Sentences with phrase «power bill»

Company - built facilities offer economies of scale and can be customized with efficient designs that offer savings on power bills.
But in any case, the cost should be offset by the reduction in power bill.
Customers served by the utilities will see their monthly power bill increase by about 5 percent, although some will see their rates go up by as much as 10 percent.
Anyone who has ever gotten a $ 400 power bill for a hot summer month would certainly think twice about the cost and hassle of plugging in the car constantly.
The benefits of solar don't end with lower power bills.
We put up with discomfort, ill health, and high power bills.
This stacks the deck for their favored resources and we end up with more of the same — ever - rising power bills.
The cost of which is added directly to retail power bills.
In effect, your energy would come from the power grid and you'd pay for your «fuel» through your electric power bill instead of to the oil company.
At $ 60 billion the price looks high, but nationwide it would add just a few dollars per month to the average power bill.
I used to wonder why we never had enough money to cover things like power bills, even using our normal card.
That way they can help new solar projects get funded, feel good about consuming clean energy, and, sometimes, save money on their home power bills.
Solar attic fans can be a good choice for homeowners as they don't require the installation of any additional wiring and won't add to the home's existing power bill.
But the driver — especially since at some point we're going to have to pay for reducing greenhouse gas emissions — would be lower consumer power bills.
With a home charger installed, most homeowners will see only a small bump in their monthly power bill overall.
Australian power consumers have just started opening their winter power bills, which are fully 20 % higher than this time last year.
If you want comfort and health instead of mould, drafts, high power bills, being too hot and too cold, we can help.
German consumers paid an 18 percent surcharge on their monthly power bills in 2014 to finance renewables.
Cameron confirmed that the government plans to bring forward its draft investigatory powers bill in the autumn.
That should be the work of the FEDs not the soldiers who put their lives to protect this nation... WTF is wrong with our nation???? Police's not supposed to be Armed force, yet they gave them baracks, Soldiers are not supposed to be around civilians yet there are baracks around civilians, Soldiers are not ment to pay POWER bills, Utilities of a whole, show me one country that does ask their soldiers to pay for power????
The ACEEE report shows that we're making real progress in capturing cost - effective energy efficiencies, which helps reduce power bills for ratepayers and the need for more costly and less sustainable forms of energy generation.»
Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki has attributed the failure of the devolution of powers bill in the National Assembly to hate speeches, suspicions that it was another attempt at restructuring and mistrust among Nigerians.
This policy is estimated to increase residential power bills by an average of $ 9 / month, and while that should be offset by rebates, it is an increase that could be debilitating for families who struggle to pay their bills on a month - to - month basis.
«These types of taxes hit everyday households the hardest and at a time when the cost of living is going through the roof with increased power bills, a new tax is the last thing Australians need
Consumers would likely enjoy lower power bills if provincial governments welcomed more private investment in electricity utilities, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute.
The utility then provides a credit that cuts power bills, a major enticement to having home solar power systems.
Nyst pointed out that the Tory government is committed to extending its surveillance powers, while the same powers are being cut back in the US, but suggested that the forthcoming investigatory powers bill provides an opportunity to alter the legal framework of surveillance.
Its report today on the draft investigatory powers bill shows just how different it is and quite how beastly it intends to be to the home secretary.
Chakrabati and Brooke say investigatory powers bill gives the state «a blank cheque» to spy on citizens and threatens investigative journalism
Interestingly, in other news, SolarCity has announced it is working with local utility MP2 Energy to bring «full net metering» to Texas for the first time, meaning homeowners will be able to buy solar at less than their current utility power bills even without local incentives.
«How Obama Is Burning the Constitution to Make Your Electric Power Bills Skyrocket Left - wing Street Tactics Appear to Have Been Deployed Against Climate Skeptics Too, Not Just Trump»
A fair slice of the $ 2 billion annual return on investment required by investors would be recouped via power bills in the form of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs): a Federal Tax on all Australian electricity consumers (see our post here)-- which effectively underwrite every wind farm investment.
IF that wasn't bad enough, Australian taxpayers, namely the poorest in the community, are set to add another $ 160 to their annual power bill thanks to a further $ 1.3 bn in government solar subsidies.
Although the government of Ghana is not expected to pay for the cost of constructing, fueling and maintaining the pant, Ghanaian power consumers are expected to pay, ultimately, for the entire cost of the transaction through power bills they will pay to the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) over time.
Renewables» subsidies put sting into power bills The Australian Michael Owen 26 July 2016 Renewable energy output in Australia is subsidised by almost $ 3 billion a year, more than 19 times the amount for generation from fossil fuels, a report by an economic consultancy says.
Incentives in Anaheim make solar a neccesity especially with incentives set to die and power bills set to rise.
With that phenomenal cost being added to already spiralling power bills — there will be many more households who will be unable to afford power; adding to the tens of thousands of homes already deprived of what was once a basic necessity of (a decent) life.
Modeling shows that average residential power bills will increase by roughly $ 9 / month by the early 2030s.
The call, made in a submission to Chief Scientist Alan Finkel's review of future security of the NEM, came with the revelation that BHP's power bill at the Olympic Dam copper and uranium mine in South Australia is expected to rise by $ US30m ($ 39m) this year because of higher gas prices and the cost of contracts that offset the risks of power price spikes.
For example a customer of Pacific Gas and Electric with a $ 200 a month power bill who installs a 6 kw solar system on a time of use power plan will save around $ 2,200 per year on power in the first year and generate an investment return of 18.2 % by going solar.
Our Executive Director described the Anti-Terror Bill as «Gift - Wrapped in Rhetoric» in a Huffington Post op - ed that lays out a number of objections to the expansive new powers the Bill provides without creating commensurate oversight or accountability.
Knowing that they'll save over the long - term isn't enough for most people if they have to pay tens of thousands of dollars right away, but if a deal is structured in such a way that the price of leasing solar equipment is lower than current power bills, almost all of the pain of going solar is eliminated.
But the U.S. Energy Information Administration found that improved energy efficiency would offset higher power costs, with household power bills spiking initially and then falling.
About three - quarters of households and businesses on the east coast and South Australia face substantial increases in power bills from next month, after Origin Energy announced price rises for electricity and gas.

Phrases with «power bill»

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