Sentences with phrase «power of the press»

Legal Internet Marketing Blog The Power of Press Releases for Legal Internet Marketing September 3, 2010 by Susan L. Sipe «Neglecting to write and submit press releases about your law firm is a great way to miss out on a perfect opportunity.
It is hard to deny Eisenstein's basic point: that Protestantism was the first religious movement to take full advantage of the new powers of the press.
And he or she has also harmed everyone who uses the citizens» power of the press for book promotion, or to become part of the newsmaking universe for any other reason.
We do not believe politicians as we used to, we do not believe the media, and whereas we believe each other» Thanking you Your's sincerely M.S.MOHAMED ANSARI Pragmatism has now fallen foul of the continuing power of the press.
Protestantism was the first religious movement to take full advantage of the new powers of the press.
But the power of the press means that stories will capture your attention.
To their credit, a few members of the journalistic imperium protested the Seattle Times» raw use of the power of the press to impose such grave punishment without due process of the law.
The power of the press is in its ability to destroy and distort.
This, he believes, is what the Supreme Court does when it describes, in general terms, «what manner of invasion of the powers of the press would so constrict the flow of information to the public as to leave the public unable intelligently to decide whether to overturn [any particular] limitation of the press by further legislation.»
Does it matter if the power of the press, in particular, is diminished?»
Given that continuing dependence TV in many countries why does the power of the press still matter?
An encore August, 2016 In Conversation with WAMC»S Alan Chartock and Lincoln Scholar Harold Holzer on his book Lincoln and the Power of the Press.
[287] There was also concerns amongst journalists that new regulations would be enacted as a means of reining in the press — «an attack on the power of the press itself» — rather than more effective self - regulation and ensuring a stricter enforcement of existing legislation to deter the use of phone hacking, breaches of privacy laws and bribery of public officials.
Roy Greenslade: Claims that falling circulations have undermined the power of the press do not stand up to scrutiny
Kirkwood traverses questions of the internet and reader competency, of information and misinformation, and the power of the press to stifle science with attractive but deadly lies.
And in an age when the power of the press is under merciless attack, it feels like a necessary and urgent story to tell.
Don't miss this crackling — and deeply important — film about the power of the press.
• «The Post»: A concisely crafted tribute to the printed word, newspapers, their reporters and the power of the press.
Tom Hanks stars as Post editor Ben Bradlee, and Meryl Streep plays publisher Katherine Graham, in what's sure to be one of the big prestige movies of the season, and second this fall (after the Liam Neeson - starring «Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down The White House») to focus on the power of the press amid presidential scandal.
This year, she — along with Spielberg and Hanks — return with a pointed and timely drama, The Post, about the power of the press to counter lies emanating from the White House.
Challenges: Some might feel it lacks the «Important with a Capital I» - ness of among films that tackle war, race relations, the power of the press, etc..
The film serves as a tribute to the power of the press, as well as a warning sign for...
The film serves as a tribute to the power of the press, as well as a warning sign for the future of journalism in the public interest.
Of course, there is Orson Welles «Citizen Kane» (1941) about the power of the press in a political campaign.
Despite all its historical baggage, the movie could be boiled down to Kay's arc, the power of the press merging with her power and authority as an executive.
The story starts in the Progressive Era (1890 — 1920), when an educational crisis was identified by a group of muckraking journalists, who used the power of the press to expose what they saw as a corrupt, nepotistic, and highly inefficient patchwork of schooling.
That's been a huge boon for those of us who are involved in book promotion campaigns, because it's meant that any author, publisher, or book publicist can generate book publicity by flexing that power of the press and using it to do good.
It's distressing, and I hope this individual — and any others who think it's amusing to use the citizens» power of the press to hurt others — is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The World Wide Web has given us all the power of the press, in a sense.
Never underestimate the power of the press release.
This leads back to the problem with clever stories behind so - so art and the power of the press release.
Edmund Burke (1729 — 1797) also identified the power of the Press when he said,
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