Sentences with phrase «potential future impacts»

This has environmental impacts and potential future impacts on water availability for the entire country.
Landmark Global Scale Study Reveals Potential Future Impact of Ocean Acidification on Species» Distribution
While many of these are not exclusively or specifically focused on the impacts of climate change, they provide information that is useful in documenting impacts (and in understanding and anticipating potential future impacts).
She is also CEO of ATMOS Research, a scientific consulting firm that assesses the potential future impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human welfare.
In particular, the fact that those less educated were more vulnerable to the health effects of the recession highlights the need for an urgent policy response as it is clear that this population need to receive information on health behaviours and risk factors to avoid the negative consequences and also the potential future impacts
Which means it's still nigh on impossible to evaluate the potential future impact on Irish companies & the economy — overall, my (generally positive) perspective on Brexit hasn't changed much since July, with the EUR / GBP rate still presenting the primary medium - term challenge.
The authors, poet Primož Čučnik and visual artist Žiga Kariž discussed the project with Dušan Dovč, explaining its background, the impulses behind its creation, its conclusion and potential future impact, as well as their great amazement at New York City, where the poetry published in Ode on Manhattan Avenue was created.
We need to explain how climate change is immediately relevant to Australians» lives, by connecting climate change with present extreme weather in Australia, and outlining the potential future impacts.
For example, they can weigh your immediate financial need against the potential future impact of loan interest accumulation and a reduced death benefit.
The Canadian chapter of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA Canada) is holding a one - day seminar in Vancouver on Aug. 9 to discuss emerging trends in Canada's real estate market and the potential future impact of Asian buyers on the Greater Vancouver area.
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