Sentences with phrase «potential franchise»

The 2017 quarterback class is full of potential franchise players, but many could be available in the second round.
He says potential franchise owners must have a successful track record serving the top 15 to 20 per cent of the real estate market.
If one of these smaller titles succeeds, then the studio has a new potential franchise on their hands.
There are several potential franchise - caliber players, particularly at the point guard position.
Like all of the Giants» options as potential franchise quarterbacks, Mason Rudolph is not a perfect prospect.
who pretend fans can't be a little sadden to see our once potential franchise QB walk away without having a chance to win his job back on the field.
Robert Downey Jr. is setting up more potential franchises in which he can star.
Obviously, he wasn't just going to take a vacation like some plebeian, so now he's lining up another massive studio project — and potential franchise starter — with Universal's The Mummy reboot.
One thing to know: We don't know what next season will hold for Eli Manning and the Giants, but New York will be close to the top of the draft should the team choose to pursue its next potential franchise quarterback this offseason.
As Huddle House's new Director of Real Estate, Jenkins is responsible for assisting franchisees in identifying potential franchise site locations that will allow for maximum profitability and brand recognition.
Of course, there's too much money at stake for Disney to kill off three or four potential franchises at once.
The #BuyaBusiness Expo, in which the Master Class sessions will be held, is expected to pair thousands of investors and entrepreneurs with hundreds of potential franchise opportunities.
Key Highlights: • Traveled extensively throughout varying markets in order to conduct site analysis of potential franchise locations and interview prospective franchisees.
At its most basic, a franchise business is an operation where the services or products have been tested regionally, nationally, and even around the world — marketing, selling, in - house operations, etc. — have been streamlined to offer potential franchise owners the most «turn key» business opportunity available.
She's got potential franchise coming with «The Host» opening next month, genre offerings «Byzantium» and «How I Live Now» are on the horizon, and she's currently lensing Wes Anderson «s «The Grand Budapest Hotel» taking the female lead role.
The wave of young adult novel adaptations that arrived in the wake of The Hunger Games is pretty much a graveyard, with more than a few potential franchises dying loudly and publicly.
It reminded me how much potential this franchise had, and I'm still shocked and saddened it's taken this long to get put back into the spotlight of current generation consoles.
Actual 3D versions of classic NES titles (okay, and Urban Champion as well), but new IPs and characters such as Freakyforms and Pushmo, and other new potential franchise concepts down the line.
Resourceful Franchise Development Manager seeking potential franchising opportunities by identifying defining negotiating and nurturing productive business relationships.
Although there are two potential franchise quarterbacks available at the top of the draft,...
As a Senior Franchise Sales and Strategic Growth Consultant, Tim hits the road each week to meet with potential franchise owners, and just this year was recognized as one of the top five Franchise Sales Consultants in the U.S. and Canada.
With the Resident Evil series set to draw to a close with the upcoming release of Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Deadline is reporting that director Paul W.S. Anderson and his producing partner Jeremy Bolt are now looking to set the fantasy RPG Monster Hunter as their next potential franchise.
Typically, Reynolds wouldn't have even been in the running as execs would prefer to have some distance between such a stinker film and their fresh, glossy new potential franchise.
The news was announced Tuesday and already has Niners fans looking forward to a glimpse of what their potential franchise quarterback can do over four quarters.
No player has the impact that a potential franchise QB has.
Although losing out on Anthony Davis (who many talent analysts view as the only sure thing in this year's draft class) hurts, Charlotte will still land a potential franchise cornerstone with their pick.
But i did see him being a potential franchise QB whose strengths could elevate this team to being juggernauts.
So you can't just say «pass» on a potential franchise QB b / c Eli may be staying for a couple of years and b / c Webb might turn out to be good.
I just think we have no choice but to draft a potential franchise QB IF and only IF our FO thinks one of these guys fits the bill.
A major move at the top of the draft, as the Titans trade the No. 1 pick to the Rams, who are surely lined up to take a potential franchise quarterback for their first season back in Los Angeles
I think a potential franchise QB trumps all.
Dallas saw him as a potential franchise quarterback.
He also looks like a potential franchise player (at FS, at least).
The art of securing a potential franchise quarterback supplies extra zing in next week's draft.
Following the draft and the addition of a potential franchise quarterback, the Texans» odds of winning the Super Bowl remain unchanged at 30/1.
They quickly confirmed that suspicion by dealing away All - Pro cornerback Darrelle Revis, cutting veterans like Bart Scott and Calvin Pace, and drafting a potential franchise quarterback in former West Virginia signal caller Geno Smith.
On the offensive side of the football, the biggest surprise came from the Houston Texans who managed to snag a potential franchise quarterback (Brock Osweiler) and running back (Lamar Miller).
Despite the Bills hot start and the emergence of Tyrod Taylor as a potential franchise quarterback, bettors simply could not ignore the prospect of taking the defending Super Bowl champions as a pick»em.
Although there are two potential franchise quarterbacks available at the top of the draft, there is still some debate among analysts about which one will be selected first.
... but I've never seen anyone with the lack of accuracy that Josh Allen has be considered a potential franchise QB.
Rosen checks off all of the boxes as a potential franchise quarterback.
Deadline reports that the Jungle Cruise movie will be an Indiana Jones - like action - adventure, and Collet - Serra was very much interested in getting his hands on a film of its nature, a potential franchise that he will be able to mould around an A-list Hollywood star like Johnson.
In happier Warner Bros. movie news, Suicide Squad is being set up for as a potential franchise reports Variety.
WHY: The first Percy Jackson film wasn't amazing by any means, but it at least showed some promise in launching a potential franchise that could take over where the Harry Potter series left off.
«I suspect they're looking at a potential franchise here,» says George, «He's only a few years younger than Liam Neeson so there's plenty of scope for the middle aged action man!
For those looking for a healthy dose of nostalgia, «Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle» is a passable film, but it doesn't make the case for a potential franchise or another sequel.
As if that wasn't enough, Robbie adds another potential franchise to her corner.
Fassbender will appear in the lead role of the potential franchise - launcher, as well as serving as producer.
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