Sentences with phrase «potential gastrointestinal side»

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Whole foods also lack the list of potential negative side effects that can come from protein shakes, including gastrointestinal distress, nausea, bloating, headaches, nutrient deficiencies or negative interactions with certain medications.
Despite the many health benefits of kale, as outlined above, this leafy green vegetable also comes with a number of potential side effects, such as thallium toxicity, gastrointestinal problems, hyperkalemia and problems with blood clotting.
However, there are potential side affects to this high dosage treatment in that it often affects a puppy's gastrointestinal tract.
Gastrointestinal ulcerations are potential side affects and your puppy will have to be watched very closely for any signs of vomiting or diarrhea, as well as a signs of the presence of blood in the stools.
This allows your dog to reap the benefits of this powerful food while minimizing any potential gastrointestinal discomfort or unpleasant side effects such as vomiting or diarrhea.
Prozac and diazepam do have potential side effects such as loss of appetite, excessive panting, aggression, gastrointestinal disturbances and can lower blood glucose.
Potential side effects of silybin includes headaches, gastrointestinal problems and itching.
This medicine can bring about harmful side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney bleeding, brain hemorrhaging and more, and there is always a potential for a mass tort claim.
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