Sentences with phrase «potential heartbreak»

The phrase "potential heartbreak" means the possibility of experiencing emotional pain or disappointment in the future. Full definition
As we build trust with our co-believers and obey the Savior's command to carry each other's burdens, it opens us up for potential heartbreak.
Lose, and you open yourself up to a lot of potential heartbreak here.
It's hard to protect ourselves against potential heartbreak, and it's even harder to relive that heartbreak if we lose a pregnancy that friends and family know about and keep asking after.
As I say, this definitely doesn't mean you need to cautious of everyone you meet and take a cynical approach to avoid potential heartbreak.
There is a moment when Carrey begins tearing up out of potential heartbreak, a rare moment where an actor actually gives more than the performance requires.
This is potential heartbreak vs. potential heartbreak, which seems to be a theme this decade.
You are willing to take on the risk for the potential heartbreak and heartache that children cause — both living and deceased.
Others are scared to face the potential heartbreak and distress.
I'll reveal my simple method to easily understand men and how they think to save you from confusion, frustration and potential heartbreak.
Not to mention how frightening it is to think about the potential heartbreak that could be waiting at the end.
This caution is not merely a matter of housekeeping, it is a matter of life and death for the puppy and potential heartbreak for the owner.
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