Sentences with phrase «potential cost of a lawyer»

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Family lawyers should explore with every client the potential for reconciliation and the comparative costs and benefits of staying married or obtaining a divorce.
«Yesterday, lawyers for the website filed a motion to quash a subpoena filed on behalf of a cancer researcher who claims that PubPeer comments noting potential image irregularities in his publications cost him a lucrative new job.
Such are the potential financial consequences for the client and / or solicitor of not having some expert input at the costs management stage and the further time demands created by budgeting, costs lawyers have quickly re-skilled to become an integral part of a solicitors» practice, whether in - house or still on an outsourced basis.
The proof of that future loss is sometimes a difficult task and usually involves medical assessment and / or actuarial assessment); d. past care cost (if you have spend money for your medical care that was made medically necessary owing to ICBC motor vehicle accident injury then you can expect to collect a sum of money equivalent to those reasonable treatment and medication costs please ensure that you keep the receipts and seek prior medical approval to eventually prove this loss); e. future care costs (if you will suffer repeated medical expenses in the future owing to your motor vehicle accident ICBC injury claim then you can collect a sum of money equivalent to that future loss); f. out of pocket expenses or «special damages» (if you suffer out of pocket expenses like for travel to / from medical appointments, cab fare, parking, etc, then this is also recoverable by you but again — keep track of these expenses in a log and keep a receipt book for later proof of this loss); g. legal costs (sum of the legal costs associated with advancing your injury claim are recoverable as the court system recognizes that often legal experts, lawyers and their agents are a necessary part of the process); h. other categories of damages: not discussed here are other categories of damages like «in trust claims» made largely for those who relatives who take care of you while you are recovering from your injuries or things like «loss of ability to enter an economically interdependent relationship» which might be awarded to a seriously disfigured potential spouse for his / her unlikely ability to become married in the future.
This lawyer - centric viewpoint, blinds firms to potential new lines of business and new ways to reduce costs (read: new ways to increase profit margins).
Many lawyers earn a comfortable living and a J.D. certainly has value in today's marketplace, but you must weigh the cost of law school and three years of lost earnings against the potential returns of a law degree.
The feel - good effect of re-imagining swanky law offices aside, asking ourselves this question would spur thinking about (among other things): (i) training lawyers and law students to equip them to fully utilise the tools of the future workplace, (ii) potential workflow improvements that managing partners can make to their present offices to reduce costs and improve competitiveness, as well as (iii) possible concerns lawyers and judges may have about the new ways of working the new workplaces may bring (such as ethical or security concerns).
Who knows if the potential cost of having their lawyers go through all that paper had any part to play in that decision?
Where problems arise with any will, the cost of hiring lawyers to fight about these problems will be born by the potential beneficiaries, relatives of the deceased or by the estate itself.
The Reno Gazette - Journal today provides extensive coverage: «Police link judge shooting with homicide; suspect still missing ``; «Violence a key topic when judges gather ``; «Judge wants bulletproof windows; officials study tinted films, cite cost ``; «Weller handled hundreds of cases involving divorce ``; «Wedding party mistakes «pop» for champagne cork ``; «Potential violence surrounds family court cases, lawyers say ``; «Downtown restaurant in middle of action ``; and «Police continue search for shooting suspect.»
While the law firm will still bill the client for the value provided by the lawyer (i.e., the work the lawyer performs that is directly related to resolution of the matter), it will also bill the client for its opportunity cost — the loss of potential revenue to the firm for having personnel dedicated to that client's matter.
However, if your injuries are serious and have the potential to cost you thousands of dollars, you should seriously think about hiring a personal injury lawyer.
It is the ideal tool for clients who wish to self - finance their lawyers fees and / or out of pocket costs, and has the potential to fundamentally alter how Canadian corporate enterprises manage their litigation and arbitration budgets going forward.
Our lawyers are cognizant of the difficult challenges businesses face in connection with the Clean Water Act and other federal and state regulatory schemes and we work to manage and mitigate the potential risks and costs associated with these programs.
If asked, a lawyer should predict to the best of his or her ability the potential costs of your case and specifically how you will pay for his or her time.
The Commission listed and discussed four «potential benefits» of ABS (increased access to justice, enhanced financial flexibility, enhanced operational flexibility, and increased cost - effectiveness and quality of service) and four «potential risks» (threat to lawyers» core values, decreased pro bono work, threat to attorney - client privilege, and failure to deliver identified benefits).
There are many potential benefits in terms of cost and convenience (for both staff and clients), but the technologies are also fairly new and there is much that lawyers need to think through.
By assuming the cost and risk of litigation through a non-recourse investment, we help clients and lawyers transform claims from burdensome expenses to assets with upside potential.
In these cases, your Markham personal injury lawyer from Neinstein Personal Injury Lawyers will work hard to secure the maximum available compensation to cover the cost of medical, rehabilitative, and long - term care, including potential home care.
And the best part of this concept is that it actually has the potential to work, to serve the needs of people who aren't flush with expendable income, but are capable of paying a reasonable fee for the services they need, if only lawyers would be kind enough to charge a fee that meets their financial situation while sufficing to cover the lawyers» costs.
Best divorce lawyers in NYC know that stepping away from the drama and mud slinging and examining the underlying issues and potential resolutions can not only help resolve those issues quickly, but will cost a fraction of the cost of prolonged and drawn out litigation.
Foley Hoag's lawyers have decades of experience addressing patent - related obstacles quickly and cost - effectively from both sides of the table — patent holder and potential infringer.
To be candid, if the real and potential benefits of providing legal advice include speed of service and reduced cost respectively, to achieve a positive outcome, which has ultimately come about via the use of sophisticated IT / AI at some point during the legal service / problem continuum, and as a legal buyer my main concern is the right result, quality, value for money and / or price (which remains the issue in many instances), and I know lawyers and law firms can now do the work quicker, smarter and more accurately using AI and cognitive computing technology, can I therefore expect my legal fees to be reduced?
I'm sure the Canadian Federation of Students will want my head on a platter for this, but the artificially low tuition fees the B.C. law schools are forced to charge are a national joke when you see what other law schools cost and what lawyers have the potential to earn.
Lawyers have to develop an understanding of the true practical nature of e-discovery and not only gain an understanding of what the potential costs are but what the potential benefits and savings are too.
Whilst many lawyers may work in - house, and are lucky enough not to need to deal with costs, for the rest of us, costs are a potential minefield — particularly for the freshly minted lawyer.
There are costs to that approach, of course, and most of them are borne by the client: the inability to reach your busy lawyer when you need her, the time and cost required for your lawyer to refocus on your situation, the heightened potential for disqualifying conflicts of interest, and the lawyer's relatively shallow appreciation of all your needs and circumstances.
Due to the potential costs of traffic violation convictions, there are multiple benefits to hiring a traffic ticket lawyer.
The lawyers involved need to consider the actual, real - life likely outcomes of «all» of the potential scenarios that «can» be produced by a tribunal's decision, and decide which «one» would realistically provide the best outcome for the consuming real estate public, and not just for a particular dissaffected former Realtor claiming to be acting as a reasonable facsimile of a modern day Robin Hood (my interpretation of Dale's apparent claim to have spent years studying ways and means to provide real estate services equal to or superior to current standards via CREA's operations at much less cost to consumers), all the while projecting profits of hundreds of millions of dollars (it's 50/50 that «Robin Hood» is a myth).
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