Sentences with phrase «power of the platform»

I'm reminded of two realities most forcefully when reading it, firstly that while digital unleashes greater freedom to create and make content of all kinds available, thus empowering the creator relative to the middlemen and women of the previous era, it also (in its current guise by power of platform) shackles them to the power of another middle - person (for books, mostly Amazon) AND makes a sustainable career even less likely because of the huge increase of content such freedom unleashes.
With 1.86 billion active monthly users on Facebook, 313 million on Twitter, and 1.2 billion on WhatsApp, and 160 million daily active users on Snapchat, the connective power of platforms is only growing.
Products like Net Yaroze show a dedication to the craft and customers are welcome to poke around within the established walled garden, but as soon as there's a security risk to the full power of the platform... well, I'm sure you remember how the PS3 once included a built - in method to run low - power Linux development tools.
Now, Killing Floor 2 is finally making its first steps out of Steam Early Access with a simultaneous launch on PlayStation 4 (Pro Enhanced) and PC, taking advantage of the added power of both platforms.
That's the true power of this platform,» said Bob Rowe, CEO of Integreon.
The power of platforms is explained in a new book,, by Geoffrey Parker, Marshall Van Alstyne, and Sangeet Choudary.
(See The Primacy of the Platform and What the Power of the Platform Means for Your Company.)
The power of platforms is explained in a new book, Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You, by Geoffrey Parker, Marshall Van Alstyne, and Sangeet Choudary.
(See How Ridescout Demonstrates the Power of the Platform) You make the investments and do the hard work of building it once, it's used by many who couldn't justify the time or investment to do it themselves, and you take the money to the bank.
«We were impressed by the power of the platform,» says SeatGeek co-founder Jack Groetzinger.
«News feed changes do not impair the power of the platform,» Andy Hargreaves, an analyst at KeyBanc Capital Markets, wrote in a note to clients.
That last point may provide some comfort to those who are afraid Facebook will abuse the power of its platform.
The power of our platform is that we offer one interface for merchants to sell anywhere and everywhere.
«Technologists have long recognized the power of platform approaches to information and technology architecture.
«We have been very impressed working with Trusted Key on the power of their platform around identity proofing and the creation of a secure digital identity that can be re-used by all of our healthcare partners with validation on the blockchain,» said Kurt Lieber, Chairman of the NH - ISAC Identity and Authentication Working Group.
It would also entail data purging to curb the power of the platforms over our data.
Some of the popular courses include The Power of Platforms and Rising to the Occasion: 101 Uses for the Common Step Stool.
Plus, we talk with Adriel Hampton about community organizing and the power of APIs to extend the power of platforms like NationBuilder.
Platform peddlers point to Lawson's best selling book, Let's Pretend This Never Happened (Putnam) as an example of the power of a platform, but it's really an example of celebrity influence.
The Power of Platforms Digital platforms provide the reading environment in which content is consumed.
Ever since Wattpad started offering readers and writers a place to share and engage in digital storytelling, we knew we wanted to share the power of the platform with them.
How can we maximize the developers happiness without reducing this diversity of voices, without surrendering to a «survival of the fittest logic», nor increase the power of platform capitalists?
While there isn't a ton of gameplay in the traditional sense, it's an amazing visual showcase that demonstrates the power of the platform.
Previous participants in New Contemporaries include Turner Prize - winner Laure Prouvost, Mona Hatoum (the subject of a show at Tate Modern next year), and Academicians Tacita Dean RA and Mike Nelson RA Elect which illustrates the power of this platform in discovering the best emerging artists from UK art schools.
Even if you don't have Google's access to world changing system engineers and developers, the legal tech world is learning the power of platforms and dashboards to display the data lawyers need to see.
Is the Cambridge Analytica story a signal that we should be more broadly concerned about the power of these platforms and what they are doing with our data?
The UWP version shares common code with the Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, and HoloLens version of the app, showcasing the power of the platform.
This is something quite revolutionary, as the power of the platform is indeed in the hands of the community, and it is their ideas, dreams, and talent that will help build Expanse over time.
While Twitter is certainly a useful platform for perusing pictures of your nieces and nephews and trading drinking stories with your college roommates, the power of the platform for connecting those with common career paths and skillsets is invaluable when utilized to help locate, apply and even obtain an offer for a career - making position.
What most people are unaware of, however, is the power of the platform itself.
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