Sentences with phrase «power as»

He was already in possession of considerable power as the governor of Syria and the community accepted him as Caliph, even if some hated the necessity of doing so.
Yes, I love it too when Republicans don't realize they are losing power as each day passes.
The question of the power is not merely raised as an objective question of the power as such or phenomenology of power.But it affirms that the true nature of power can only be properly understood in relation to the lives of the Minjung.
I honestly think that she chose to use the voice of God to give her the feeling that she had divine power as to what was created in her person.
The sacramental baptism is insti - tuted by Christ himself and has the same power as if the visible Christ would speak a divine word of health to somebody.
Germany sought its unity as well as its power as the exponent of culture...
The fact is, of course, that whether by wind and tide, or by giant walls of water which formed between a dry pathway through the midst of the sea, what is affirmed is the Lord's Power over all power - human power as represented by Pharaoh's host, and natural power as represented by the wind and waves (see Matt.
In body, in conceptualizing the Trinity uses process thought to account for God's nature and power as social in a challenge to substantialistic metaphysics.
The extreme opposites of the bi-nationalist school, the hard - line protagonists of violence and armed power as the only way to establish and maintain a Zionist settlement in Palestine (or over all of it), held that the Arabs were intransigently opposed to this venture and regarded the immigrating European Jews as racial outsiders, as intruders in their own ancestral living - space, and would harass and murder them and strangle their venture unless they were beaten back by superior fire - power.
Aquinas echoed a widespread conviction when he declared that a ruler exercises his power as a divine trust and that a monarch who has betrayed that trust has lost his right to the obedience of his subjects.
Marx also describes labor power as a commodity that its possessor, the worker, surrenders to capital, and declares:
The Lord is Lord of nature, outside and above nature, more powerful than nature at its most powerful, able even to use nature's power as a cloak or a garment.
(2) The commitment in both camps to reunderstand God's agency and power as essentially noncoercive.
Moses is represented as speaking with such power as to persuade the Lord of the wisdom of his words and to gain a reversal of the divine decision to withhold the immediate Presence of the Lord from Israel (vss.
Amory Lovins has argued in detail that an environmentally desirable energy policy will also employ more persons in more desirable ways and produce as much usable power as we need.35 If we redefine the goal of efficiency as the enhancement of human experience, we are likely to find that most of the oppositions identified by Okun between equality and efficiency will disappear.
Deutsch begins his discussion by focusing upon the limitations of power rather than the efficiency or potentialities for power as is most frequently the case today.
Social commentary on the broadcasters at the time of the elections reached close to a fever pitch, with fears being expressed that the broad - casters held such power as to hold the key to the election outcome.
Thus a coder with his own coding business and his own computer could, in certain contexts, be as much an example of distributed economic power as a farmer who owns his own land.
Symbolically this means that the prophet transmits his power as a man of God to the king.
It is important to view power as an ever growing resource, rather than a scarce commodity for which we must compete.
Religion News Service: Middle East riots fueled by competition between radicals, moderates as new democracies emerge Anti-American riots that have spread to more than a dozen countries across the Middle East are a sign of fissures between radical and more moderate Islamists that are vying for power as their societies undergo change, Middle East experts say.
We even have the power as a group to save this planet but we have to put our brains into it to make it happen, no god needed for that.
Answer: A system of sup - ersti - tion miseducating our young into a warped sense of Reality and a severely impaired ability to Reason, producing what many now call «Pseudo-Adults» who live among us, with just as much voice, opinion, and power as the Real Adults in the room.
As Obama continues to rely upon Jesus» teachings for who to tax, who not to tax, who to support and who not to support, he dilutes his power as President and instead becomes a figurehead for special interest groups... Jesus, according to scripture, taught there was no difference between Jew or Gentile, freeman or slave, etc..
The important thing is to understand that such passages and exegeses predisposed the Christians to accept the political power as more or less valid.
But, at the risk of a little discomfort, let us try another hypothesis, just to see if it has descriptive power as great or even greater than the one favored by sociobiology.
This was partly because of its power as an ideology and partly because of the increasing control of the political order by those who would profit from this shift, the transnational corporations.
