Sentences with phrase «potential new workplace»

When you match your latest resume format well enough to the expectations of your potential new workplace, you'll have already put yourself ahead of the competition before the interview stage is anywhere close.

Not exact matches

Similar to how learning the likes and dislikes of a potential new hire provides insight into someone's preferences, asking about the culture at their previous workplace gives us insight into how that company operates and what aspects of that culture attracted them to our opening.
The practical effect of this new rule is to put the heat on companies and corporate boards to reexamine how concerns come forward and how workplace investigations of potential wrongdoing are conducted — and that is a welcome development.
More important, they'll send a strong signal to your employees — and potential new hires — that you're serious about eliminating discrimination in the workplace.
While workspace aesthetics is not entirely to blame for these matters (other factors at play may include poor leadership or management and long commutes) this situation has the potential to intensify as we enter a new phase in workplace culture.
Another potential issue in getting an eLearning program off the ground is a workplace culture that isn't ready for the shift to a new method of training.
(a) New Reportable Incident — Structural Inadequacy: As of December 14, 2017, an employer must notify the Ministry of Labour (MOL) if a joint health and safety committee or a health and safety representative identifies potential structural inadequacies of a workplace as a source of danger or a hazard to workers.
A proactive approach to comply with the new Bill 132 requirements will help mitigate potential legal exposures and strengthen workplace protections.
Bill 177 also amended the OHSA to include a new specific duty for employers to notify the Ministry of Labour if the joint health and safety committee or representative, as applicable, has identified potential structural inadequacies of a building, structure, or any part thereof, or any other part of a workplace, whether temporary or permanent, as a source of danger or hazard to workers.
The feel - good effect of re-imagining swanky law offices aside, asking ourselves this question would spur thinking about (among other things): (i) training lawyers and law students to equip them to fully utilise the tools of the future workplace, (ii) potential workflow improvements that managing partners can make to their present offices to reduce costs and improve competitiveness, as well as (iii) possible concerns lawyers and judges may have about the new ways of working the new workplaces may bring (such as ethical or security concerns).
For employers, the decision heralds a new stage in the movement against workplace discrimination, in which employers may be expected to work together to address potential human rights violations.
«There will be a shift in the skills required to leverage the productivity potential of new, smart technologies, with an increased emphasis on cross-disciplinary engineering and scientific skills and the ability to adapt to a workplace that is staffed by people and machines,» says Mr Kresojevic, who is looking at how AI can bring end - to - end efficiencies while considering the impact on IT governance of task - specific quick - win solutions.
Citing this article in The New York Times, The Search for Illegal Immigration Stops at the Workplace, Fox notes that homeland security issues have made enforcement of illegal immigration laws «low hanging political fruit,» and sets up a potential conflict with many employers who rely on immigrants for business operations.
A sharp and concise cover letter is the perfect way for you to introduce yourself to your new potential workplace.
Continue the purpose to develop relevance, state clearly that you have the potential to make similar accomplishments at the new workplace.
The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) recently approved an updated Strategic Enforcement Plan (SEP) for Fiscal Years 2017 - 2021 that reaffirms the EEOC's commitment to advancing equal opportunity in America's workplaces while also recognizing new areas of potential concern such as complex employment relationships in the emerging «gig economy» and the use of «big data» for background screening.
Whether you're an employer selling your company as a desirable workplace to potential employees, or a mortgage broker selling your service to new home - buyers, a presence on social media is a must - have.
It is designed to be used with the New Ways for Work: Workbook as a remedial method for workers who have the potential to improve workplace behavior through improved conflict resolution skills.
This workbook, Personal Skills for Productive Relationships, by Bill Eddy and L. Georgi DiStefano is designed to be used with the New Ways for Work ℠: Coaching Manual as a remedial method for workers who have the potential to improve workplace behavior, but are in need of improved conflict resolution skills.
January 5, 2016 Corporate Real Estate Opportunities Grow as ASEAN Becomes a Unified Economic Market, According to CoreNet Global Report Southeast Asia emerges as a major economic force and a driver of global growth accelerating the region's potential for corporate real estate, according a new report from CoreNet Global, the global association for corporate real estate (CRE) and workplace professionals, service providers and economic developers.
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