Sentences with phrase «potential vulnerabilities»

The phrase "potential vulnerabilities" refers to weaknesses or flaws that could exist in something or someone that could make them vulnerable to harm or exploitation. Full definition
This analysis updates the work done in 2012 and assesses current and future freshwater requirements for energy production, highlighting potential vulnerabilities and key stress points.
After identifying potential vulnerabilities, it is important to develop a plan or strategy for enhancing improvements can include adding security technology and communications systems, and enhancing locks and window protections.
But again, cloud providers have already been addressing potential vulnerabilities.
Despite sea turtles potential vulnerability to climate change little is known about the specific effects that it will have on their broader ecology and population stability.
Site assessments must be completed annually to determine potential vulnerabilities.
This analysis assesses current and future freshwater requirements for energy production, highlighting potential vulnerabilities and key stress points.
WASHINGTON — In response to the measured and projected effects of climate change, U.S. naval forces should begin now to strengthen capabilities in the Arctic, prepare for more frequent humanitarian missions, and analyze potential vulnerabilities of seaside bases and facilities, says a new report by the National Research Council.
Lawyers can face a number of potential vulnerabilities in the course of their practice, including the following:
Cops would also use the opportunity to complete a detailed 11 - page safety audit looking for potential vulnerabilities in school safety plans or in school buildings themselves.
«If a potential adversary is making the systems and software that you use,» P.W. Singer, author of Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know, told The Verge, «you don't just have dependency, but also potential vulnerability that can be exploited not just now, but years into the future.»
But these feature - rich devices come with potential vulnerabilities — the very configurability of an FPGA can be used to compromise its security.
Rich Mogull, analyst & CEO of the Securosis security firm, tells us that in order for antivirus software to work, it needs hooks into the operating system that — when available — «also create potential vulnerabilities
There are a few potential vulnerabilities with Onion Routing, most importantly Timing Analysis and Exit Node Vulnerability.
The first is loss prevention or avoidance: The insurer or an outside contractor partner assesses the client's existing IT systems and the security measures already in place to defend them, pinpointing potential vulnerabilities and identifying solutions.
They also discuss the ways in which the funds» risk - management frameworks could contribute to financial system stability and how they minimize potential vulnerabilities.
Safeguarding federal government systems requires reducing potential vulnerabilities, protecting against cyber intrusions, and anticipating future threats.
Policy responses to the developments reviewed above fall into two broad areas: supporting initiatives seeking more appropriately priced and robust liquidity conditions; and possible backstops addressing potential vulnerabilities under adverse scenarios.
Democrats acknowledge in private that the party faces potential vulnerability over the controversy, especially if more damaging details surface in the days ahead.
To shed light on how security tools support developers in diagnosing potential vulnerabilities, Murphy - Hill's team and collaborators from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte devised a separate study, effectively asking: do tools give developers the information they need to determine if there's a real problem and how to fix it?
For 13 % of the CER supply potential the vulnerability is variable; for 2 % it was not assessed.
Bespoke and unsecured loans from trusted finance providers allow education institutions to invest in security awareness training and «health check» audits from external IT consultants who can assess a school's network security processes and flag susceptibilities to minimise potential vulnerabilities.
However, it is known to be caught on baited hooks of the local sport fishery, indicating potential vulnerability to bycatch mortality (Ratcliffe et al. 2008).
Climate change regulation changes and increases the complexity of relationships between natural gas and other energy activities (e.g. coal - to - gas generation switch), increases the nature and variety of candidate actions available, and thus magnifies the uncertainties that must be taken into account by any useful forecast, whether a conditional assessment to gain insights and understand potential vulnerabilities or an attempted prediction of the future.
While it may be impossible to prevent individual employees from engaging in the kind of illegal behaviour that Staff have alleged occurred here, organizations should consider potential vulnerabilities and reassess whether any additional measures can be adopted to protect sensitive information.
Keeping your plethora of programs patched and up - to - date is vital to plugging potential vulnerabilities in your system, but desktop programs don't automatically update in applike fashion.
In a statement to Gizmodo, SmartThings adds that «potential vulnerabilities disclosed in the report are primarily dependent on two scenarios - the installation of a malicious SmartApp or the failure of third party developers to follow SmartThings guidelines on how to keep their code secure.»
A Belkin spokesperson told CNET that the company has «corrected the list of five potential vulnerabilities affecting the WeMo line of home automation solutions» that was published in the CERT advisory.
«Similar exploits in the future can not be ruled out, and the effectiveness of ongoing protections is limited by the imagination of those attempting to anticipate potential vulnerabilities,» he told TechNewsWorld.
As rumors of this vulnerability emerged several days ago, we began preparing for a few different potential vulnerability types
As we update the language used for our front - end development from Velocity to React, we will be utilizing one of the most cutting - edge technologies, and eliminating potential vulnerabilities from older coding styles.
Assesses potential vulnerabilities and validated the presence within targets architecture.
It's better to address potential vulnerabilities at the outset of the New Year than find yourself forced to deal with them later, once your data or tools have been compromised or lost.
Smartphones have similar processing power to PCs and similar potential vulnerabilities, but unlike many computers, smartphones have an always - on connection to the Internet.
Drew Prestridge, a campaign spokesman, cited grassroots support, fundraising and potential vulnerabilities of Stefanik as a reason for the designation, which may lead to an increase in resources being funneled to the race.
«We are running this HackerOne bounty program to reward researchers for identifying potential vulnerabilities.
A. Within Zola Suite, we use automated probing services provided by external security companies to scan every 24 hours for potential vulnerabilities in our applications, systems and networks.
Tech companies are suddenly under more pressure than ever to take their roles as data gatekeepers more seriously, and Facebook appears to be weeding out potential vulnerabilities.
The 11 March report highlights potential vulnerabilities in how the federal government is acting on recommendations unveiled last May by a multiagency task force convened by President Barack Obama.
Cuomo's own promotional video sought to address potential vulnerabilities, including the pace of recovery from superstorm Sandy.
«If a potential adversary is making the systems and software that you use,» he says, «you don't just have dependency, but also potential vulnerability that can be exploited not just now, but years into the future.»
ORIC is also implementing a next generation screening platform to identify potential vulnerabilities in resistant tumors and reveal new targets for drug discovery.
«This includes monitoring any potential vulnerability, not just cyber-security.»
The first step is realizing the potential vulnerability.
Unlike other founders, I was not a potential vulnerability; I was an additional asset.
The attack highlighted the potential vulnerability of the nation's energy system, cyberexperts say.
Voting machines have long been under fire for their potential vulnerabilities, but they represent just one tiny aspect of the cyber threat matrix surrounding election day.
And just this week in its Quarterly Review, the Bank of International Settlement is again sending an early warning signal about the potential vulnerabilities related to the sharp expansion of credit in Canada in recent years.
Companies have to make public any potential vulnerabilities that have yet to be exploited by hackers, in effect creating a new compulsory disclosure category.
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