Sentences with phrase «power failure»

Besides, he said, 98 - 99 percent of power failures originate in the grid.
A large, automatic back - up generator supplies power during power failures and hurricanes.
It has severely damaged the nuclear power plant, causing widespread power failure and radioactive pollution of people, land, sea and the wider ecosystems.
Depending on these technological conveniences, the groups can not put up with the massive power failure.
It had never been proven that cooling could be maintained in the event of an external power failure.
Right away, I thought about their potential when we have power failures by removing the decorations and lighting those candles.
We had a wind storm and 6 hours of power failure last night.
We made it through most of the first part of the day without power failure.
This refers to analyzes of how a reactor behaves in certain scenarios - such as power failure, flood, earthquake.
We also have a generator on the premises for those unforeseen power failures.
We do have a backup generator in place should we have extended power failures.
As I said, I'm still trying to get a handle on the extent of the earlier power failures and the extent to which those might have prevented the warning from being received.
Many women prefer getting both electrical and manual breast pumps in case of power failure.
Usually if you have major thunder storms there is a likelihood of power failure at the same time, so the chances of sump pump not working at the time you need it most is high.
Personal Terms & Conditions of La Montagne Guest Lodge as follows: We are not responsible for power failures in the area and do not have a generator.
â $ cents Internet Connection â $ cents 1 baby cot, 1 baby high chair â $ cents Mini safes in each room â $ cents Laundry service available (additional charge) â $ cents DVD, CD and book library â $ cents Board games â $ cents One Tennis court (which is shared with another villa) â $ cents BBQ facilities â $ cents Parking area â $ cents Car & driver (conditions of use do apply) â $ cents Electrical Generator for power failure back up
Cuomo denied any involvement in driving up stats for subway delays blamed on power failures, before he made a public show of citing problems with Con Ed as the biggest source of disruption for riders.
It is the sight of an epic shipwreck, after power failure of the lighthouse on July 13, 1956.
Our current crash rate is 0.4 % which includes all not game related incidents like power failures, OS crashes or intended ending of the process — anything that doesn't include the proper closing of the game.
Authorities said the same contractor was involved in the two latest big power failures and had been fired.
It provides heating security during electrical power failures.
With power failures sweeping through the island territory and road closures from infrastructure damage limiting mobility, electronic banking has been altogether suspended, reverting the island to a cash economy.
While its wind turbines can only supply power for short periods, the Hornsdale wind farm is capable of supplying energy to up to 30,000 homes and can act as a last - ditch defense against sweeping power failure.
The other thing to have - They have these things they are called power failure lights and you literally plug them into the wall.
An unlikely trio has joined forces to predict the next major power failure, but will it be enough to avert the blackout of the century?
This summer there were no reports of power failures due to gas shortages despite considerably more gas - powered generation being in the fuel mix reported by NEMWatch on heatwave days.
This is to prevent long re-synchronization times in the case of blockchain database corruption due to unexpected power failures or other issues.
Bergman next worked for ABB Relays, where he designed relay systems to protect electrical lines against power failures.
These are good to know even if you have air conditioning, because power failures or breakdowns can occur.
5 Volt batteries could power 3 - 5 American homes for a couple hours during the next power failure.
He said he was particularly impressed with the seat - of - the - pants Kraft Foods Oreo social media effort, which capitalized on the mid-game power failure and didn't cost a cent.
A sudden power failure that Georgia Power said was caused by a fire in an underground electrical facility brought the airport to a standstill Sunday about 1 p.m.
The FCC imposed power backup requirements after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 knocked out more than 1,000 cell sites — roughly triple the number of power failures seen with Harvey — due partly to power blackouts.
At its booth, the company was showing off two impressive enterprise - class NVMe solid - state drives (SSDs) that both use PCI Express (PCIe) 3.0 for their connectivity and claim top - notch power failure protection.
nonsense don't talk what you don't know, he donated money for Ebola, he has invest a lot in nigeria and right now he is trying to kill power failure in Lagos
At 17 weeks we were meant to see my gynae so we could find out the long awaited sex of the babies, but on going power failures interfered and we only got a booking at 18 weeks.
The idea is that not only would two new eight - megawatt, clean - burning, natural gas - fired turbine generators cut down on emissions and power the plaza on a regular basis, they also could power the plaza if there is a catastrophic power failure that knocks down the state's overall power grid.
The speaker disclosed this on Tuesday at a workshop put together by the House of Representatives to find solution to the recurrent power failure in the country, he reiterated that the successive administrations from 1999 to 2015 spent nearly N3 trillion on the power sector with little success recorded.
Parkinsonian Power Failure: Neuron Degeneration May Be Caused by a Cellular Energy System Breakdown
India endured the world's largest power failure today (July 31), with a blackout that affected 700 million people, including the nation's capital of New Delhi.
An unlikely trio has come up with a surprising new way to predict power failures, but will it be enough to avert the next big one?
In 2012 fictional Earths met their ends by a creative variety of means: not only by impact, but by infection, epic power failure, and more.
With colonists literally dying, nobody was left to staff my Fusion power plant, resulting in a critical power failure.
Part of the problem, according to the New York Times, was that there was no scenario listed in the 246 - page book for emergency preparedness that «offered guidance for dealing with a complete power failure or how to evacuate the hospital if the streets were flooded».
In Japan it can run the household electrics if there's a mains power failure, and of course it is useful for EV - only lanes in other markets.
As a rough comparison, the mammoth power failure that occurred in the Northeast U.S. in august of 2003 shows how a small problem in one area can rapidly spread to other areas.
If you live in an area where power failures are common, you can still use the invisible fence dog collar, because today you can get designs that come with battery backup in the transmitter.

Phrases with «power failure»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z