Sentences with phrase «potentially life changing»

This a potentially life changing goal, and as such it needs to be carefully undertaken from beginning to end in order to be achieved.
This a potentially life changing goal.
Aside from the potentially life changing consequences of skiing out of control, if someone encounters a skiing accident as a result of drinking, their injuries would not be covered by travel insurance.
There are lots of protests going on these days, and they're about serious, potentially life changing topics.
Founded in 2007 we are still seriously passionate about surf learning in perfect waves, our highly qualified team will help and support you through a truly unique and potentially life changing experience.
The program, available year around, offers guests a customized, potentially life changing spa experience that addresses each participant's needs and goals.
Our tranquil atmosphere, the healing waters of the Caribbean and the rejuvenating qualities of Vitamin D - producing sunshine naturally evoke relaxation and revitalization, and we decided to use these incredible natural surroundings as the basis for developing potentially life changing wellness experiences that allow our guests to nurture their minds, bodies and spirits.
Incredible, potentially life changing,» bluebird, «The best end - times book I have ever read, it is very plausible,» ericathy222, «Powerful,» SRMeyers, «Spiritually enhancing,» Dennis, «Better then the Left Behind Series,» The Novelist, «Over-the edge - writing,» Tammy's Book Parlor, «Thought provoking, a must read for every Christian,» 1 Prince 3 Princesses.
«A multimillion pound investment in music and arts education will help hundreds of thousands of young people from all backgrounds enjoy potentially life changing cultural activities, Schools Minister Nick Gibb announced today (18 November 2016).
President of AiF, Simonne Overend added: «This is a potentially life changing moment for a young actor and AiF is thrilled to be able to give this opportunity to someone.»
These mini-excursions invite the unexpected, putting you in the path of something potentially life changing.
By contributing to projects on, the public can learn about longevity research, meet the people making it happen, and be directly involved in potentially life changing scientific breakthroughs.
For people who have not been helped by medications, «a heroic treatment such as neuron transplantation could be potentially life changing,» Anderson says.
«Our ground - breaking discovery that bacteria and fungi both play a critical role in health and disease has tremendous implications not only for understanding the disease process, but also for development of potentially life changing treatments for those who suffer from chronic digestive diseases,» concluded Dr Ghannoum.
He is committed to leveraging the advantages of digital technology and harmonised operational, ethics and governance processes across a group of Australian cancer clinical trial sites so that patients can be linked with potentially life changing treatment trials.

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Do some real soul - searching before embarking on a life - changing and potentially world - changing venture.
I am working on watershed protection in Kenya through my nonprofit Rooted in Hope, so I understand firsthand that Pedro's work can potentially change the lives of millions, as the demand for water continues to increase.
Listening to your body and paying attention to any physical changes can potentially save your life.
These aren't the kind of hacks that mean tech - savvy folks need to change their login credentials, but precursors to something far more serious: potentially devastating and life - threatening infrastructure disruptions that could leave thousands or millions of people without electricity or other utilities.
This underdiscussed topic is something that could be life - changing for families, potentially saving them thousands in the long run.
Due to potentially - large oscillations in the desire to hold cash and to the fact that changes in the money supply can take years to impact the cost of living, this theoretical rate of purchasing - power change will tend to be inaccurate over periods of two years or less but should approximate the actual rate of purchasing - power change over periods of five years or more.
New data released by Hartford Funds today reveals high levels of investor optimism going into 2016, despite major life changes potentially throwing their finances off - kilter.
His writing is potentially life - changing, and McGrath has succeeded in making this material both deep and readable.
That middle ground may demand more from us and could potentially place us in more danger, but it also has the potential to not only neutralize the violent person (s), but in the best of circumstances can bring about positive changes in their life (lives) while it is eliminating their danger to others.
So if you prepare your fresh yucca root this way, you won't die... promise Although, I am the girl who eats «potentially» dangerous foods without a second thought (i.e. mango skins, sprouted beans, etc.) In all seriousness though, these baked yucca (cassava) fries will change you life.
