Sentences with phrase «power for»

It is about deep inversions and strange power for daring obedience.
Christianity has been in power for many centuries in one form or another, whether it was the Roman Catholic Church that sought political dominance in Europe, the Christianized culture of the medieval period, the Inquisition that persecuted heretics, or the modern nation state of Europe that went to spread Christianized culture to its colonies.
Willard Augustus Pleuthner, More Power for Your Church: Proven Plans and Projects (New York: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1950); and see Murray Leiffer, The Effective City Church (New York: Abingdon Press, 1955), which preceded plans of the National Council of Churches to study «the effective city church.»
They try to use the levers of power for their own advantage.
Those in power are not going to quietly give up their power for the greater good.
Vast stores of hidden wealth, gained by committing every crime in the book, and millions of fear - driven, deluded «slaves» who have been trained to give their very souls if need be... all under the thumbs of mere humans who use their power for every vice imaginable.
A disoriented, confused, frustrated, troubled, lost person can find a new center of meaning — a new power for living in the Man of Nazareth.
God's liberating power for justice may be difficult to discern in a multicultural setting like Hawaii.
In Asia, we saw the PP XXI (People's Power for the 21st Century), which brought together social action groups and popular movements from all over Asia and went through a similar evolution.
-- participatory power for social and popular organisations in economic, political and cultural, regional and international institutions
It is in him that a source of power for the fulfillment of life is provided.
power for thousands of years and still captivate our imagination.
First, they produce programs in the media which, in the midst of the secular worldview and its power, try to illumine the human condition, to ask meaningful religious questions, to rediscover religious truths, and to make a beginning toward creating a new religious vocabulary which can have meaning and power for the multitudes.
20 Do you think that mere words are strategy and power for war?
It is this absolutely righteous and infinitely compassionate God who is even now putting forth his power for the judging and the healing of the nations.
According to NBCW, the pope's emphasis on mercy in the document, «The Gentle Judge, our Lord Jesus, the Shepherd of Souls», is central to the new procedures which help reduce the time taken to process a case, and assist diocesan bishops to use their judicial power for the good of those in their care.
Religion is a power tool used by non-believers that want the power for their own personal benefit..
He was tuned into another power structure, one founded on faith, which is not «power over» others, but «power for» others.
But while the League of Nations did assist with minor international disputes, it had little real power for dealing with issues such as the Japanese invasion of Asia, Italian expansion in Africa and German aggression in Europe.
When we take over Paul's theology of the cross without exegeting our context, this theology, originally conceived as a means of harnessing power for the sake of others, becomes a rationalization of our powerlessness, our spiritlessness — the jaded, enervated religious malaise of twilight Christendom.
Obviously the intent of the sermon is close to the intent of the text: to create a living image that can be carried from the sanctuary as a source of power for living and as a lens through which to interpret the world.
I guess it's easier to fall back on some high and might invisible thing rather than use your brain power for something practical that could really change the world for the better.
The evils reflected in their words, and indeed portrayed throughout the Old Testament — avarice, exploitation, bribery, chicanery, and attempts at seizure of power for personal gain — are perennial human tendencies which appear in every State.
He saw the conflict in contemporary socialism and its immobility in the face of the crises that confronted it — e.g., its inability to make decisive use of the means of power for its own protection and that of Weimar democracy as such — as due to its overdependence on bourgeois presuppositions.
Men will use their power for wickedness always... Look at Swartzenegger, Edwards: Men (and Women) are weak, and easily tempted.
I guess it only takes money and promise of power for billy to reinterpret the message of god for his sheeple..
There may be much misgiving and great spiritual struggle somewhere: there must always be a great «giving in» that abandons self - generated power for God's power (p. 134).
Niebuhr's explication of Galatians 2:20 assumed that God's grace as Power for man's life has a double connotation; the first suggests that the new life has been achieved through grace as a power not our own, while the second suggests that the new life is not yet an achieved fact.
The eyewitnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus — those who ate, drank, spoke with, and listened to the Lord Jesus Christ after His Resurrection — were so convinced of the Good News of God's Love, Forgiveness, Peace, and Healing Power for all humanity revealed by the Risen Jesus Christ that these eyewitnesses were willing to die as martyrs for their belief in the Risen Christ as fully God and fully man when it was illegal to do so under Roman authority (where Cesar was considered a deity in the state cult religion).
We can admit that to say «love thy neighbor, but organize him» poses difficulties; but we do not need to surrender the conviction that the responsible organization of power for the ends of human justice and freedom is a true expression of Christian love.
The personal discovery of the transforming mercy of God is the supreme source of power for the life of moral responsibility and creativity.
For at the heart of Christian faith is the gospel of divine grace, and the conviction that in Jesus Christ is not the pattern only, but the power for man's salvation.
In the «atheist version», there is no contradiction: God's love is given freely to every living being, just by virtue of being alive, and each being (in our case, humans) is free to use that power for good or ill.
That kind of power is something the Church still has in some cultures today, but there's nothing in the New Testament that supports this kind of power for the Church at all.
In their indictment of war as waged in the time of the monarchy, the prophets charged that Israel had abandoned trust in Yahweh for the sake of trust in its own powers, and had abandoned Yahweh's goal of shalom for all in favor of the pursuit of prosperity and power for a few.
Let us speak truth to power for the sake of the survival of some and justice for all.
God's power for salvation involves righteousness revealed and justification granted, in Christ, through faith.
It definitely makes sense to give that power to someone who believes he has no stake in the future of humanity (past his own death) than to give it to someone who believes he's accountable to a higher power for his deeds in life.
Don't awaken a sleeping giant and create a new super majority in the US that will have political power for years to come.
«We steward power for God.
It lays out «five principles of ethical power for organizations.»
Freedom, in the sense of unrestrained autonomy, is different from freedom in the sense of power for positive fulfillment.
Persons are emancipated from illusion, prejudice, and irrational passion and given power for productive achievement only as they recognize and accept their role in the creation of their world and the truth that expresses it.
I do not see in faith any necessary power for redemption that makes universalism impossible.
After all, he said «he repented», and now, he is just working in the community as politician, and he represents more power for the White Evangelical Church.
The repudiation of odious debts would be an act of independence by the debtor nations that could greatly decrease the power of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to shape their economies for the sake of greater profits and power for transnational corporations.
If we chose power for our model, thinking of God in terms of a person known to us who exemplifies this quality (we must think in this fashion, however anthropomorphic it may appear, although we must carefully qualify» our model), it will follow that love will be adjectival and in a secondary place.
And, oh, this misery, that so many live on and are defrauded of this most blessed of all thoughts; this misery, that people employ themselves about everything else, or, as for the masses of men, that people employ them about everything else, utilize them to generate the power for the theater of life, but never remind them of their blessedness; that they heap them in a mass and defraud them, instead of splitting them apart so that they might gain the highest thing, the only thing worth living for, and enough to live in for an eternity — it seems to me that I could weep for an eternity over the fact that such misery exists!
He would not be seeking power for himself or any group, political or religious.
Although an omnipresent human experience, the resurrection meant death held no power for Christians and therefore, they lived and died differently than other people.
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