Sentences with phrase «potential vaccine virus»

The duration of potential vaccine virus transmission may vary.

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«Persons who have already completed the hepatitis A vaccine series are not at risk of developing hepatitis A virus infection from this potential exposure.»
The epitope where 2D22 binds to the virus may therefore represent a potential vaccine target.
Roughly a year after Brazilian doctors and researchers first suspected a link between a spate of alarming birth defects and the Zika virus, a cadre of potential vaccines are now headed for testing in humans.
Contributing to work on smallpox, polio, and vaccine development, primates allow research on potential treatments for hepatitis C and B, Ebola and Marburg viruses, and HIV / AIDS.
VLP vaccines often prompt an immune reaction similar to that of natural, whole virus and have a number of potential advantages over traditional vaccines, said Dr. Ledgerwood.
Live virus vaccines have serious potential drawbacks, though, including harmful infection with the virus in people who have weakened immune systems.
The lack of a vaccine or antiviral drugs to combat the Zika virus has scientists scrambling to identify and better characterize potential drug targets.
The vaccines targeted an influenza A H1N1 seasonal flu strain as well as A (H7N9), a virus considered to have the potential to trigger a human pandemic.
The vaccine significantly reduced virus excretion, which should help reduce the potential for transmission to humans, and conferred cross-immunity to camelpox infections.
As a final confirmation of the compound's potential to stop a virus from spreading, they tested it against an actual virus: the nonpathogenic vaccine strain of the Junin virus.
Kang's primary research focuses on designing and developing effective vaccines against viral diseases such as influenza virus and RSV, but he partnered with a university and research institutes in South Korea that wanted international collaborative projects to study if ginseng can be used to improve health and protect against disease because of the potential benefit in fighting these viruses.
Unlike other candidates, a new potential Zika vaccine is so effective that one shot gives enough protection — a key advance, given the virus is here to stay
«We discovered that there was a lot of naturally occurring resistance, meaning we may need to greatly expand the set of viruses we use to evaluate potential vaccines,» says Ramy El - Diwany, a student at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and first author of the study.
But many governments have stockpiled vaccine in case bioterrorists get their hands on a potential hidden cache of the virus.
Their study found «a potential link between the H1N1 virus used to make the vaccine and narcolepsy.»
Instead of a liquid containing whole killed or attenuated virus, this vaccine uses dry virus - like particles (VLPs) which simply coat the needles in the presence of a simple stabilizing agent, reducing the need for refrigeration — a potential boon for use in developing countries.
We hope that in the future this discovery could lead to ways of generating potential Zika virus vaccines
«It's data that everyone that's studying these coronaviruses has been waiting on,» says Matthew Frieman, a microbiologist at the University of Maryland in Baltimore who is developing a potential vaccine for the virus.
Infection of mice with these viruses has been successfully applied to study aspects of HIV neuropathogenesis and to evaluate antiretroviral drugs and potential HIV vaccines.
«Advances toward potential Zika virus vaccine development.»
Late last week, FDA worked with the United States Attorney to ask a court to seize the components of a product that involved the use of vaccinia virus vaccine as part of a purported treatment for cancer that FDA believes created the potential for substantial risks to patients.
While studying a group of women at risk of HIV in Mombasa, Kenya, Dr. Julie Overbaugh and colleagues found a potential vulnerability in the AIDS virus that could lead to clues for designing an effective vaccine.
A study published in Nature reports the results of trials of two potential vaccines against the Zika virus in mice.
The potential new vaccine, invented at Georgia Tech, employs a fake virus as bait to attract major immune system forces to these weaknesses to attack them.
The Delta VP30 technology has been approved by the National Institutes of Health for use under Biosafety Level 2 conditions and has been utilized safely for a decade to study the basic biology of the virus, identify potential antiviral compound candidates, and make the whole - virus vaccine.
Last Wednesday, U.S. health officials announced that a potential vaccine for the Zika virus had entered early clinical trials to assess its safety in humans.
In other news, research on a potential vaccine for the Zika virus entered early clinical trials last week.
In the DVM round table discussion mentioned earlier, Dr Rude asked whether the shedding of modified live virus vaccine viruses from vaccinated animals have the potential to cause disease in non-vaccinated contact animals of the same species and / or different species.
However, if the vaccine has the potential to sensitize cats to enhanced disease as suggested by the Cornell studies, it may not be appropriate to use it under conditions where exposure to high concentrations of infectious virus is likely.
«The new technology offers the potential for faster start - up of the vaccine manufacturing process in the event of a pandemic, because it is not dependent on an egg supply or on availability of the influenza virus
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