Sentences with phrase «potential gold mine»

However, much of climate science revolves around data that are more rough stones than potential gold nuggets.
She wants to use these installations to shift a narrative in which only those with outside lens (such as developers and speculators) can ever see these spaces as potential gold mines and using a satirical quality she wants to make vacant parcels gold mines by re-embed gold leafed bricks in the ghosted footprint of where houses once used to be.
It seems to me that many men are looking at women as potential gold diggers, and to be fair there most likely are enough gold diggers out there to ruin it for the majority of women who are not like that.
The US is laden with potential gold medalists, including front - runners in men's / women's basketball, women's tennis, women's water polo, and women's soccer.
Some people think it affects gold because it moves potential gold buyers into another alternative, but as I wrote last week, hell has frozen over when I find myself in agreement with Alan Greenspan.
Sully's objective was to protect prospectors by driving the Lakota away from potential gold mines.
«Alex has a chance to establish himself in the Arsenal first team and if he could manage that this season then it will outweigh the potential gold medal.
Encouraging people to use them in this way creates a potential gold mine for fraudsters.
A stellar nursery in the Milky Way has recently been investigated as a potential gold mine for finding life.
If you supposed partner exhibits this, then you may be talking with a potential gold digger.
Too leaden for farce and too bland for satire, Lisa Addario and Joe Syracuse's «Dear Dictator» wastes a potential gold mine of culture - clashing silliness on worn, high school movie clichés.
We think combining the two could be a potential gold mine, even if we're not using system - based mascots.
... implementation of the Common Core is a potential gold mine for education testing and publishing companies, online education firms, and the like.
Additionally, implementation of the Common Core is a potential gold mine for education testing and publishing companies, online education firms, and the like.
You know an automaker has a potential gold mine of a car on its hands when it's already talking about adding variants to a model that just hit the market.
Deahl did point out in the article that this could end up being a potential gold mine for small to mid-sized publishers and indie publishers, especially if they are able to offer something to the consumers that larger publishing houses aren't set up to do.
Whether we'd see anything other than potential gold or red iPhones X — purple or blue, anyone?
While there are many ways to grow your buyers list — squeeze pages, direct mail, networking — many wholesalers are ignoring a potential gold mine of cash buyers ready to invest in good real estate deals here in Hawaii: foreign markets.
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