Sentences with phrase «power over the other person»

But your right I'm sure this has been going on since the first man put on a robe and claimed spiritual power over other people 1000's of years ago.
The two — love and controlling power over the other person — are mutually exclusive.
Subsequently they too became a colonial power over other peoples.
He can further use the office in various ways to acquire special status or achieve power over other people.
So if that boy or girl feels that they have more power over the other person, they are going to use that to their advantage if they feel that they are being threatened.
Whether this means exercising control over their emotions or trying to exert power over other people, we're now waking up to the damage this flawed life - lesson inflicts upon young men.

Not exact matches

In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg describes keystone habits as, «small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives.»
This distraction is usually due to team members jockeying for power or one person's ego taking precedence over others», rather than keeping the focus on the common good.
«Facebook has taken a conciliatory tone in terms of coming to terms with its power over advertising and how people interact and engage with each other,» said Debra Williamson, an analyst with research firm eMarketer.
Jesus will wipe away all tears, but he will be very angry at those who rejected Him and intentionally caused all the tears because they craved power over others, wealth beyond a lifetime's use and did not believe they'd ever go to their graves as other than respected people who at the end created charities and got hospitals and universities named after them.
But the dollars at least are used to purchase goods, rather than to persuade those in power to hand over other people's money so that I can get what I want.
Naming / defining is an exercise of power over others, so perhaps naming other persons made in the Divine image, with the potential to become godlike, by labeling them «believers» or «unbelievers» is a failure to see all people as God sees them, children of the one true God.
as in it should have been «Over time, I learned first - hand that power deafens me and corrupts the value of other people
I often wonder if churches attract bullies or if people who get into a position of power in churches find it's easy to use their position to lord it over others and even bully them.
It came from early church leaders who wanted to exert their power, authority, and control over other people.
In population control, euthanasia, abortion, and eugenics, the human person is treated as an object or product to be used or eliminated according to the purposes of those who have power over others.
Obviously that millions of innocent people died because simple - minded men are in power and yield control over groups of other simple - minded men who do their bidding... see Hitler and the Nazis, Stalin and the Soviet police, etc...
The novel is a brilliant demonstration of the power of language to define groups, to warp character, and to empower some people over others.
«While all the versions of the kingdom of the world acquire and exercise power over others, the kingdom of God, incarnated and modeled in the person of Jesus Christ, advances only by exercising power under others.
I've heard these very things said by those who are on the other end of the people who use religion and politics to enrich themselves, give them power and authority over their fellow human beings and draw attention to themselves rather than to God.
This scripture does nt conflict in these verses we see the truth exposed as God allows satan to have limited power over his people to test them as in the story of Job.So was it God who tested job by allowing satan to bring trails upon him.Or was it satan who was the one testing him.Both are involved but the motivations are completely different Gods purposes are to build up his people.Satan on the other hand wants to destroy there is this conflict at work all the time.brentnz
Political power is damned rather than the person who exercises it; more precisely, the person is also condemned because of his power over others, but not in himself.
Wish I was given some kind of special power like to fly (lol) or heal the world, diseases, and people, cause I prayed over my fiance, girl friends, many friends, family, those I volunteer to help with, and hundreds of others and they all still passed on.
Mary Magdalene, once possessed by seven demons, became the first witness of Christ's resurrection from the dead, and the first person in history to tell others the full and complete message of Christ's power over sin and death.
People like Miller and Gilgoff are uncomfortable with ambiguity or difference - precisely because they want fascistic control over the thoughts of others - which leads me to believe they want the power or control that goes with ACTIVE SUFFOCATION of difference or diversity, which leads me, again, to align them with fascistic ideology...
To see other people rating you by your monetary worth is one thing, but when you think god is doing the same thing and has power over your soul, it's a whole nother deal.
Regardless of the faith, I feel that religion for many people is about personal power over others, and this corrupts the whole reason people go at all.
It is not directed against any other persons as such, but at a particular role typification which is never, thank God, wholly incarnated, but which, to the degree that it is internalized as the professional superego, exercises demonic compulsive power over the self.
«the baptism of John was a call to Jews to return to true and proper Judaism, where people were generous with their money, honest in their business dealings, and gracious in their use of power over others (Luke 3:10 - 14).»
But our stereotypes of others don't have as much power over us when we're in relationship with people who represent various cultures, customs and histories.
Too many people want to be parented and therefore allow other people to have power over them in church, relationships and business.
I am no Scholar but, I believe God has the power to change prophecy the way that he did with Hezekiah, his intentions for a perfect people in the beginning changed due to disobedience so who's to say our men or intended leadership has overall been disobedient, and many women have been forced to lead and in that leading women have been more obedient.We all need each other if my husband was a pastor and I'm his help mate if he for some reason can't teach or preach who else other than myself would be the closest to him.I don't believe GOD changes he's always the same but, he does have the power to make changes and he does not need our permission to do so, instead of debating back and forth over our version of the Bible we should be sure we have the Holy Spirit and real relationship with GOD because he will reveal to us his truths but, please know he's not the author of confusion
If he understands the Christ as the Word, truly liberating and victorious over the powers that separate and estrange persons from each other and from God, he has a source to retrieve.
