Sentences with phrase «potential environmental impacts»

The phrase "potential environmental impacts" refers to the possible effects or consequences that an activity, project, or event might have on the natural surroundings, such as air, water, land, plants, animals, and ecosystems. It implies considering and assessing the potential harm or changes that could occur in the environment before taking any action. Full definition
The environmental water also contributed to improving the health of the Lower Murray River channel by increasing the transport of nutrients and salt from the river system and mitigating potential environmental impacts of acid drainage from the Lower Murray Swamps.
However, these levels of production would require the annual harvesting of 500 million dry tonnes (550 million dry tons) of biomass and an increase in coal extraction in the United States by 50 % over current levels, resulting in a range of potential environmental impacts on land, water, air, and human health — including increased CO2 emissions to the atmosphere from coal - to - liquid fuels unless process CO2 from liquid - fuel production plants is captured and stored geologically.
With a structured Best Practices Operation we work to minimize potential environmental impact while at the same time doing our part to help maintain and preserve the natural surroundings whenever possible.
The Solar PEIS analyzed potential environmental impacts associated with the development, operation, and decommissioning of utility - scale solar energy projects; i.e. solar energy projects that can generate 20 MW or more of electricity that is delivered into the electricity transmission grid.
«We are seriously concerned about potential environmental impacts and are evaluating all legal and regulatory options at our disposal to ensure the environment and the public are protected.»
«In past lead agency disputes on energy projects, the DEC commissioner has pointed to the department's large staff of professionals with unique expertise in the many areas of potential environmental impact as favoring DEC lead agency,» town officials wrote.
Concern over potential environmental impacts could also affect the value of a home, such as the fear of water contamination (especially if a home uses private water wells), oil spills, and pipeline leaks.
The Solar PEIS analyzes potential environmental impacts associated with the development, operation, and decommissioning of utility - scale solar energy projects; i.e. solar energy projects that can generate 20 MW or more of electricity to be put directly into the electricity transmission grid.
LID still allows land to be developed, but in a cost - effective manner that helps mitigate potential environmental impacts.
While our primary expertise is birdlife, there are other important potential environmental impacts.
In Pennsylvania, the epicenter of the development, there's been plenty of debate over potential environmental impact.
According to co-founder Jessica Scorpio, the potential environmental impact is huge: One car on Getaround takes 10 cars off the road, and can offset 100 million pounds of carbon emissions.
However, we also have to consider the potential environmental impact of pre-packaged apple slices.
In an environmental report... the U.S. State Department says the Keystone XL pipeline poses «no significant impacts to most resources,» and risk of potential environmental impacts are low.
Others have pointed to potential environmental impacts.
... Regardless of whether DEC is a «lead» or «involved» agency, the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Thruway Authority will continue to ensure this proposal is subject to rigorous review, including that all potential environmental impacts are adequately identified and addressed.»
So I understand the appeal to getting at that natural gas... But in terms of the impact, the jury is still out and there are a lot of reasons to be skeptical, not just with respect to the potential environmental impacts for clean water and clean air, both of which may be very significant, but also with respect to real - estate values with respect to people and their relationships with banks that have given mortgages on their property.»
Town Board members said they also believe the state Thruway Authority does not have the expertise or empathy for potential environmental impacts.
However, Katko is concerned with the potential environmental impact of hydrofracking.
She said the site is one of six sites, including the abandoned quarry in Jamesville and a CSX rail yard in Manlius, that are being studied as part of a required review of the project's potential environmental impacts.
Some Westchester legislators say they are troubled by the potential environmental impact on county parkland from a proposed gas pipeline expansion project.
Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams said local leaders found out about the plan through media reports and were not briefed about any potential environmental impact from the demolition.
Edmunds raised another potential environmental impact: If cities started to take advantage of offshore groundwater, the supply could be exhausted at some point.
The model also can't account for the potential environmental impacts of a pipeline, such as massive algal blooms.
Few studies have considered the potential environmental impact of routine gasoline spills and instead have focused on problems associated with large - scale leaks.
Furor over the potential environmental impact of the project had threatened to shut it down.
They assessed the potential environmental impacts of 33 planned or existing corridors — spanning 53,000 kilometers — that would crisscross much of the African continent, opening up vast areas of sparsely populated land.
Hydraulic fracturing has boosted U.S. energy production while coming under scrutiny for its potential environmental impacts, mostly related to the wastewater the method generates.
AIS data have important applications in conservation science including describing baseline vessel use of a maritime area, assessing or modeling actual or potential environmental impacts, and monitoring environmental compliance.
CropLife America, which represents pesticide manufacturers, said in a statement to EHN that the EPA's review of fungicides is «rigorous» and that «new application technologies by farmers will serve to further minimize any potential environmental impacts of crop protection products.»
Costa Rica wants information from Nicaragua about the potential environmental impact of a planned $ 50 billion canal project that would rival the Panama Canal
Published in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change, the team's results show that these models exhibit substantial deficits in their representation of the industrial system, which may lead to flawed estimates of the potential environmental impacts and societal benefits of new technologies and climate policies.
The result illustrates that metagenomics is a very sensitive tool and that it might be used to screen novel nanomaterials in the future for their potential environmental impact and so also help in the development of more focused testing, adds Pruden.
The TEA analysis will consider the sustainability for hydrogen production including land and water usage, and the potential environmental impacts of placing a hydrogen plant.
Equally, once the data has been securely erased these items would be ideal for charitable donations, ensuring unwanted items can be reused by worthy causes whilst also saving the potential environmental impact of disposal.
The economics of the recovery process, as well as the potential environmental impact, may make the transport of waste film over long distances impractical.
The potential environmental impacts had raised the project to the level of a campaign talking point, largely through ferocious criticism of President Obama from the left for approving it and inventive «#ShellNo» protests as the company deployed its vessels earlier this year: Read more...
The potential environmental impacts had raised the project to the level of a campaign talking point, largely through ferocious criticism of President Obama from the left for approving it and inventive «#ShellNo» protests as the company deployed its vessels earlier this year:
Bruce Babbitt, the former governor of Arizona and secretary of the interior, recently followed one such road route up from the Amazon over the Andes to write on its potential environmental impacts for Americas Quarterly (subscription required).
A lot of growth in industrial output has potential environmental impacts, but many can be mitigated with pollution controls so this becomes a technical, legal and political issue.
Any potential environmental impacts identified as part of the development, production, and use of geothermal energy shall be measured and examined against the potential emissions offsets of greenhouses gases gained by geothermal energy development, production, and use.
To understand the potential environmental impact of carbon stocks, companies need to measure uncalculated stores of GHG emissions within their fossil fuel reserves and account for them accordingly.»
Democrat Ed Pastor from Phoenix told the debate «Let's not screw up the Grand Canyon» citing the potential environmental impact of increased mining activity.
«This draft SEIS is a technical review of potential environmental impacts.
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