Sentences with phrase «power of life»

Men in posts of great authority were called gods because they held power of Life and death over people, and administered justice.
Very few, however, think about the double benefit and power of a life insurance plan.
One goes from being the head of state for the most powerful nation in the world with massive, sweeping discretionary powers and, literally powers of life and death.
It is out of feeling that the motive power of life is generated.
It will start by introducing you to the supernatural power of the Living God in order to inspire you to gain favor with the to influence the world.
JK Rowling, the shadowy figure even more frightening than Voldemort; with power of life and death over him and all his wizard pals.
Even now they enter me like a humming tide of light, a bright cloud that waters the Earth with veriditas, the greening power of life.
Yet as time goes on and prayer in faith becomes the undergirding power of his life, he will be aware that changes within have taken place, and he will be disposed to say gratefully, «Thus far the Lord hath led me on.»
The Spirit of God is the source and sustaining power of life; the Resurrection of Christ over the power of death is the God's guarantee for the life, in destructible, eternal and full.
The church was born of the Spirit; and that Spirit was from the beginning recognized to be the presence and power of the living Jesus.
He hears, at least in some churches, words about sin, repentance, forgiveness, atonement, incarnation, redemption, the kingdom of heaven, eternal life, the grace of God and the saving power of the living Christ.
And why are we giving the culture of Washington new powers of life and death» making ourselves «God's Partners,» in President Obama's language» at a time when that culture has proved itself so vague and so deluded about all the issues of life and death that have come before it: war, and embryos, and the unborn, and the weak, and the vulnerable?
«Instead, for most of their first fifteen hundred years the Asian churches were compelled to rely on the fitful tolerance of non-Christian rulers whose power of life or death over their subjects was unlimited.
FEATURES — Play with millions of other players, raid hundreds of enemy bases for loot — Battle for control of precious resources to upgrade your base against enemy attacks — Explore a huge tropical archipelago and discover the mysterious power of the Life Crystals — Face fearsome Blackguard Bosses and uncover their evil plans — Join other players to form an unstoppable Task Force to take on co-op missions
Cut free from a nightmarish dimension in Severed, a first - person dungeon crawler with unique touch controls for Nintendo eShop on Wii U. Wield the immense power of a living sword and slice through enemies in tactical battles to save your family from a grim fate.
«A sharp reminder of the persuasive powers of live theater,» The Bitter Game was commissioned by the La Jolla Playhouse for the International WOW Festival while Wallace was still a graduate student at UC San Diego (The New York Times).
Penone stops the rush hour for a moment and reveals the enormous power of the life around us, the magnificence of biology.
To those to whom the resurrection of Jesus and the goodness and power of a living God mean nothing, it is likely to seem mere wishful thinking.
Game of Thrones has some applicable management lessons, even if you don't have the power of life or death.
All of these events are testimony to the power of live reporting, and what some like to call «citizen journalism.»
On The Lively Show, Jess Lively emphasizes the power of living mindfully and purposefully, and her episode topics are unique and thought - provoking.
The power of Live Video can be seen in the success of the viral Chewbacca mom video.
Once you've made the present moment into your friend through openness and acceptance, your actions will be inspired, intelligent, and empowered, because the power of life itself will be flowing through you.
In fact, the Bible states, «The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit» (Proverbs 18:21).
Nat Hentoff epitomized that «power of life
«You forget about the power of live shows.
Pope Gregory was met with Martin Luther because the church was only interested in money and held the power of life or death over believers and non-believers.
all land plants would be damaged or destroyed, temperatures [would] plummet for several months,... All biological life on planet earth would be gravely threatened» (p. 7) We hold the powers of life and death within our hands, declare the bishops.
The beasts receive their doom, and pass from the scene: the powers of evil are overthrown, not by any human virtue or strength, but by the presence and power of the living God.
Both are repulsive substitutes for an encounter with the power of the living God.
Marxism is a feminit's faith and is very popular where women are given the power of life and death over the next generation.
Does a Surgeon have the power of life and death in his hands if they so choose?
The Roman Catechism, issued in 1566, three years after the end of the Council of Trent, taught that the power of life and death had been entrusted by God to civil authorities and that the use of this power, far from involving the crime of murder, is an act of paramount obedience to the fifth commandment.
There is a power of life and growth, of healing and reconciliation, present to all humanity, indeed, in all things.
In the UK honor is no longer a life style, especially in those who wield the power of life or death over it's citizens.
A government with the power of life and death over its citizens is the real abomination, regardless of whatever Bronze Age tribal scriptures have to say on the subject.
The feast and celebration gives the people the spirit, vitality and power of life.
They were conscious of living in the presence and power of the living God; in immediate contact with deep and permanent springs of life in the unseen world.
Candace's newly - released book, Kind is the New Classy: The Power of Living Graciously, reveals the thought patterns and practices that have empowered her to flourish with grace, integrity, and excellence.
If we are afraid of cooperation with Marxists or people of other faiths because the existence of the church is thereby threatened we are of little faith, for then we do not believe in the power of the living God, but we judge instead by human standards.
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