Sentences with phrase «potential signs and symptoms»

Demonstrates working knowledge of reasons for test, procedures, treatments and potential signs and symptoms of complications.
Learn potential signs and symptoms of dog pregnancy and how pregnancy can be diagnosed.
So first off, anyone's that potentially having hair loss, energy issues, fatigue, the outer third of those eyebrows that are thinning, potential constipation, vertical ridging on those fingers, low temperature, you know, tingling, numbness in the fingers and toes, these are all potential signs and symptoms of a thyroid issue.
The following are the potential signs and symptoms of low testosterone.
In order to be appropriately and thoroughly evaluated for thyroid dysfunction and obtain optimal treatment, it is important that patients find a thyroidologist who understands the limitations of standard thyroid testing and can clinically evaluate patients by taking an extensive inventory of potential signs and symptoms that may be due to low tissue thyroid levels despite normal standard thyroid tests.
Just like the large intestine, there are many potential signs and symptoms of problematic kidney function, and it is therefore most important for you to know the symptoms of kidneys that are not functioning optimally.

Not exact matches

Both of these symptoms are potential signs of leukemia, a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow, and tests conducted last week, while the Colts were on a bye, confirmed the specific diagnosis of APL.
If no medical personnel are on the sports sideline, any athlete showing potential signs of concussion, such as balance or motor incoordination (stumbles, slow / labored movements), disorientation or confusion, loss of memory, blank or vacant look or visible facial injury combined with any of these other symptoms, should be removed from play, barred from returning and referred for a formal evaluation by a qualified health care professional.
Head Case: Founded by concerned parents of competitive kids, Head Case is a sports technology company with the mission to protect athletes from the cumulative risk of undetected concussions.Head Case are the creators behind Head Case, an affordable three - part head health management systemthat that measures and records head impacts in G - force, provides alerts on impacts of concern, offers diagnostic tools to detect signs and symptoms of potential concussions, and recommends the best treatment facilities in an athlete's current location.
If the field - side test reveals potential concussion signs or symptoms, the athlete is immediately taken out of the game and advised to seek medical attention.
«Though our study is preliminary, based upon these findings and the broader literature, patients and clinicians should consider insomnia as an additional warning sign of potential suicidal behavior, not just a symptom of other warning signs, such as depression or alcohol use,» Nadorff said.
Points of difference include the questionable value of blood tests and the wide variability of testosterone levels in men without any sign of andropause symptoms, the subjective nature of so - called benefits, as well as testosterone's potential risk of heart attacks and prostate cancer, and the claims that testosterone prevents aging.
Once you establish a dose that's working for you — and as long as your symptoms don't change (look out for anxiety and palpitations as a potential sign of an overdose, and fatigue and pain as a potential sign of an underdose)-- you can test every six months.
Various signs and symptoms, especially when grouped together, can provide us with clues — a red flag of potential hazards ahead.
If you suspect that you may be struggling with a thyroid condition, learn more about the signs, symptoms and potential treatments.
Being able to recognize the signs and symptoms of the most common mental health disorders can help teachers identify potential problems more quickly and work with parents and the school to help students get the help they need.
You know your furry friend best, so it's important to be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of a potential issue.
However, these symptoms are also potential signs of a serious or life - threatening condition such as canine cancer, and it is important to consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your dog.
The hip joint laxity is responsible for potential clinical signs (symptoms) of hip pain and limb dysfunction and progressive joint changes.
All potential brain injury individuals should seek proper medical evaluation from a doctor trained to recognize brain injury signs and symptoms.
Answer: Nurses monitor vital signs and look for symptoms of potential illness.
This may include structured psychological therapy, such as interpersonal rhythm therapy, family - focussed therapy, cognitive — behavioural therapy or acceptance and commitment therapy.45 These have been shown to sustain health and prevent relapse, in conjunction with pharmacotherapy.7 Substance abuse is highly prevalent in this population and should be recognised as a potential trigger, alongside signs of a shift in mood and / or coping.46 Psychoeducation is therefore important for managing medication and promoting adherence, also managing the disease long term.45 Regular 12 - month follow - up appointments with the clinician can serve to provide interepisode support as well as screening for any noteworthy symptoms or disruption to functioning, from the disease or medication regime.44
George Mason University, Master's in Education, Manassas, VA: Guest Lecturer — Childhood Trauma and its Potential Impact on learning: Recognizing Signs and Symptoms of Trauma
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