Sentences with phrase «potential plaintiffs»

The phrase "potential plaintiffs" refers to individuals or groups who could potentially bring a lawsuit or legal action against someone or something. Full definition
Surprisingly, I do get a number of potential plaintiffs who call trying to hire me, despite the obvious defense orientation of my blog.
As such, it is important for potential plaintiffs to properly determine whether the relief they are seeking is personal or derivative, and to frame their claims accordingly.
Speaking to these witnesses early carries an added benefit if they put you in touch with other potential plaintiffs or defendants.
They use their knowledge and experience to develop the best litigation strategies, to identify potential plaintiffs as well as to seek class action certification for nationwide clients and claims.
A class action suit allows the claims of numerous potential plaintiffs to be heard in one legal case, rather than separate legal actions that each person would have to bring.
Thus, in the realm of medical assisting, the CMA credential has become a means of protecting against potential plaintiffs who might seize upon the fact that the employer (whether a physician, a physician's corporation, a group practice, or a clinic) is utilizing unlicensed allied health personnel.
«It's all about realizing that litigation is an asset or a liability depending on whether you're making a claim or defending it, and once you realize it's an asset I think you'll eventually see more larger corporations as potential plaintiffs managing their litigation by using funders to take the risk and get it off their balance sheets, which you see in the U.S., Australia and U.K,» he says.
On March 30, former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr., Esq., a partner at the law firm Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC, announced that the firm has started «an investigation» into Longfin and is looking for potential plaintiffs who'd suffered losses.
However, adds Vargesson, who has advised lawyers for potential plaintiffs in the United Kingdom who do not have apparent limb defects, «it's pretty clear that this drug did an awful lot of things and they don't always centre around limb defects».
The provision of special costs in an anti-SLAPP bill also creates a financial penalty on the plaintiff for bringing a SLAPP suit, which ought to discourage potential plaintiffs from bringing these suits.
Ecojustice and the Canadian Environmental Law Association (2010) note that discouraging potential plaintiffs from filing SLAPP suits is the most effective way to provide protection to potential targets (p. 23).
Potential plaintiffs considering similar actions should keep this consideration in mind, and might want to frame their pleadings more broadly and employ simplified proceedings from the outset to avoid the cost denial under subrule 76.13 (3).
To make sure your content reaches a large pool of potential plaintiffs with minimum costs and effort, we build three pillars of content development into every piece of content we create: Conversion, Conversation and Customer Service.
«Firms that... don't realize that if you're acting for potential defendants and / or if you have potential plaintiffs [with] this in the market and it's not going away.»
Thus, in the realm of medical assisting, the CMA (AAMA) credential has become a means of protecting against potential plaintiffs who might seize upon the fact that the employer (whether a physician, a physician's corporation, a group practice, or a clinic) is utilizing unlicensed allied health personnel.
Because so many potential plaintiffs are involved — Uber has an estimated 200,000 drivers in the U.S. — the damages could be huge.
We provide opinions to potential plaintiffs in cases of medical malpractice, and will advise those affected as to whether the services provided by a physician may have fallen below the appropriate standard of care.
All other potential plaintiffs are contacted to determine their interest, or disinterest, in joining the suit.
«The interests of potential plaintiffs and defendants and of affected long - term shareholders have been weighed conscientiously and deliberately in light of a desired precise balance between deterrence and compensation,» wrote Côté.
With roughly 200,000 lung cancer diagnoses per year in comparison to 3,000 — 3,500 annual mesothelioma diagnoses, the pool for potential plaintiffs» cases could be considerably larger.
Finally, as long as all the potential plaintiffs are part of the UFC «family», the inevitable civil settlements won't significantly burden him either.
The spat over the potential plaintiff's pseudonym comes in a lawsuit filed on March 9 by the NRA, just hours after Gov. Rick Scott signed into law a sweeping school - safety measure that included new gun - related restrictions.
Exxon and other fossil fuel companies could face «a huge universe of potential plaintiffs» in civil liability suits in coming years, said Carroll Muffett, a lawyer who is president and CEO of the Center for International Environmental Law, with offices in Washington and Geneva.
In «Litigation A Risk Management Guide for Midwives» published in 1993 the authors recommended «that hospitals set up arrangements for identifying brain damaged babies, each one of which must be regarded as a potential plaintiff.
In a concurring opinion, Appeals Court Justice Frederick L. Brown said that the interests of the potential plaintiffs were so dissimilar that he was puzzled by why plaintiffs» counsel bothered to divert their attention from the clients they already represent.
when acting for the plaintiffs, failing to name all potential plaintiffs, using their correct corporate names, (e.g., both a principal shareholder and his / her corporation, where both have a cause of action); and
Sometimes personal injury lawyers realize that potential plaintiffs are doing too much «shopping around» for a lawyer.
By the end of the weekend, we had 1,500 people fill out the potential plaintiff form.
Most critically for patent practitioners, the jurisdictional options open to a potential plaintiff are now much more limited.
The court noted that the law requires that a potential plaintiff provide notice regarding the «time, place, and cause of the injury.»
The injured party's attorney has the knowledge which enables him or her to evaluate the incident, and, if there is belief that there may be a strong causation issue, investigates the incident prior to filing a complaint for the injured party, who, at that time, is a potential plaintiff.
Successfully defeated certification of a class of 150,000 potential plaintiffs, saving the client over $ 600 million in damages
The potential plaintiff said MTV's «set up» shots and use of editing misrepresented her family in one episode that focuses on Isaiah Green, teenage mother Christinna Robinson and the birth of their daughter, Destiny.
There are a number of things about a Louisville slip and fall case that a potential plaintiff should be aware of.
However, a potential plaintiff must first consider several factors.
There are exceptions to this rule and any potential plaintiff should speak with an Illinois medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible or their case could be barred.
(4) The limitation period shall be deemed not to expire against the potential plaintiff until the later of,
It would also be problematic given the sophisticated nature of the potential plaintiffs and the fact that only a moron would believe every customer could be on the first page.
There is no doubt that some cases will be deterred as the potential plaintiff will be made more risk - averse by the prospect of having to pay for the defendants» fees (assuming, contra Victor, that courts will come to assess these fees).
Before pursuing the case, the potential Plaintiff should read Should I Sue?
potential plaintiffs could not contend that the LLC and me are the same thing, 3.
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