Sentences with phrase «potential positive effects»

* The rising CO2 content of the atmosphere may induce very small changes in the well - buffered ocean chemistry (pH) that could slightly reduce coral calcification rates; but potential positive effects of hydrospheric CO2 enrichment may more than compensate for this modest negative phenomenon.
This will undermine the potential positive effects of fatherhood on men's development and life courses.
While there are a few negative possible outcomes from eating spicy food while you're nursing, there are also some potential positive effects your baby might experience from this as well.
Given the evidence that early child care is not associated with problems with aggression, the researchers are turning their attention to the potential positive effects that daycare may have for children's language development and learning.
And while rising carbon dioxide might seem like a boon for agriculture, Moore also emphasizes any potential positive effects can not be considered in isolation, and will likely be outweighed by many drawbacks.
Nearly all of the assertions by the Australian blogger in the second chart were inflammatory and untrue, with only thin threads leading to legitimate issues (one being that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, as noted in a review by the Dutch environment agency, has traditionally focused its summaries on worst - case outcomes and left out potential positive effects or other factors, like population growth, that contribute to climate vulnerability).
The current rates already anticipated a Fed increase and potential positive effects a Donald Trump administration might initially have.
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