.
Between the time when Palmer suggested that confidentially would be the excuse (May 27th) and the denial (June 3rd), Phil Jones would close the door on any potential appeal.
A spokesman for Ontario's attorney general said his office will be reviewing the decision carefully and will consult federal colleagues regarding a potential appeal.
At the very least, you can work to maintain a good record for a potential appeal.
The Solicitor General argued that § 314 (d) should be read to preclude all appeals from a decision whether to institute review, not just a potential appeal of a refusal to institute.
While we largely agree with the court's decision, we also offer some constructive commentary in anticipation of a potential appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Together, they discuss the ruling in Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., explore fair use, review the case, evaluate the Authors Guild's potential appeal and analyze how this landmark ruling will impact the book industry and the general public of readers.
For those who want an opinion on a discrete legal issue, such as the viability of a potential appeal.
The DB Mortgages v Jacobs Solicitors case is now subject to potential appeal, which could take place in summer 2017.
«a decision made by a judge in the potential appeal could expand the definition of copyright to include «style» or «feel» — what the lawyers of Thicke and Williams claim is all that is similar between the two songs.»
And that's also part of the potential appeal for SharpestMinds among students, and one that hopefully gets applications in the door, Jeremie Harris said.
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