It is an all encompassing lifestyle that can potentially, completely change your quality of life.
It sure is scary and life changing news to be told that you have a potentially life ending heart defect..
Clock Can Improve Your Toddler's Sleep and Language Skills I'm about to share something that may potentially change your life.
Some parents are turning to motion monitors to keep track of their baby's movements at night and be alerted to any potentially life - threatening changes.
Each DVD is approximately 1.25 hours long and contains eye - opening and potentially life - changing information regarding the manipulation of human sexuality...
Only in Albany does changing your mind about running for Governor become relevant in relation to a failure to hold hearings on a potentially life threatening exposure to toxic material?
The national charity Rethink Mental Illness has warned that too many people are missing out on potentially «life - changing» talking therapies.
Our study shows that after that early programming state, after weaning, and after the lactation period, when we introduced a new type of diet it changed the epigenome in a way that actually affects metabolism and potentially will reduce some of the damage caused by an early - life high - fat exposure,» Pan says.
The lawsuit that followed illustrates potentially life - changing possibilities that any graduate student or postdoc working on a research project with commercial possibilities needs to take seriously.
The Earth's climate is changing and there is concern about the potentially adverse effects of these changes on life on the planet.
But had this opportunity come late in his first postdoc year or early in his second, when his undischarged obligation would have amounted to tens of thousands of dollars, he would have had to choose between losing a potentially life - changing career opportunity and adding a crippling burden to the undergraduate student debt he already owed.
«This is an exciting and potentially life - changing finding, particularly relevant for cystic fibrosis patients who are chronically infected with multi-resistant bacteria.
The ability to stimulate more robust neurogenesis could lead to faster healing times or perhaps even more complete recovery of cognitive functions, a potentially life - changing prospect for the millions of people who suffer from traumatic brain injury every year.
Increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is making the Pacific coast acidic far more rapidly than previously believed, potentially wreaking havoc for creatures living in it that are unable to tolerate the swiftly changing environment.
«If this trial is successful, it could change the way postpartum hemorrhage is treated around the world and potentially save many lives, especially in developing countries where the risk of death is greater,» Gross said.
It also meant something else, something that was potentially even more life - changing.
This suggests that manmade luminescence (two examples shown above) may have long - lasting impacts on natural ecosystems, changing which species live — and dine — in certain communities and potentially reordering local food webs.
How to Unlock Life - Changing Technologies Now Waiting in the Labs Miniature robots, personalized drugs and other potentially life - changing technologies lie waiting in the laboratory, lacking suppLife - Changing Technologies Now Waiting in the Labs Miniature robots, personalized drugs and other potentially life - changing technologies lie waiting in the laboratory, lacking Changing Technologies Now Waiting in the Labs Miniature robots, personalized drugs and other potentially life - changing technologies lie waiting in the laboratory, lacking supplife - changing technologies lie waiting in the laboratory, lacking changing technologies lie waiting in the laboratory, lacking support.
Climate change can push species to move in order to stay in their climatic comfort zones, potentially altering where species live and how they interact, which could fundamentally transform current ecosystems.
The finding, published online and scheduled for the Sept. 1 issue of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, likely can be attributed to changing hormone levels and could guide potentially life - saving interventions.
«Using genetic sequencing, we were able to answer the kind of question that hasn't been possible to address before and potentially change the lives of family members who can now be tested for mutations in this gene.»
«Climate change has evident physical and mental health effects if you look at certain outcomes, such as the hurricanes we had last year, but we also need to pay very close attention to the mental health of people in everyday life, as we can see this, potentially, as a creeping development,» Helm said.
A better understanding of the process affected in the brain will lead to identification of new drug targets, and potentially, life - changing preventive therapies or treatments.
Improving the understanding of these genetic changes in these diseases, can point to new directions for diagnosis and treatment, including a way to potentially differentiate aggressive tumors from those that are not life threatening.
Both patients and physicians consistently report that improvements in upper extremity motor function are the most desirable functional improvement target in the quadriplegic population, since even relatively modest changes can potentially have a significant impact on functional independence, quality of life and cost of care.
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