Sentences with phrase «potential release»

Here's everything we know so far about GTA 6, including the latest rumors, potential release dates, and a few noteworthy quotes from the developers.
Data from 2,900 hydraulically fractured wells in the state were used to estimate potential releases of fracturing fluid chemicals and wastewater.
Also, «a version of the GameCube Animal Crossing is currently being tested for potential release».
Otherwise, according to Samsung officials who previously spoke about the update's potential release window, the company might have to push back the public launch to February 2018 in case of any notable problems.
Talking of games with potential release dates that line up with the rumoured release window for the PS5, the next game in Bethesda Game Studios» Elder Scrolls franchise, Elder Scrolls VI, is one of the biggest and most anticipated.
Melee, with testing underway on Animal Crossing as the next potential release.
Here's a rundown of all information available so far regarding potential release dates of the update for each of the four major U.S. carriers.
So we also covered the best and worst of the show before moving on to discuss the NX's potential release list for 2017.
These possibilities can be distinguished by a quantal analysis in which the size of the miniature excitatory postsynaptic potential released spontaneously from the presynaptic terminal is used as a reference.
As I was talking about the game's potential release earlier, Ubisoft has suddenly just confirmed a launch date.
[2] Many complicated factors, such as the plenary power doctrine, due process issues, and the congested immigration court system left the Supreme Court of the United States befuddled on when it is appropriate to require review for potential release.
Rumours pointing to potential release dates have been all over the place lately - most recently, Amazon changed their placeholder date to September.
Melee have already been prepared for the home gaming system, with testing underway on Animal Crossing as the next potential release.
Still, Bitcoin bulls are setting their sights on the potential release of a Bitcoin exchange traded fund, a product that would trade on the regular stock market, opening up the digital asset to a broader array of investors.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D - Conn., discusses Rudy Giuliani's remarks about Michael Cohen during a Fox News interview, the special counsel's investigation, attacks on the DOJ and the potential release of three Americans in North Korea.May.03.2018
The potential release of the memo penned by House Intelligence Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes has set up a standoff with Trump against both the FBI and Department of Justice.
Take - Two's long - term revenue will be driven by further market concentration among a select few titles, the potential release of new titles and an ongoing shift to digital game distribution, Wingren said.
While ketchup maker Heinz was teasing the potential release of «mayochup,» leading mayonaise maker Hellmann's announced its entrance into the natural ketchup world.
The Australian Government recently announced a $ 15 million investment to develop a National Carp Control Plan to support the potential release of the carp - specific herpesvirus, which could help manage carp abundance in the Murray - Darling Basin.
After opting out of his contract amid changes to the 49ers offense under new coach Kyle Shanahan and rumors of a potential release, Kaepernick has spent the past eight months wandering in the NFL desert.
In a statement, in a statement, supporters of Clark's release called it unfortunate some lawmakers were «playing politics» with her potential release.
Today, Keenan suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and said the news of the potential release of Clark triggers it to be worse.
News of Clark's potential release has drawn criticisms and protests from many in the Rockland County, N.Y., community.
Hundreds protested in front of the County Courthouse earlier this month and survivors of the three victims» families have come out against her potential release
PBA President Pat Lynch has criticized pretty much everyone over Bell's potential release — everyone except Cuomo, that is.
Issues involving the Dewey Loeffel Landfill in Rensselaer County were fodder for discussion this afternoon at Nassau Town Hal, as officials expressed concerns over the potential release of contaminants into local waterways.
Dr Hauptmann added: «More attention needs to be paid to the potential release of anthropogenic contaminants in this fast - changing environment.
One concern is the potential release of methane during hydraulic fracturing, or «fracking», which uses injections of high - pressure fluids to shatter rock and release trapped gas.
«The potential impact of these results extends to global policy: these results indicate the potential release of large amounts of carbon from thawed permafrost even if we attain the 2 degree [C] warming target under negotiation,» says Kevin Schaefer, a scientist at the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center, who has also studied permafrost but was not involved in this, in his words, «great science» effort.
operating companies have effective plans to address the potential releases following cessation of mining and milling activity;
Next week we will talk about the intricacies of the side bending technique and ways to troubleshoot the potential release valves.
I may or may not have bugged Hell Bunny's designer and PR manager Sarah one too many times about its potential release date in my eagerness ever since — sorry Sarah!
For men who use online dating sites a great way to meet women and to minimize the potential release.
As yet, there's no word on a potential release date, but we'll keep you posted.
This week, two games with lots of potential release, and one of them has been discussed in full over at the PlayStation Blog.
Along with a new trailer released during Comic Con, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes now has a potential release date.
Death Stranding doesn't have a release date yet, and rumors regarding the game's potential release in 2018 were neither confirmed nor denied.
With such unquestionably colossal success, talks of a sequel have already been percolating, with a potential release date in summer 2010.
First, there's the mystery surrounding a potential release date.
Gore Verbinski was attached to the project at the tail end of 2017, and is set to get things rolling in just two months time for a potential release on Valentine's Day 2019.
Although there are reportedly some big name Battle Royale games coming, with rumors circulating about a Red Dead Redemption 2 Battle Royale mode and suggestions that The Division's developers are making a Battle Royale game, Black Ops 4 should certainly pip these two potential releases to the post.
In March 2017, the Sunderland Echo reported an incident at a local school that resulted in pupils having to be «hosed down», they were put through a decontamination wagon, this due to a potential release of asbestos caused by high winds affecting the structure of the school.
We know that plenty of you are most excited about June 12th for the potential release of Angry Birds Epic from Rovio, but a particular electronics manufacturer that goes by the name of Samsung shares the spotlight on that day where they are expected to show off and announce their upcoming device called the Galaxy -LSB-...]
Foxconn will also be manufacturing the 8.9 inch sized Amazon tablet from the middle of 2012 for a potential release sometime towards the end of second quarter.
The second point of interest is the potential release of this technology for Windows Phone in 2012.
Where's the potential release structure of chapters vs volumes?
But the potential release of the tablet comes only one month before the official release Google's Android P operating system in August.
We know you're going to ask, so we'll just say it and be done with it: Three Mile Island poses no danger whatsoever to human health, and quite frankly never did, even when there was serious tension about a potential release back in 1979.
No word yet on a release date for the PlayStation 3 version, or a potential release for the PC and Xbox 360.
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