It simply means bringing to bear upon a situation as much united power as can be organized, with the result that something is moved or inhibited outside the acting group.
The second looks back to the sources of that living tradition in the personal faith of Jesus himself as this is mirrored by the New Testament, and in the belief of his first followers that through Jesus God had made known to them his presence and power as «the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ».
Humans, even as subordinate lords over creation, can not use their position and power as unrestricted license (1 Cor 6:12; 10:23).
The risen Lord Jesus grants us forgiveness and a new inner power as he reshapes our miserable, selfish personalities.
Chris Hedges, a former war correspondent and author of War Is a Force Which Unites Us, describes the seductive quality of martial power as a narcotic that can provoke in whole societies a self - righteous delirium.
(4) The fourth criticism suggests that it is just as possible that the good in the world is free resistance to an evil persuasive power as that the evil is free resistance to a good persuasive power.
My point is that on the surface, at least, the analysis of «X is omnipotent» that goes with Griffin's third position concerning the deficiency of Premise X does not capture the idea of perfect power as understood by Griffin and as generally understood in discussions of this topic.
Is Prof. Delasanta not admitting that the papacy, especially the current Pope, has wielded amazing temporal power as a primary agent in bringing down one of the most powerful empires ever?
A movement that began by viewing the acquisition of political and military power as a satanic temptation now viewed it as a divine blessing.
But the other elements of community organizing would come together again and again: the foot - slogging, one - on - one recruitment effort to form an organization of organizations, the struggle to get past ethnic differences, the taking of the public stage, the sequence of conflict - organization - power as the route to negotiation, and the critical relationship to other social movements — which became a guarded relation to the civil rights movement.
In this particular instance it is not very difficult to imagine scenarios in the not - too - distant future in which there might occur resurgences of socialist policies and ideals: the failure of neo-capitalist regimes in developing societies and / or the formerly Communist countries in Europe to achieve economic take - off; the insight granted to sundry dictators and despots that, while socialism invariably immiserates the masses, it is a very good recipe for enriching those who claim to hold power as the vanguard of the masses; the «creeping socialism» (still an aptly descriptive term) brought on by massive government intervention in the economy in the name of some societal good, e.g., there could be an environmentalist road to socialism, or a feminist one, or one constructed (perhaps inadvertently) with some other building blocks of politically managed regulations and entitlements; or, last but not least, the actual restoration of socialism, by coup or by voting, in a number of countries, beginning with Russia.
The people of the North will carry that purpose into execution, with a power as fierce as that of the maddest chivalry of South Carolina.»
But their graffiti is more dangerous since it involves those in political power as well.
So we encounter already here the theme of the next section, divine power as the «power of omnipotent love.»
Christians believe in the God of Jesus, not only in the sense of belief in the God whom Jesus believed in, but also — and yet more important — they believe in the God who revealed his presence and power as the God of Jesus — as «the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ».
In this regard, then, Fretheim understands God's power as portrayed in the Old Testament to be fundamentally interactive and essentially, not coincidentally, interrelational, a conviction that thoroughly pervades his God and World in the Old Testament.21 God so enters into relationships:
Rolt began his study with a rejection of the traditional understanding of power as compulsion or «brute force,» which leads to the realization that «the mind is brought at last to One Who is yet stronger than the universe itself, and Who... by the act of an almighty will, which nothing can resist, bends all things to His purposes and compels the whole material system to obey His irresistible commands.»
2 I regard that as more broadly applicable in regard to other notions of God's power as well.
There is a perceived credibility for those who have power as in stages, write books, have lots of followers the have worked hard to gain, etc..
And if the «higher power» bs really bothers you, it can be absolutely anything... my friend uses «art» as her higher power as well as the power of her love for her children.
However, its authoritative power as a solemn magisterial document does not lie in anathemas, but in its repeated insistence on the urgency of a new evangelical imperative which is laid on the Church in these intellectually, socially and spiritually turbulent times.
The divine ideals expressed in these images continue to inspire and stimulate us as ideals, conceptually felt, only with more power as they are gathered and transmuted into a single complex ideal through their exemplification in Jesus.
The Minjung experience power as its victims, which is something the objective scientists can not do.
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