Sentences with phrase «pound of one's weight»

That's enough to facilitate 1 - 2 pounds of weight loss per week, which is the appropriate target range for almost everyone.
Simple example would be to eat 1 gram per pound of weight in protein daily and eat vegetables with every meal.
That extra 700 calories a day works out to a little over 1 1/2 pounds of weight gain in a week.
The supplement helped me lose many pounds of weight in a very short time and I personally recommend the pill over all other weight loss supplements that the market could boast of.
The stroller holds up to 35 pounds of weight on each seat.
There's a popular idea that cutting or burning 3,500 calories over time will lead to one pound of weight lost, while adding that many calories will lead to a pound gained.
The stroller holds up to 50 pounds of weight for each seat.
According to the study's results, people live an average of two months less for every two extra pounds of weight they carried.
I also found I lost seven pounds of weight over the six week program and my body fat percentage is lower as a result.
The frame and body account for roughly 225 - pounds of weight savings over last year's model.
You should know that any dog who is likely to reach and surpass 50 pounds of weight when reaching maturity is considered to be of large breed.
A couple pounds of weight reduction can do a lot to reduce the prominence of body folds.
All lifting is done with teamwork so no one has to bear more than 25 pounds of weight if the kayak is empty.
Now only this, it can hold up to 34 pounds of weight as well.
It can hold up to 35 pounds at maximum and 12 pounds of weight at minimum.
Besides this, the stroller itself can carry around 50 pounds of a weighted baby anytime.
We've all heard the promises: 10 or more pounds of weight loss in just a week or two, simply by going on the latest and greatest diet.
In addition, the TV monitor holder is capable of housing a 27 - inch monitor and can support 40 pounds of weight by itself.
But what mainly made this pacing to the second best position of our best double stroller for toddler and infant list is the capability of carrying 90 pounds of weight with no hassle.
It holds from 4 to up to 35 pounds of weight which makes it the ideal first car seat for your baby.
How about when you go to squat and there are 500 pounds of weights left on the bar?
I gained more than 30 pounds of weight because my metabolism slowed down.
So if you have 100 - something pounds of weight to lose, go crazy.
If they look thinner than usual, you can move up by 5 calories per pound of weight until you find a magic number.
* 70 pounds of weight allowed but if exceeded $ 50 is charged.
Drinking just one regular soda per day can add up to 25 pounds of weight gain in 1 year.
Of the studies found through internet research, there is an average of 2 - 3 pounds of weight loss over a 28 - day span.
Normally a good sit and stand stroller can take in between 50 - 70 pounds of weight on it.
This means that small breed puppies and mothers need between 70 and 80 calories per pound of weight per day.
The baby travel system stroller itself can carry 3 to 50 pounds of weight for your child without any problem.
Many experts say that you should expect to change one clothing size with every 10 - 12 pounds of weight lost.
Combine that with nearly 250 pounds of weight savings, and you've got a better - performing minivan.
Being a business laptop, the weight might not be that less as compared to an average home laptop though it still is portable enough with a 4.7 pounds of weight when measured.
For example: I will be happy when I achieve 20 pounds of weight reduction, I will be happy when I can wear my size 8 skinny jeans.
You can carry up to 10 pounds of weight in this basket.
You, see, I had lost this 50 - 75 pounds of weight at least three times in my 69 years of life.
The rear - facing car seat will able to carry approximate 4 to 22 pounds of weighted baby and the stroller itself can hold a child up to around 50 pounds.
Pregnant women have had great success with the plan, and a couple of pounds of weight loss is not uncommon or unhealthy.
Now, if you fly Japan's Nippon Airlines in the month of October, you just might hear those words too as the airline tries out its own experiment to lighten its passengers and thus it's load, reports the Environmental Leader.The experiment, which runs just through October, will ask all passengers to please use the restroom prior to boarding the flight in order to take a few pounds of weight off of the flight.
Added pounds of your weighted vest add resistance and increase intensity during your workout, forcing your body to work harder and burning many more calories than usual — an additional 7 - 10 percent more each workout.
Effective in Weight Loss: If strict diet plans and various fitness regimes have proven ineffective in burning fat from the body then delve in the practice of halasana that naturally sheds extra pounds of weight from the body and strengthens the waist.
Expect to gain 1 — 5 pounds of weight during your first trimester and 1 pound per week, on average, during your subsequent trimesters.
Some report says the rear - facing convertible seat is used for normally 2 years old baby with 40 - 50 pounds of weight whereas the front facing convertible seat is recommended for the babies at least 1 years old.
The rack has been designed to provide support up to 1,000 pounds of weight placed on the rack and as much as 400 pounds in human weight on the dip as well as on the bars to do pull - ups.
For ultimate core strengthening and abdominal toning along with getting a strong curvy back, try the Chaturanga Dandasana with an up to 20 pounds of weight plate stacked on your lower back.
Ford took about 15 pounds of weight off the fwd 2011 Edge and 40 pounds off the all - wheel - drive version, engineers said.
You will wrestle someone that is within a couple pounds of your weight.
For instance, there are reports where people lose up to 10 pounds of weight after consuming Adipex pills.
Aluminum All 2016 Accord Sedans get a new all - aluminum hood, shaving approximately 18 pounds of weight compared with the steel hood it replaces.
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