Sentences with phrase «potential negatives»

The phrase "potential negatives" refers to possible drawbacks, disadvantages, or unfavorable outcomes that could occur in a particular situation or decision. Full definition
Fear and anxious anticipation of potential negative impacts of wind farms can also contribute to stress responses, and result in physical and psychological stress symptoms.
There appears to be growing awareness and concern among pet owners about potential negative effects of neutering.
They become more concerned about potential negative outcomes than finding a solution.
Children who don't get enough sleep are prone to a long list of potential negative side effects.
Scientific scrutiny of fasting often reveals potential negative health effects.
They are offering term life insurance policies within a universal life «framework» that allows them to offer cheaper rates to consumers but with potential negative consequences to you the client?..
Driving defensively means anticipating and avoiding potential negative situations on the road because not everyone is a good driver behind the wheel.
Companies can avoid many potential negative occurrences simply by placing life insurance on those who are important members of their staff.
The story is an example of the travel industry's potential negative social and economic influence on a community.
Discuss potential negatives and show how you will mitigate or overcome those problems.
On the other hand, price volatility also creates uncertainty and risk that market participants must successfully manage to limit potential negative consequences.
Please understand the benefits and consequences of enrolling in any debt settlement program, including potential negative credit rating impacts.
In particular, group members would often see potential negatives that she hadn't noticed.
A later amendment to the law, however, noted that the agency can weigh potential negative economic impact of habitat designation in deciding whether to create a new habitat area.
Many of the fasting «haters» out there mention potential negative effects on kidneys if fasting.
Many also fail to list potential negative interactions with other drugs or supplements.
Most blatantly, it did not quantify benefits, and — despite extensive discussion of administrative costs — ignores the broader potential negative impacts or social costs.
A reputable company will disclose potential negative side effects.
As with other potential negatives, it's typically best to wait until the interview to discuss dropping out, only discussing it if the interviewer asks.
There have been potential negative impacts from rolling futures positions and extended periods where the strategy utilized by the ETF have caused significant and sustained losses.
And towards the bottom of this page, you will find debt relief program disclosures and potential negative consequences that can come along with a debt relief program.
Scientists expressed their worry about this crisis by pointing out that potential negative health effects can be created by collective fear and panic.
The approach regularly results in patients entering treatment pathways with potential negative side effects, to treat low - risk tumors.
Conversely, there are potential negative effects of testing modifications that should be carefully considered before choosing to use them for your child.
These represented potential negatives for most of the parties (including Canada) in terms of net payment flows and relative claim on global wealth; accordingly, suspension improved the metrics of the deal for them.
We are dedicated to addressing the needs of our city's rescues and shelters who perform the thankless work of saving animals from potential negative outcomes.
They add, grimly, that things could also get worse: «It should also be noted that the projections do not take into account potential negative feedback from the environmental consequences of rapid population growth.
Independently created the lab safety and Ebola response tracking systems used by the Division Director to identify, review, and analyze complex and highly visible congressional correspondence that mitigated potential negative impacts to the Agency.
Whereas approach social goals direct individuals toward potential positive outcomes, such as intimacy and growth in their close relationships, avoidance social goals direct individuals away from potential negative outcomes, such as conflict and rejection.
Stimulate more positive client reviews on key review websites and minimize potential negative reviews.
When specific temperament traits of children, such as impulsivity or shyness, are recognized by parents and other caregivers, both caregivers and child can learn how to deal with the traits and reduce potential negative consequences.
I knew there would be sacrifices, but I felt that the benefit outweighed potential negatives.
Yoder says that although he didn't hesitate in taking on his LGBTQA project, which he began as a postdoc, he has definitely considered potential negative consequences for his image as a scientist.
During my hiatus, I spoke with Rick Santelli (click on the image below) to discuss some of the new issues presenting investment opportunities, in addition to concerns surrounding potential negative fallout from ill - conceived models, such as the effect of the border adjustment tax on the global financial system.
Despite potential negative factors such as scalability issues and regulatory concerns, the current optimism sweeping the Bitcoin space is bigger than ever.
There are several noted potential negative health effects of polyurethane foam: cardiac arrhythmia, breathlessness, chest discomfort, irritation of mucous membranes, headache, coughing, asthma - like allergic reaction, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, and reduced pulmonary function.
However, these potential benefits should be carefully weighed against potential negative side effects, for instance, on crop productivity and, thus, food production.»
The only potential negative of getting a check is that it can take a little longer to earn, since an earnings threshold must be met, or you have to wait until the end of the year before it comes in the mail.
Together with commercial operators they plan to go ahead with large - scale and more permanent ocean fertilization experiments and note that potential negative environmental consequences must be balanced against the harm
You're a savvy writer who knows how to manage potential negative factors, such as inconsequential jobs, too few jobs, too many temporary jobs, too many years at the same job, or too many years of age.
«You tend to overlook potential negatives and only look at the positives of a particular house,» says Jim Murrett, president of the Appraisal Institute, an association of real estate appraisers.
Russell said he thought media reports had made potential negative consequences of AI seem like they were all but already happening and said references to the Terminator film franchise in descriptions of AI were misleading.
A new article published in Clinical Lactation addresses potential negative outcomes of epidurals and other birth interventions.
Few potential negative externalities to my knowledge.
Chase recently sent out a survey to selected cardholders to gauge opinions on several potential negative changes that could be made to the Ultimate Rewards program and its associated credit cards.
The uncertainty and potential negative regulatory impacts have now been cited as the cause for marketwide sell - offs on
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