Sentences with phrase «potential interventions»

Once we have improved our understanding and ability to measure these traits, we will also be interested in evaluating potential interventions for shaping or altering them.
Tough walks readers through a list of potential interventions — at home, in communities and at school — to help children who lack well - organized, responsive parenting and nourishing relationships.
One potential intervention approach is to develop training and education materials for youth coaches in an accessible format.
Studies we conducted that led to this model and tentatively documented what we consider the origins of violent behavior, as well as potential interventions, are briefly reviewed in the remainder of this paper.
ESMA issued a call to submit evidence on potential interventions in crypto CFD, arguing that the very high price volatility of crypto currencies as the underlying assets have raised concerns about the protection of investors.
4) Identify factors to be considered in devising potential intervention strategies for the third and final phase of this study
To test the overall potential intervention effect, multivariate linear regression models were examined.
To apply for ESEA flexibility, states are required to outline potential interventions in their lowest - performing schools, making sure the interventions are aligned with seven turnaround principles that the Education Department established under Race to the Top in 2009, of which increased learning time is one.
Based on our shared understanding of the problem, I suggest potential interventions and foci for treatment for my patients to consider.
The new findings are therefore of interest not only with respect to the development of effective HIV vaccines, they may also provide pointers toward potential interventions for patients with chronic HIV infections.
We don't yet have a complete picture of recovery for Mexican - Americans and what potential intervention strategies can improve their recovery.»
«This suggests several potential interventions to reduce Parkinson's occurrence or to slow its progression.»
They indicate that web - based alcohol screening and brief intervention should not be relied upon alone to address unhealthy alcohol use in this population,» the authors state, while noting other potential interventions such as restriction in the physical availability and promotion of alcohol.
These results suggest that there may be reason to push routine clinical testing earlier in pregnancy to check for the effects of chemicals and help guide potential interventions to protect the health of the baby.
«That's important because it identifies potential interventions which might focus on improving beat perception in children who stutter, which then might translate to improved fluency in speech.»
«The current findings are important because they may open up new potential interventions for helping people to promote their health and sense of well - being.»
Understanding the steroidogenic pathways offers potential interventions.
The goal: a test for predicting metastasis that will help veterinarians treat patients and improve understanding of the disease so scientists can further study potential intervention therapies.
Treatment for a patient's behavior problems requires effective and humane training, behavior modification, and potential intervention with psychotropic products or medication.
ARC also advised one client on the sale of a business unit to a private equity house — a deal that risked triggering more than # 100m of pension liabilities and attracting potential intervention from the regulator.
Further study can illuminate potential interventions aimed at reducing risk for victimization for this population.
Teen dating violence can provide a point of potential intervention as specific types of TDV have been associated with increased alcohol and tobacco use, depressive symptoms and suicidality, eating disorders, and high - risk sexual behavior, according to the study background.
On the other hand, this same difficulty in accurately predicting later outcomes poses greater burdens and requirements on potential interventions — they must be sufficiently efficacious and / or cost effective to make up for the potential problems of inadvertently labelling and / or misapplying scarce resources to those not in need.
Analyzing the nature and severity of early stressful experiences helps us make better judgments about potential interventions that reduce the risk of troubling developmental outcomes.
While the Team discussed a number of potential interventions for certain students, they did not discuss that teacher quality might need to be improved.
A well - trained doula will help you understand the risks and benefits of all of the potential interventions and emergency situations that can arise during labor and birth so that YOU have the tools you need to make informed decisions for YOUR family.
They also conducted two virtual trials of potential interventions, finding that anti-inflammatory interventions could not prevent ulcers unless applied very early in their development.
Using a combination of human cancer cells and mouse models of disease, the authors examined the pathway by which squalene epoxidase promotes the development of hepatocellular carcinoma and identified terbinafine, a clinically approved antifungal drug, as a potential intervention.
The findings suggest higher intensity volunteering (about two hours per week) as a potential intervention for alleviating loneliness in older adults who have recently become widowed.
«Delayed gratification associated with fast food frequency: Study may hold clues to potential interventions to improve healthy food choices.»
«If you look at the number of schools that have removed themselves the list for potential intervention, it's pretty astounding,» says Bennett.
But, we've heard concerns raised about its long term viability and potential interventions that will be required to keep it alive.
A district - level multi stakeholder workshop on driver and solution analysis was conducted and potential interventions for District REDD + Action Plan (DRAP) drafted.
These results have implications for theories of inter-group relations and also for potential interventions to improve ethnic relations in Guatemala.
That means that participants who face everyday challenging situations in a more self - compassionate manner are also to gain more in terms of positive effect, proving that self - compassion is a pivotal factor for the effectiveness of potential interventions.
Physiological regulation in high - risk infants: A model for assessment and potential intervention
The differences may highlight opportunities for potential interventions and have implications for the design of perpetrator programmes.
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