Sentences with phrase «potential deleterious»

Now don't get me wrong, there is plenty of research that goes into the potential deleterious effects of things like artificial ingredients and other food additives, but frankly if you're not consuming these things day - in and day - out in gross quantities there is little to be afraid of.
In addition, many leagues sell foods and beverages with high caloric content and low nutritional value to fund youth sport while overlooking their potential deleterious effects on child health.

Not exact matches

Chronic treatment with rapamycin has been problematic in both humans and mice; the drug has the potential to cause deleterious metabolic side effects including weight gain and glucose insensitivity.
This has the potential to uncover pathways that may help counteract the deleterious effects of obesity and many age - related diseases by enhancing the activity and / or fat metabolism of the organism.
The event will focus on Hawaii's native forest birds, the deleterious effect of avian malaria, and the potential to use new genomic technologies to eliminate this problem.
I researched soy's deleterious effects on thyroid, fertility, hormones, sex drive, digestion, and even its potential to contribute to certain cancers.
Little mention is made of our reality here, however, given the real and deleterious effects we witness, for example, as current teacher educators when we work with potential / future teachers who almost daily express serious concerns about joining a profession now with very little autonomy, not much respect, and a stark increase in draconian accountability measures that will be used to hold them accountable for that which they do, or do not do well.
Rapid scientific and technological progress can provide potential solutions — if adopted in timely manner — to reduce the risk of deleterious consequences for societies everywhere.
Crystallizing scientific data and analysis reveal that the Earth is close to dangerous climate change, to tipping points of the system with the potential for irreversible deleterious effects.
James E. Hansen worded it a bit more cleverly and eloquently before US Congress in April 2007: «crystallizing scientific data and analysis reveal that the Earth is close to dangerous climate change, to tipping points of the system with the potential for irreversible deleterious effects.»
Even though the deleterious effects of a presumption against disclosure are real and substantial, any potential chilling effects of complete openness need to be carefully considered, and were unable to be evaluated on the record in this case.
Children are more likely to have trusting relationships with caregivers who are consistent and nurturing, which leads to a number of positive developmental outcomes.7 Moreover, the research suggests that positive and consistent caregiving has the potential to compensate for factors that have a deleterious impact on children, such as poverty and its associated risk factors.8 In other words, children have much better outcomes if their family lives are stable, despite the overwhelming influence of poverty and associated risk factors.
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