Sentences with phrase «potential poison to»

Two days later, when I pumped and dumped from my cancerous breast for the first time in my life, alone in the dark, after the kids went to bed and before my husband came home from work, I cried because the liquid gold was suddenly a potential poison to my baby and there was nothing I could do about it.

Not exact matches

It would also thus serve as a potential poison pill to fend off any Amazon approaches.
You would think that the only source of employment in Alberta is oil — yet the clean energy sector provides more jobs than pipelines and doesn't contribute to exposure to poisons and toxins with the potential for long term damage to the environment.
But some supermarkets doused binned food in bleach to prevent potential food - poisoning by eating food from bins.
Think of these as savory, luxurious lollipops that will whisk you away to India sans the jet leg and potential for food poisoning.
Most of the time, mercury poisoning from one roll of sushi isn't significant enough to cause this, but you should recognize it as a potential risk.
(You could also move all cleaning supplies or potential poison hazards to higher cabinets.)
This is because the skin contains a chemical called «urushiol» — the same chemical that's found in poison ivy and sumac, both well known for their potential to cause a nasty reaction on contact.
The Common Council's chief response to the city's lead poisoning problem involves a commitment to distribute lead test kits to residents that one expert has termed a «very dangerous idea» with the potential for «extremely hazardous» results.
Most recently, the Council largely ignored a warning from a lead poisoning prevention expert who advised that their plan to purchase home lead test kits was a «very dangerous idea» with the potential for «extremely hazardous» results.
Question topics included the recent rollout of the City's municipal ID program, an internal PBA meeting reported to have degenerated into yelling and shoving over PBA President Pat Lynch's demands for an apology from the mayor and whether that provided «consolation» to the mayor, whether he takes comfort from the low number of PBA members reported to have signed «stay away from my funeral» statements, Bratton's comment that the «well was poisoned» by de Blasio's bring of former Sharpton aide Rachel Noerdlinger, a potential Teamsters strike at Hunts Point market, Governor Cuomo's consideration of legislation allowing public access to grand jury minutes, the mayor's objections to a City Council proposed bill outlawing police use of chokeholds, a reported Cuomo / Lynch meeting and what role the governor should fill in the Lynch / de Blasio dispute, whether the mayor is willing to acknowledge «missteps», the reports of Legionnaire's Disease in Co-op City, de Blasio's reaction to a possible 2016 Mitt Romney candidacy and when he last spoke with the Rev. Al Sharpton.
Oneida County Health Department (OCHD) warns parents and caregivers not to buy or use Bo Ying Compound, due to the potential risk of lead poisoning.
Environmental Experts Warn of the Dangers of Giant Hogweed Giant Hogweed is a public health hazard that ranks higher than poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac in respect to its potential to harm humans.
«The wtf genes make a poison that has the potential to kill everything, including themselves.
This poison dart frog's bright colors warn potential predators to avoid a deadly meal.
Evolución de la rana diablito en Ecuador Some South American poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) are chemically defended and usebright aposematic colors to warn potential predators of their unpalatability.
Some South American poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) are chemically defended and usebright aposematic colors to warn potential predators of their unpalatability.
Use poison bait or traps to eliminate these potential asthma triggers from your home.
Of course raw fish can be risky due to potential for food poisoning.
Before we get into the potential benefits, it's important to realize that alcohol is a neurotoxin that can poison your brain.
While plants» only defense mechanism may be to wage chemical warfare on their predators, our cells have evolved over millions of years to capitalize on the situation, turning potential poisons into anticancer potions.
Rug burns and bruising are common and there is always the potential that you could have a reaction to plants you come in contact with (poison ivy anyone?)
What this film doesn't need is a performance like Emmy Rossum's, who tries to stink up the movie with her femme fatale scent, but comes with endlessly corny potential most easily compared to Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy in Joel Schumacher's opus to the death of comic book movies, Batman and Robin.
By equipping employees with knowledge in these topics, they are empowered to help prevent potential food poisoning situations.
Hasn't that poisoned the well, making it hard for local educators to see district staff as potential allies and supporters?
With the Pet Poison Helpline app, you will access information on potential poisons, from household products to plants.
First, gather up any of the potential poison that remains — this may be helpful to your veterinarian and any outside experts who assist with the case.
The Murphy Farm Hay and Feed Co. recalled a load of alfalfa hay due to possible blister beetle contamination; Western Milling recalled some bags of Western Blend horse feed because of the potential for ionophore poisoning.
For a definitive food allergy diagnosis, your veterinarian needs to rule out other potential causes for your dog's anatomical reaction such as exposure to a toxic substance, food intolerance (which is different from a food allergy) or a drug or poison reaction.
I think this week is a good time to remind pet families of potential hazards in the home and to help pet families protect their favorite fur baby against unintentional... Continue reading Pet Poisoning in the News
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) works hard year - round to help provide critical information to pet parents nationwide about the dangers of potential pet toxins.
As a conscientious pet owner, you're very aware of poisons and other potential hazards around your home, and you do everything necessary to keep your dog or cat safe and healthy.
Megaesophagus can occur as a congenital, idiopathic or acquired lesion, but the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center warns that some toxins have the potential to cause megaesophagus as well.
On the downside, wild rabbits have to deal with the potential for predators and poisoning by stingy humans who do not want to share the contents of their gardens.
Based on the potential toxin eaten, you may be directed to call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center's hotline at 888-426-4435 to speak to a toxicologist who can make recommendations about care.
The best reason to avoid giving your bun mushrooms, however, is the potential for poisoning.
Resources: Pet Poison Helpline (PPH) is an Animal Poison Control that provides treatment advice and recommendations relating to exposures to potential dangerous plants, products, medications, and substances, to veterinarians, veterinary staff and pet owners 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Alcoholic beverages have the potential to poison pets.
Especially important is both preventing a potential poisoning situation for your pets, as well as knowing exactly what to do when one occurs.
How to induce vomiting in your dog or cat: If the pet has eaten something he or she shouldn't have and there is real potential for poisoning to occur (such as medication, certain plants, flea medication, rat poison) it is possible to induce vomiting by giving about 1 teaspoonful (5 ml) of hydrogen peroxide 3 % (the regular kind from the pharmacy) for each 10 pounds of body weight.
Cars and Pets Cats love to warm up underneath car hoods.If your car is kept outdoors, or if cats have access to your garage, be sure to pound on the hood of the car prior to turning the ignition.Many cats are killed or injured grievously by fan belts and moving engine parts.Also, pets should not be left alone in vehicles due to the potential for carbon monoxide poisoning or hypothermia.
In this podcast, we discuss what potential poison dangers may be lurking around a pool and how to best keep your pets safe.
Some human foods are a potential risk to pets, although severe poisoning in cats is rarely reported.
I called them and to treat both dogs for potential poisoning is more than I can afford.
Preventing Chocolate Toxicity Be sure to keep chocolate and all other potential poisons well out of reach of pets.
«Many of our favorite Halloween traditions could pose a potential threat to our companion animals,» says Mindy Bough, Vice President of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.
But the list of potential poisons — or toxins — goes well beyond those five categories to include many other substances that are commonly used in the typical home.
No matter the season, always feel free to call Pet Poison Helpline if you have any questions about potential toxins and your pet.
Alcoholic drinks and yeast dough both have the potential to cause toxicity in pets, and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center notes that pets seem to find both quite palatable.
I realized that even I had the potential to become a trained agent of death lurking in the shadows... or one standing directly in front of the target, blending in behind the bar while they sip on a cocktail laced with rat poison.
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