Sentences with phrase «potential comes from within»

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When we understand human nature as the pinnacle and goal of material development it all appears to come to nothing, or at least to frustration, without an end in God - and that quandary can not be answered from within the categories and potential of created being.
Both cards have the potential to exert the kind of positive influence on your score that could easily have you seeing 700 and higher within the next few months and have you well on your way to that lower - rate refi a year from this coming July.
A couple of years ago CSIRO came up with an evaluation of solar energy potential for Oz that basically said we could supply Australia's eletrical needs, cheaply, cheaper initial outlay than nuke by lots, 24 hours per day, with existing technology within a handful of years from then.
from the side come with a long list of potential damages, both to the vehicles involved and to the individuals within them.
Collisions from the side come with a long list of potential damages, both to the vehicles involved and to the individuals within them.
At the time, Rubin said the Essential Phone would ship to potential customers within 30 days of the announcement, though that came and went without much word from Rubin or Essential.
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