Sentences with phrase «potential strategic partners»

ISOMA is in early stage discussions with potential strategic partners to develop ISOMA Diagnostics» molecular test into a companion diagnostic that can help companies and doctors steer patients towards the right treatment choices.
Sometimes potential strategic partners may also be potential competitors, so you may want to present your plan in stages, saving sensitive information such as financials and marketing strategies for later in the process when trust has been established.
Third, the international relations of human rights are highly charged, and India's light touch on the subject avoids offending or alienating potential strategic partners.
State officials are «in conversations with a number of potential strategic partners, locally and in the film industry,» who might run the film hub, Zemsky said.
According to Gene Slowinski, director of strategic - alliance studies at the Rutgers Graduate School of Management, before you even approach a potential strategic partner, you need to make sure you have something of genuine value to offer.
At first, the summits offered China the opportunity to emphasize its role as a potential strategic partner and source of investment and trade.
Although it's important to target the final decision - makers in your sales process, as noted above, it's often critical to find and win over someone at the firm (or potential strategic partner) who is a few rungs below because she not only truly understands the pain point you're trying to alleviate, but she's the one for whom that pain is a meaningful and present part of daily life (e.g., the senior associate whose life would be immeasurably improved by having your product or service).
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