Sentences with phrase «potential hirer»

The phrase "potential hirer" refers to someone who may consider or have the possibility of hiring you for a job. Full definition
When you get in front of potential hirers, you want to be assertive and appear confident.
The best executive resume writers will focus more on how they can help potential hirers, rather than what they've done in the past.
If so, then the above mentioned qualities will be essential in completing the skills section of your resume to gain the attention of potential hirers.
As your potential hirer, I suggest - actually, beg - you take an extra moment to read the job description and appropriately add important keywords.
Make sure that a potential hirer can see what you need them to see in six seconds — which is sometimes all the time you get.
As a career changer, if your resume uses the chronological format, potential hirers will have more questions.
It will hook a potential hirer to your profile.
If after this section you fail to impress your potential hirer, then you can as well say goodbye to the job.
Available to all potential hirers
Does it increase a potential hirer's desire to meet me?
Your work history is one of the first and most important things a potential hirer will look at on your resume.
You must be able to prove to the family or child care home that you are an individual of impeccable character and since the potential hirer may not have met you in person, your resume should serve as a good representation of your person.
The mailbox of your potential hirer is probably being bombarded by hundreds of resumes daily.
Such layout will make it easier for you to put emphasis on special achievements, so a potential hirer will be able to see how you grew and contributed to the company.
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