Sentences with phrase «potential for impact»

Each of these topics has significant potential for impact on early learning, if implemented well at the local level.
Employee recognition given in the moment has the greatest potential for impact, because the action is rewarded almost immediately, when it is top - of - mind.
Ten foundations have committed $ 150 million, with another $ 200 million to follow, to help find and rapidly spread solutions that have the highest potential for impact.
This is when it has the most potential for impact.
Perhaps the central agenda of the black churches in the years ahead is accurately to assess their corporate potential for impacting the quality of life available to their constituencies.
You can — and do — have more potential for impact and meaning than you might think.
While a great deal of attention is paid to the impacts of the energy sector on climate, there is a substantial potential for impacts going the other way as well.
Teacher targets time and resource constraints based on what most holds students back and on the greatest potential for impact.
High - risk interactions such as these have high potential for impact, but they also have potential to create tension.
This has significant potential for impact on our understanding of not only healthy brain function but also on a range of neurological, neurodegenerative and mental health conditions.»
Grants are reviewed by the College's Scientific Review Committee and are awarded on the basis of scientific merit, feasibility of the proposed project, and potential for impact of the project on feline health, among other aspects.
«That's where the immediate potential for impact is,» Lewis said.
These attitudes demonstrate that the public does not feel that libraries are dusty remnants of days gone by, but rather vital and vibrant parts of the community that have the future potential for impacting society.
Conduct a conference, meeting or event that aligns with the Institute's mission and has broad potential for impact in serving a diverse audience.
An unrestricted gift allows the Cornell Feline Health Center to focus its resources on the educational, research, and outreach activities that are prioritized with respect to having the highest potential for impact on the well - being of cats.
As they determined where NoVo would focus these resources, Jennifer and Peter felt strongly about entering a field that was both under - resourced and had significant potential for impact.
Second, while we do not anticipate these changes will significantly impact advertising revenue, there is certainly the potential for some impact, and we will be monitoring this closely.»
The evaluation suggests that the programme can be delivered successfully in England, families like it and think it is making a difference, and the potential for impacts looks good.
To insure that any use of pesticides on Mass Audubon wildlife sanctuaries is undertaken in a manner that will minimize the potential for impacts to non-target species, Mass Audubon developed a policy for the use of pesticides on its wildlife sanctuaries.
There is an elevated «threat to life and property» in relation to storm surges, according to the NWS warning, with the potential for the impacts to be felt around high tide at 2:40 p.m. Sunday and roughly every 12 hours thereafter into Tuesday.
The potential for impact is huge.
«I think the potential for impact is immense.»
This potential for impact motivates Joaquim Martins — an aerospace engineer at the University of Michigan (UM) who leads the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Laboratory — to develop tools that let engineers design more efficient aircraft.
An RS score is not disease specific but shows the potential for impact on human disease.
«Felipe is an exceptional scholar whose work — from Cambridge to Colombia — is driven by the potential for impact,» Ryan said.
As a «pitch» competition, the focus is on the idea and its potential for impact.
Since the potential for impacting teaching and learning using the many tools and strategies of assessment FOR learning is so strong, it is critical that these initiatives are funded.
Scott was working with Don and Doris Fisher, founders of The Gap, to identify education - focused efforts with the potential for impact and scale.
Evaluation will be on study design, capabilities of investigators, adequacy of facilities, cost - effective yet realistic budget, and potential for impact on the way mental and physical health conditions are diagnosed, treated or otherwise understood.
Peatlands may only take up a small amount of the world's land coverage, but their potential for impact is huge.
(A) A disproportionate burden of adverse human health or environmental impacts, or the potential for those impacts.
Now that we know what is not working, we can jump into maximizing your cover letter's potential for impact and connection with cover letter tips.
• Assessed the potential for impact to threatened and endangered species of animals and plants.
Jointly, the results suggest the value of continued investigation of epigenetic changes related to protective parenting and its potential for impact on later health outcomes.
Because young fathers are still at early stages of their own development, there are few places where the potential for impacting positive change is clearer than when working with young fathers (ages 16 to 25).
Eleven «best bets» were highlighted as having the greatest potential for impact.
You can keep up to date with detours and delays - and provide information about the project's potential for impact on your clients» real estate decisions - via just - launched website from the Florida Department of Transportation.
Consider the powder room: it's likely the smallest room in your home, but its potential for impact is huge.
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