Sentences with phrase «potential psychological factors»

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Typical factors of a psychological and sociological nature are of considerable consequence, for example, the typical make - up of the potential sectarian or of the sectarian leader, of the sectarian audience, of the urban parishioner, and of the ecclesiastical bureaucrat.
Potential predictive factors were organized in four categories: demographic, physical, psychological and occupational.
A vocational assessment will typically take into account a number of factors, including medical, psychological, social, vocational, educational, cultural and economic factors, with the end result of identifying a person's vocational potential for realistic job and training options.
The xTEND project enabled the establishment of a unique set of mental health - related data from two large community samples across rural and urban regions of New South Wales in which to explore the role of community and interpersonal networks, adversity and depression as potential risk factors for suicide and poor physical and psychological outcomes.
Maternal reports of CP, children's aggressive behaviors at 3 and 5 years of age, and a host of key demographic features and potential confounding factors, including maternal child physical maltreatment, psychological maltreatment, and neglect, intimate partner aggression victimization, stress, depression, substance use, and consideration of abortion, were assessed.
Moreover, maternal internalizing symptoms were associated with both physiological indices in their children, specifically with higher HRV but lower IS, suggesting an interesting relationship between maternal psychological problems and autonomic processes related ER (as a potential protective factor) in their children.
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