Sentences with phrase «potential teaching candidates»

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According to Lawrence Summers, former director of President Barack Obama's National Economic Council and former U.S. Treasury Secretary — he is also President Emeritus of Harvard University at the top of a shortlist of potential candidates to replace current chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke — the events of the last few years have thrown into question much of what he learned and taught about coherent economic models.
The advisory committee continues to advise the director on developing new courses and selecting potential candidates to teach these courses.
«Recent events have taught the global community that promising candidate countermeasures for emerging infectious diseases, like MERS, need to be advanced early in order to prevent or respond to the potential of a growing epidemic.»
If a potential candidate has the appropriate attitude and shows the ability to learn and evolve, even if they do not have the ideal skill set, the chances that you can easily teach them what they need to know are quite high.
According to the researchers, these and other findings suggest that many schools are not taking full advantage of decentralized hiring and its potential for improving the amount and quality of information exchanged between teaching candidates and those who do the hiring.
Teacher residencies, year - long programs that allow teaching candidates to work alongside experienced teachers while learning how to teach, have been praised as a teacher training model with great potential.
Hess and others argue for deepening the pool of potential candidates by opening school leadership positions to those without a license or teaching experience, but I doubt that will work.
Potential teachers should demonstrate competence in an academic discipline and an aptitude for teaching; schools must offer incentives to attract outstanding candidates; unconventional paths to the profession must be forged; and salaries must be based on performance and sensitive to market conditions.
Candidates for the Google for Education Certified Innovator program are selected based on their professional experience, their passion for teaching and learning, their innovative use of technology in school settings, their potential to impact other educators, and their desire to tackle some of the biggest challenges in education.
Abstract: Given the importance of teacher quality and the limitations of using pre-hire characteristics to assess teaching potential, Urban Teacher Center has developed several formative assessments of its teacher candidates to ensure that they receive feedback to support continuous improvement as they develop their practice.
The completion of one cycle of experiential learning helped them gain a better understanding of VS, the key VS teaching skills, the VS teacher's responsibilities, and the role of technology in VS. It also helped the teacher candidates to address their preconceptions and misconceptions, which minimized their concerns about VS. What began with a motivation to acquire the required contact field experience hours ended with spurred interest in a potential career related to VS.
Sometimes potential candidates wonder if they are too young or too old, or if they've had enough teaching experience.
Knowledge of place and the types of social networks therein, therefore, has the potential to allow teacher candidates to teach their future students in effective, culturally responsive, and equitable ways.
Since I am currently implementing the SWAP for the first time with teacher candidates, what follows are three examples of paths, or sequences of assignments, that demonstrate the potential uses of the archive in English teacher preparation courses on teaching methods, writing pedagogies, and linguistics.
Timed recruitment for early identification of a large candidate pool and employing criteria to spot teaching potential and commitment to serve culturally and linguistically diverse students;
Specifically, this report conveys what UVA / PLE researchers and field team members have learned from a project examining how districts prioritizing their lowest - performing schools attract and recruit high - potential candidates for principalships and teaching positions.
We focus on affordances and constraints of standardization along with the tools and supports necessary and explore the potential for use with teaching candidates.
Aside from these mainstream jobs, you could also take up teaching so you can help other potential candidates to become a veterinary technician such as yourself.
It does not mean that the agenda teaches you to be all stern - rather it shows you how to make the candidate relaxed yet not casual so that there can be an effective interview and assessment of the potential candidate.
Because in order to obtain a desirable teaching position, it is essential to lure a potential hiring committee with a visually - appealing resume or CV that stands out in a slew of other candidates.
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