Sentences with phrase «potential bias due»

Why it is important to know who did this research is because we can better remove the potential bias due to financial or political gain.
Study limitations include potential bias due to nonrandomized design.
In contrast to previous studies of access to care in Massachusetts that have relied on patient surveys, which the authors say may be subject to potential biases due to patient recall or other factors, the new study is one of the few to rely on objectively measured outcomes and was based on nearly every hospital admission occurring in Massachusetts and the comparison states for nearly two years before and two years after the reform was implemented.

Not exact matches

Another great thing about the Forex market is that you have more of a potential to profit in both rising and falling markets due to the fact that there is no market bias like the bullish bias of stocks.
The strengths of the study include the ability to compare outcomes by the woman's planned place of birth at the start of care in labour, the high participation of midwifery units and trusts in England, the large sample size and statistical power to detect clinically important differences in adverse perinatal outcomes, the minimisation of selection bias through achievement of a high response rate and absence of self selection bias due to non-consent, the ability to compare groups that were similar in terms of identified clinical risk (according to current clinical guidelines) and to further increase the comparability of the groups by conducting an additional analysis restricted to women with no complicating conditions identified at the start of care in labour, and the ability to control for several important potential confounders.
«This finding shows that these effects aren't just due to more odious criminals advertising their malice through their faces but, rather, suggests that these really are biases that might mislead people independent of any potential kernels of truth,» say Wilson and Rule.
The vegetarian community is quick to dismiss saturated fat data due when there is potential dairy industry bias, so their embrace of this study, though not unexpected, is rather hypocritical.
The authors indicate that a potential recall bias can not be excluded due to the miscarriages and the controls being respectively interviewed late after their miscarriages and before the delivery.
Of 2,666 students in the original SCSF sample, the researchers obtained information for 2,637 students, or 99 % of the cohort, «greatly reducing the potential for bias due to attrition from the evaluation,» they note.
My own research has suggested the potential importance of reference bias due to differences in school climate, leading me to caution in this series against proposals to incorporate survey - based measures of non-cognitive skills into high - stakes accountability systems.
In view of the compelling US and global evidence that both sensible and nonsensical strategies outperform for the same reasons (value and small - cap biases), the authors conclude that potential investors would do well to base strategy selections largely on a comparison of explicit and implicit implementation costs due to portfolio turnover.
Potential population bias due to intermediate SS being more likely to be referred than very low or very high SS
Throughout their review, the scientists reaffirmed the obstacles of drawing any sweeping conclusions, due to uneven representation of various energy sources in the existing literature, and due to potential biases.
As you mentioned gravity changes due to many causes, also orbital drift and large guesses with potential biases make the estimates of total ice volume have very large error bars.
As gases are evenly distributed in the atmosphere (ignoring very heavy or very light gases which biases the altitudinal distribution in the atmosphere), the potential for warming due to CO2 should be the same at all latitudes.
As policy makers contend with deve - loping responses to climate change and its impacts in Alaska and beyond, it is imperative that the use and interpretation of scientific studies to support policy development minimizes any potential for bias by giving due consideration to the methodsused to estimate temperature change.
Also, we used objective approaches to quantify neighbourhood attributes that allowed us to partially control for potential reverse causality due to depressed individuals tending to exhibit negative cognitive bias resulting in negative thoughts and perceptions.65 Residential self - selection bias is likely to be a trivial source of reverse causality in this study because Hong Kong's high levels of population density (6760 people / km2) and low percentage of developed land (less than 25 %) 66 limit most residents» choice of accommodation and 37 % of Hong Kong older adults live in public rental housing.67 Given the satisfactory response rate and the level of similarity in depressive symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics of participants recruited from two types of recruitment centres, the findings from this study are likely to be generalisable to the population of Chinese Hong Kong older adults matching the study eligibility criteria and other populations of older adults living in similar ultra-dense metropolises of Southeast Asia.
Due to the nature of gathering online data, it is difficult to compare the respondent group to a subsample of non-respondents to manage the potential of non-respondent bias.
One of the potential limitations of this longitudinal study is attrition bias due to eligible teens (with driving experience) who dropped out before wave 5.
We did not do direct comparisons on measures between countries or treat country as a between subject variable due to potential differences in scale interpretation, response bias, or subtle differences in survey translation.
While the depression distortion bias hypothesis argues that depressed mothers over-report problems in their children due to their «depressive schema» (Richters 1992), the competing accuracy theory claims that depressed mothers are accurate reporters due to their heightened awareness of potential problems in their children (Fergusson et al. 1993).
Due to potential social desirability bias in reporting parenting behavior, only a youth - report instrument was developed.
Then, weighting adjustments are frequently used to reduce the potential for biases that may be present due to incomplete frame coverage and survey nonresponse — both inherent in all telephone surveys.
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