That's because although institutions are made up of people, they allocate power or benefits or influence to certain people over others.
The Lord revealed that the problem was with my heart it is so wicked and deceptive i still believed that i was a good person i did nt drink or take drugs smoke or swear i wasnt violent i had some hangups but kept them to myself but this wicked thought was the reason why i couldnt get free.That was enough for the enemy to bring guilt and condemnation upon me.So when i confessed that my heart was indeed wicked and that i needed a new heart.I was instantly delivered and set free from the past and have not looked back though i am sometimes reminded by others for what i did wrong.It no longer has power over me.I believe we all struggle with two areas as christians we must confess our sin and we must confess our pride for without him we can do nothing.May the Lord show you what it is that is blocking you from receiving his love and forgiveness the issue will be found in your heart ask the Lord to reveal it for what it is.We do nt like to see the truth its ugly and i am sorry if this offends you it wasnt my intention.May he set you free as he has done for me.regards brentnz
The United Nations defines modern slavery, or human trafficking, thus: «the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
Now when [many] others came in crowds about him, for they were very greatly moved [or pleased] by hearing his words, Herod, who feared lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready to do any thing he should advise,) thought it best, by putting him to death, to prevent any mi - schief he might cause, and not bring himself into difficulties, by sp - aring a man who might make him rep - ent of it when it would be too late.
Remember Professor Roache's observation that «when someone has concrete power over your life... your identity becomes bound up in other people's expectation of you — and that is the definition of alienation.»
For most people, power probably suggests power over others, the ability to command, to control others, and maybe to have the satisfaction of seeing them obey.
Some people just want to be offended so they feel like they have some power over others.
In other news, our team seems to be rounding nicely into form, with a productive off - season and several new additions already settling in, there seems to be a renewed sense of confidence in the air... our well - oiled machine has conducted business again early this year, so we can just sit back, kick our feet up and watch all those other suckers scramble to make panic moves in the 11th hour... of course, we need to tie up a few loose ends but our team of savvy negotiators, under the tutelage of our faithful leader, will perform their usual magic with ample time to spare... I have to laugh when I look around the soccer world and see all those teams look upon us with envy and scorn as they struggle to mimic our seemingly infallible business model... thank goodness the powers that be had the foresight and fortitude to resist the temptations of the modern football era... instead of listening to all the experts and simply taking the easy way out by making the necessary improvements on the field and in the front office, we chose the path never traveled... we are truly pioneers in our field... sometimes you just have to have faith in the people that have always conducted themselves in a respectful and honest fashion... most fans aren't so fortunate, they will never know what it's like to follow a team that treats everyone in and around the club as if they were an extended member of the family... all for one I say... so when you wake up this morning, please try not to gloat when you see rival fans pacing back and forth waiting for their respective teams to pull the usual panic buys, just say nothing and be thankful that it isn't you... like I've always said, this is why you stay the course... this is when the real benefits of having someone in charge for over 2 decades really pays off... have a great day fellow Gunners
In this prestigious volunteer position Donna will lead over 100,000 credentialed practitioners including registered dietitian nutritionists, dietetic technicians, registered, and other dietetics professionals, into the second century of the Academy — focused on a global vision of «A world where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition.»
Not being a parent myself, I am not exactly an expert of any kind, but I still feel like any relationship where one person clearly needs to exert some kind of control and power over the other in order to keep things going is NEVER GOING TO GO WELL.
And please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying we shouldn't check corruption, but if we come to office and to power — I've been preaching for 40 years in this country and I've seen governments come and go, from CPP, my father's government, and NDC and NPP, they are here, I've seen them over the 40 years — and this thing where we come into office with vindictiveness and bitterness because of the way we've been mishandled and mistreated, and we target people to go after them, settle scores, I pray that during the reign of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo - Addo, because of the fight and the betrayals and the suffering and the pain he went through to become president, he will not allow his presidency to be used by people who have problems with others and their opponents to settle scores, but that during his watch and his reign, that vicious cycle would be broken in the name of Jesus; that every Ghanaian, irrespective of your political party, if you're doing the right thing, you'll prosper», the founder of Action Chapel International (ACI) told his congregation on Sunday, 22 April.
A classic psychology experiment shows that other people exert more power over us than we'd like to believe.
In other words, relinquishing power over oneself appears to thwart overthinking and «liberate» people for more authentic relationships.
As we know, the British Royal family has a rich and storied history of coming into other people's countries and telling them how to live, so it comes as little surprise that they would try to impose a dress code on a group over which they have no power.
Over time, they grow fond of each other, despite or because of the lopsided power dynamic in their relationship, but they must overcome the most eligible bachelor Gaston (Luke Evans, the only person having any fun here) and a town full of fearful villagers who would rather see the beast's head on the wall at the local tavern.
The power to «friend» and «unfriend,» to draw groups which include and exclude, is a difficult thing to resist, online or off, for people who have very little power over any other part of their lives.
Probably the most unsettling thing about being human is living with things over which you seem to have no power, like sickness, natural disasters and even other people's attitudes.
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