Sentences with phrase «potential dental problems»

If you notice that your dog is showing any symptoms of potential dental problems, please schedule a visit with your veterinarian.
Our trained staff can identify potential dental problems your pet may have, as well as offer various types of treatment for said problems.
If you notice that your dog is showing any symptoms of potential dental problems, please schedule a visit with your family veterinarian.
Regular oral exams are one of the best ways to prevent potential dental problems in your pet, and if you acclimate them to the procedure from a young age, they will be more receptive to it as they grow.
Because pacifier use has been linked to potential dental problems later in life, the symmetrical, flexible, and collapsible design of these nipples leaves parents confident in their choice when it comes to this soothie.
If necessary, we also have the equipment in - house to perform detailed dental radiographs (x-rays), to further identify potential dental problems so we can address them in a timely manner.
We use state - of - the - art digital radiography for immediate observation of x-rays and early diagnosis of potential dental problems.
Bones ends bad breath, maintains gum health, keeps teeth whiter, and reduces the risk of potential dental problems.
Our skilled Austin veterinarians will examine your pet's teeth and gums for evidence of any potential dental problems.
Bleeding or inflamed gums can be signs of a potential dental problem and should be addressed with your veterinarian.
When your kitten eats, her potential dental problems begin.
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