Sentences with phrase «potential settlement»

Another factor to consider is that some insurance companies use standardized software to help them determine potential settlement values.
It generally involves an investigation and medical treatment phase, negotiation phase, litigation phase (if necessary), and finally potential settlement and compensation to you.
Not the allure of potential settlement money hitting the nostrils of the American legal community.
The knowledge that the Collaborative attorneys can not bring the case in front of a judge further permits the parties to speak openly about potential settlement options (and frees attorneys from conducting exhaustive, costly opposition research).
This may limit their candour about potential settlement options.
From help with completing and gathering information to analysing disclosure received from the other side and advising on potential settlements contact one of the family team on 0203 440 8000
Youth Petitioners In Washington Climate Case to Meet with Department of Ecology to Discuss Potential Settlement.
Others go to the Netherlands, where funders are free to veto not only decisions made during the case, but even potential settlements.
In addition to addressing important issues such as discovery procedures, potential settlement negotiations and attorney leadership roles, the Judge has also announced a «Science Day» for July 19, 2017.
The reforms in AB 773 will establish cost - benefit and proportionality requirements for discovery to prevent litigants from abusing the discovery process to leverage a higher potential settlement or engage in a «fishing expedition.»
In that Order, the Judge also indicated a special master or mediator would be appointed early in the case to explore potential settlements.
Since many of the decisions made about the division of assets are difficult, if not impossible to change once the divorce is final, it is imperative to be fully informed of the short and long - term consequences of potential settlement alternatives, so that the family has the best chance of protecting its financial stability going forward.
Because of heavy rainfall, homeowners who live in houses built on slopes should contact a geotechnical engineer, or similar expert, to identify potential settlement issues.
We usually do this by calling your personal injury attorney to get a ballpark number of potential settlements.
The Canadian government is buoyed by other recent developments in Canada-U.S. trade: this week Boeing has dropped its legal fight against Bombardier and there are indications of a potential settlement in a dispute over glossy paper.
The practicalities of relegation, heavy losses and, most importantly, a potential settlement over Financial Fair Play, mean QPR do not want to be seen to spend lavishly at this time.
Israel's disregard for the potential the settlement building had to disrupt the fragile peace process contributed to the demise of the Oslo process.
A potential settlement between Milwaukee County and Sheriff David Clarke Jr. has been delayed until at least September.
Adelanto School District Superintendent Lily DeBlieux said she has not yet been approached by prosecutors to discuss a potential settlement, and that any such decisions would first be vetted by the school board.
In most provinces in the country, anyone who has the same legal complaint as a plaintiff who launches any type of class action can automatically share in any potential settlements provided they make a rightful claim in time, say legal experts.
Both Orenstein and Merchant say it's important for Canadians to stay on top of class actions if they want to benefit from any potential settlements, as cases can take years to work their ways through the courts.
If the potential settlement is large, you will need to decide if you want to file at all, since some of the settlement will need to go to pay creditors.
Are there disputes or potential settlements on your credit report?
Of the 8.5 million shares placed in escrow, approximately 2.7 million shares relate primarily to the potential settlement of VaxGen's lease facility obligation.
Given there is an element of «crystal ball gazing» involved in any potential settlement or award for future wage loss, having a good personal injury lawyer is especially key in these types of scenarios.
Our legal team's goal is to maximize the potential settlement you may be entitled to through a thorough investigation into what led to your injuries and an aggressive approach to negotiation or trial when pursuing your rights to recovery.
Every case is unique with its own set of extenuating circumstances that will contribute to the outcome of any potential settlement or court award.
Often your medical bills and / or liens, amount to more than your potential settlement.
They want that factored in to any potential settlement as well.
If you have questions about this case or potential settlement of a similar ICBC claim feel free to click here to contact the author of this article.
Our experienced accident injury lawyers can, however, provide you with a FREE case evaluation so that you can learn more about your potential settlement or court verdict and so that you can make the decision that is right for you.
A lot of the work they will do is leading up to a potential settlement with the other party.
The national reach of Sokolove Law allows us to help victims in any state, and to maximize the value of their cases and potential settlements.
One of the differences you will note is that if your employer has workers» compensation, it will have an impact on any potential settlement.
Civil litigation can be divided into several stages, including investigation, pleadings, discovery, pretrial proceedings, potential settlement or trial, and even appeal.
We help determine the correct course of action, ensure papers are in order for an insurance claim or lawsuit, and advise you as to whether a potential settlement offer is reasonable.
Choosing the right lawyer to represent you in court or otherwise is imperative - not only for the maximization of your potential settlement, but also for your very peace of mind.
We can help facilitate treatment with doctors who work on a lien basis, which means any medical bills can be paid from the potential settlement.
And while this is not an easy question to answer, there are ways to predict a potential settlement or case resolution.
One such client testifies, «Cara not only provides litigation and legal support but has also been tremendous in understanding the cost benefit to our company throughout the process by handling negotiations and potential settlements.
The joint session provides an opportunity for each participant, either directly or through counsel, to present their issues, approaches and concerns regarding the dispute and its potential settlement.
It is important to note, however, that the source that paid these medical bills or lost wages may have a lien or subrogation rights against the funds from a potential settlement or verdict for the amount they paid or a percentage thereof.
Last but certainly not least, an experienced and hard - working personal injury lawyer will go above and beyond to maximize your potential settlement with ICBC.
You should keep your mind open towards a potential settlement.
Finally, it is generally a good to contact an experienced Quincy car accident lawyer to assist you in the handling of your claim and to maximize any potential settlement.
As a party moves from one stage to the next, the rationality of his or her position increases while the propinquity of that position relative to his or her ideal result decreases, thus moving both parties closer to potential settlement:
Product liability insurance protects you by paying for those expensive legal fees and any potential settlements you have to pay after a lawsuit.
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