Sentences with phrase «potential appointees»

"Potential appointees" refers to individuals who are being considered or nominated for a particular role or position, but they have not been officially appointed yet. Full definition
Because of my participation on this blog, which bears the name conservative (albeit postmodern), I have evidently not yet made it on the list of potential appointees to the Obama team.
As state legislators plan to start interviewing potential appointees to replace former Attorney General Eric Schneiderman next week, the State Democratic Party is also considering how to address the vacancy.
Hall, the legislature's clerk, wrote the Times Union in an email that «the county is currently evaluating potential appointees to the board in order to establish a more regular meeting schedule.»
«It's a tough time to be joining,» Knight said during her appearance in front of Lander's committee, which is tasked with vetting potential appointees to several commissions.
The judicial council forwarded to Governor Parnell the names of two potential appointees for the supreme court vacancy created by Justice Morgan Christen's move to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
The Mirror also adds Juventus» Massimiliano Allegri, Monaco's Leonardo Jardim and Celtic's Brendan Rodgers to the list of potential appointees.
In the meantime, the Democratic committee can decide on a potential appointee it wants and send that name to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has the power to fill the job.
After a merit - based process, a list of potential appointees is then provided to the responsible Minister for approval.
Further, the federal attorney - general makes appointments to the courts without adequate consultation about the suitability of potential appointees.
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