Sentences with phrase «power of film»

The real power of the film comes from the young leads.
``... a compelling tale about the transporting power of film in the face of human insularity.»
The discussion, led by Film Comment Digital Editor Violet Lucca, touches on modern audiences» emotional distance from older works, the enduring power of the film medium, and the particular experience of younger generations of cinephiles.
Nonprofit arts organization inspiring filmmakers and audiences through the transformative power of film.
If you're a dog person, this first Max trailer is probably going to be enough to have you shedding tears on your laptop keyboard, and I can just imagine the tear - jerking power of the film, even when it throws out pretty goofy lines like «we've got the Air Jordan of dogs.»
I mean that literally and figuratively, because Allen and Vittorio Storaro use light and color in a way that is stunning in and of itself but also integral to the mounting emotional power of the film.
When quizzed on her presentation of the black and indigenous characters in the film, Martel was particularly impressive, her response touching upon the political power of film in its depictions of peoples.
He believed motion pictures should sever their formal ties to theater and literature (which he saw as mindless immersion) and develop a language all its own - one that leverages the unique powers of film to do more than simply make audiences forget they are watching a film.
With a nod to the «walkers,» or zombies, from the TV series The Walking Dead, the exhibition's title references the lingering power of film detritus on the imagination of the living.
The emotive power of film, especially its temporality, are qualities he seeks to capture in painting.
Indianapolis About Blog Inspiring filmmakers & audiences through the transformative power of film.
While carrying around a full crew in your back pocket isn't possible, mobile app Magisto has created a way to use artificial intelligence to give you the power of a film crew.
His centerpiece is a narrative running from Metropolis to Dr. Strangelove, indicating that the power of film images affected first German rocketry and then, through the von Braun story, American space technology.
With every frame, he demonstrates the power of the film maker to distill complex events into fiercely indelible images.
Some will blanch at the modern critic's invocation of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, or the nods to Ta - Nehisi Coates, but to do otherwise is to negate the power of film to inspire and to educate.
«I was a big theatre nerd at the time, I went to drama school and I was all wrapped up in stage work and wanting to do Tennessee Williams - but I watched that movie and I realised what the power of film was.»
It speaks a little to the power of film as a storytelling medium and distils what it is about Burns's work that so affects.
As significant as King's work is, the power of the film fades any time it moves away from decoding Annie Parker.
There is no arguing the beauty and power of his films but there's an undercurrent of indecisiveness.
In honor of the movie's home video release (and before this weekend's Academy Awards, where it's nominated for Best Animated Feature), I spoke with Molina about the power of the film's music, how physically visiting a place like Monte Alban actually translates into a movie's screenplay, and much more.
For those venue - rental adverts where people stare gaping at the screen with popcorn falling between fingers, it's the power of film.
A perceptive comment, as the power of this film is its relentlessness.
The power of this film lies in the approach to the inevitable final act, rather than the realisation of the act itself.
It is certainly one of the most courageous and passionate portraits of the American underbelly ever put on film, a movie bathed in blood as much as in light, and revisiting the film on its Blu - ray debut, mastered from the brand new digital restoration currently making the rounds on the festival and repertory cinema circuit, only confirms the power of the film to, after all these years, sink the audience into the mind and filthy, fetid world of Travis Bickle.
I think that's a testament to the power of this film and the statement that it makes.
The action scenes are staged on a grand scale, appropriate to the power of the film's god - like villain, and the visual effects are spectacular.
The power of the film's final act, where the Lovings finally have created a safe place for themselves and their children, can not be exaggerated, and so Nichols doesn't exaggerate.
MK: In terms of the power of the film, obviously everyone's well aware of the slightly ludicrous statements around when it came out by, for example, Billy Graham, who said that there was an evil embedded in the very cells of the film.
«Inside Out» celebrates the power of film to transport you out of your own head into worlds beyond everyday experiences and attitudes.
Yes, there are strange moments where the nudity does almost steal from the power of the film.
That's the power of film.
The power of the film, in addition to its great storytelling, is the experience of identity validation.
First, we'll start with an Edutopia classic, acclaimed director Martin Scorsese discussing the importance of visual literacy and the power of film as a teaching tool.
The president and CEO of Odyssey Impact on using the power of film to bring about a more just world
The power of the film rests in Gordon's extraordinary super-scale close - ups of their faces, as each grimace, smile, and intense gaze transports us deeper into their hearts and their memories.
It was the first Post-Modernist movement (where medium is as important as the message) as well as the first school of art to reflect the power of film and television, from which many of its most famous images acquired their celebrity.
Since 1999, Planet in Focus has played a significant role in helping to raise awareness about the state of our planet through the power of film in schools and communities across Canada.
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