Sentences with phrase «potential as a bodybuilder»

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Because of this, most bodybuilders aim to eat a high - protein whole food meal as soon as possible after finishing their workout or consume various types of protein - enriched shakes in an attempt to use the full potential of the post-workout nutrition window, and that habit undoubtedly helps them stimulate better growth and accelerate muscle recovery.
Besides helping you reach your maximum potential as a lifter, leg training will absolutely help you — no, FORCE you — to build that famed mental toughness bodybuilders often are credited for.
In fact, I'm amazed with all demonstrations of human potential — how ultra-endurance athletes do what they do, I don't know, but it leaves me in awe the same way as seeing Olympic lifters or powerlifters move ponderous amounts of iron or elite bodybuilders build superhuman amounts of mass.
Keep in mind, I am a natural pro bodybuilder and rates of muscle gain and loss may be faster or slower depending upon genetic potential; however, I hope this provides an example of continual progress as a result of consistency over a long period of time:
If you tell someone you're a bodybuilder, or you even look like a stud bodybuilder, the immediate reaction is «yeah, totally gorilla thick» in terms of muscle (or potential muscle) anyway, but moreover, tragically, you are perceived as mentally (dumbo) thick.
Our goal as competitive bodybuilders is to find approaches that allow us to improve every time we step onstage, yet also last long enough to reach our genetic potential in the sport.
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