Sentences with phrase «power mongers»

The phrase "power mongers" refers to people who are always seeking or craving power and control over others. They are eager to acquire and maintain power for themselves, often at the expense of others. Full definition
It is greed and self - centered power mongers that take pride in providing the masses with lies, blatant lies and they know the fearful will bite into it, giving them the only thing they have, their one and only opportunity to live and think for themselves, free from forced dogma and inhumanity.
The evil structures prevail because of selfish power mongers.
These religious power mongers only get in the way and deliver self serving indoctrination.
It's time to save Nigeria again from the desperate power mongers in Aso Rock.
That same day, power monger Pluto stations direct in Capricorn, sign of the patriarchy, capitalism, and government, after a five - month retrograde.
Bullfrog Productions did up the ante with two vastly superior Genesis ports in the Populous franchise: the outstanding Power Monger and Two Tribes: Populous II, which adds way more features and nuance to the core gameplay (yet, for some reason, it was only released in Europe — go figure).
It hasn't been rushed in, it's been delayed by the usual fossil fuel power mongers since the initial attempts by the Carter administration.
Whatever the deal I know it's not all shady business as these legal power mongers must select their winners based on peer endorsements.
Alspaugh went on to call her the former Today Show host «incredibly nice, incredibly charming and incredibly willing to help anybody,» adding, «I never saw him as a power monger or somebody who would abuse his position in any way.»
Thank God those power mongers have no authority over me today.
The main issue with the Roman church is their complete inability to let go of their power mongering.
I sure hope that the power mongers don't take him out.
Unfortunately the power monger who wants to do everything about players» transfer in and out has exhibited egregious incompetence in doing so.
While Franczyk is not endorsing Tolbert either, he referred to Brown in a telephone interview as a «power monger
If you're a power monger, start by sharing small decisions that don't really matter.
However, power mongers should go for the optional 5.7 - liter V - 8 unit that churns out a respectable 360 HP.
While the power mongers want more power so do I, and this gets to the adversarial point of who gets to minimize who.
Just another example of traitorist politics and power mongering.
, which makes them the story, not the decent people with the guts to undercut their power mongering with a dose of reality, as Alan Carlin does in this disturbing book.
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